- Title: GitHub
- Documentation: https://openfga.dev/docs/modeling/advanced/github
- Playground: https://play.fga.dev/sandbox/?store=github
This model is based on GitHub's permission model according to their documentation.
- Users can be admins, maintainers, writers, triagers or readers of repositories (each level inherits all access of the level lower than it. e.g. admins inherit maintainer access and so forth)
- Teams can have members
- Organizations can have members
- Organizations can own repositories
- Users can have repository admin access on organizations, and thus have admin access to all repositories owned by that organization
There are users, organizations, teams, and repositories
- There are five users: Anne, Beth, Charles, Diane, and Erik
- There is an OpenFGA organization that owns the openfga/openfga repository
- There is an openfga/core team and an openfga/backend team
- Members of the openfga/backend team are members of the openfga/core team
- Members of the openfga/core team are admins of the openfga/openfga repository
- Erik is a member of the OpenFGA organization
- Diane is a member of the openfga/backend team
- Charles is a member of the openfga/core team
- Anne is a reader of the openfga/openfga repository
- Beth is a writer on the openfga/openfga repository
- The OpenFGA organization has been configured with the "repository admin" base permission, which means all the organization members have the admin role on all the repositories the organization owns
- Anne is a reader of the openfga/openfga repository
- Anne is not a triager on the openfga/openfga repository
- Diane is an admin on the openfga/openfga repository
- Erik is a reader of the openfga/openfga repository
- Charles is a writer on the openfga/openfga repository
- Beth is not an admin on the openfga/openfga repository
# We are using the 1.1 schema with type restrictions
schema 1.1
# There are users
type user
# There are organizations
type organization
# Organizations can have users who own them
define owner: [user]
# Organizations can have members (any owner of the organization is automatically a member)
define member: [user] or owner
# Organizations have a set of base permissions, such as repository admin, writer, and reader
define repo_admin: [user, organization#member]
define repo_reader: [user, organization#member]
define repo_writer: [user, organization#member]
# There are teams
type team
# teams have members
define member: [user, team#member]
# There are repositories
type repo
# Repositories have organizations that own them
define owner: [organization]
# Repositories have admins, they can be assigned or inherited (anyone who has the repository admin role on the owner organization is an owner on the repo)
define admin: [user, team#member] or repo_admin from owner
# Maintainers on a repo are anyone who is directly assigned or anyone who is an owner of the repo
define maintainer: [user, team#member] or admin
# Repo writers are users who are directly assigned, anyone who is a maintainer, or anyone who has the repository writer role on the owner organization
define writer: [user, team#member] or maintainer or repo_writer from owner
# Triagers on a repo are anyone who is directly assigned or anyone who is a writer on the repo
define triager: [user, team#member] or writer
# Repo readers are users who are directly assigned, anyone who is a triager or anyone who has the repository reader role on the owner organization
define reader: [user, team#member] or triager or repo_reader from owner
See the tuples and tests in the store.yaml file.
Make sure you have the FGA CLI
In the
directory, runfga model test --tests store.yaml