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File metadata and controls

163 lines (118 loc) · 6.79 KB



  1. Catalogs part 1
  2. Catalogs part 2

Maven users

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Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "org.sistcoop:openfact-java-client:${version}"

Getting Started

Please add the needed dependencies and execute the following Java code:

public class ComprobantesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String openfactUrl = "http://openfacturl";
        String tokenServerUrl = "http://securityserverutl";
        String refreshToken = "mirefreshtoken";

        TokenManager tokenManager = OpenfactClientFactory.getTokenManager("openfact-web-console", tokenServerUrl, refreshToken);
        DocumentsService service = OpenfactClientFactory.getDocumentsService(openfactUrl, tokenManager);
        OrganizationClient client = new OrganizationClient("miempresa", service);

        DocumentResponseRepresentation invoice = client.createInvoiceAndParseAsEntity(getInvoice(), true);
        System.out.println("Document created:" + invoice.getDocumentId());
    public static DocumentRequestRepresentation getInvoice() {
        DocumentRequestRepresentation invoice = new DocumentRequestRepresentation();

        invoice.setFechaDeEmision(new Date());

        invoice.setTipo("01"); // Tipo de Documento (Boleta/factura)
        invoice.setEntidadDenominacion("Juan Perez"); // Nombre del cliente
        invoice.setEntidadEmail(""); // Email del cliente
        invoice.setEntidadNumeroDeDocumento("10254125878"); // Numero de documento del cliente (RUC/DNI)
        invoice.setEntidadTipoDeDocumento("6"); // Tipo de Documento del cliente (RUC/DNI)
        invoice.setIgv(new BigDecimal(18)); // IGV Aplicado a la operacion expresada en porcentaje 18%
        invoice.setMoneda("PEN"); // Moneda nacional
        invoice.setObservaciones("Mis observaciones");

        invoice.setOperacionGratuita(false); // Si la operacion es gratuita

        invoice.setTotalGravada(new BigDecimal(120_100));

        invoice.setTotal(new BigDecimal(141_718));
        invoice.setTotalIgv(new BigDecimal(21_618));
        invoice.setTotalOtrosCargos(BigDecimal.ZERO); // Otros cargos aplicados
        invoice.setDescuentoGlobal(BigDecimal.ZERO); // Descuentos aplicados

        // Detalle de la factura
        List<LineRepresentation> lines = new ArrayList<>();
        LineRepresentation line1 = new LineRepresentation();
        LineRepresentation line2 = new LineRepresentation();

        line1.setCantidad(new BigDecimal(2));
        line1.setDescripcion("Carro Toyota ultimo modelo");
        line1.setTipoDeIgv("10"); // Codigo de operacion (Gravado - Operacion Onerosa)
        line1.setValorUnitario(new BigDecimal(60_000)); // Precio unitario sin igv
        line1.setIgv(new BigDecimal(21_600)); // Igv aplicado al item
        line1.setPrecioUnitario(new BigDecimal(70_800)); // Precio unitario con igv
        line1.setSubtotal(new BigDecimal(120_000)); // Subtotal sin igv
        line1.setTotal(new BigDecimal(141_600)); // Subtotal con igv

        line2.setCantidad(new BigDecimal(1));
        line2.setDescripcion("Llanta doble filo original");
        line2.setTipoDeIgv("10"); // Codigo de operacion (Gravado - Operacion Onerosa)
        line2.setValorUnitario(new BigDecimal(100)); // Precio unitario sin igv
        line2.setIgv(new BigDecimal(18)); // Igv aplicado al item
        line2.setPrecioUnitario(new BigDecimal(118)); // Precio unitario con igv
        line2.setSubtotal(new BigDecimal(100)); // Subtotal sin igv
        line2.setTotal(new BigDecimal(118)); // Subtotal con igv

        // Return result
        return invoice;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/api

Class Method HTTP request Description
ComprobantesApi createCreditNote POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/credit-notes Crear Nota de Crédito
ComprobantesApi createDebitNote POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/debit-notes Crear Nota de Débito
ComprobantesApi createInvoice POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/invoices Crear boleta/factura
ComprobantesApi createPerception POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/perceptions Crear Percepción
ComprobantesApi createRetention POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/retentions Crear Retención
ComprobantesApi createVoidedDocument POST /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/voided-documents Crear VoidedDocument
ComprobantesApi getCdr GET /admin/organizations/{organization}/sunat/documents/{id}/cdr
ComprobantesApi getDocumentById GET /admin/organizations/{organization}/documents/{id} Obtener comprobante

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of OrganizationClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

More info

All the information you can find here come from our swagger repository:
