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openFrameworks Coding style guidelines

danomatika edited this page Feb 25, 2012 · 22 revisions

##The openFrameworks code style, modeled after the Qt style


  • Use tabs for indentation and set your tab width to 4 space. Keep in mind the Github source code viewer uses a tab width of 8 spaces.

  • No variable and comment alignment since this is dependent on tab width

       // Wrong
      int    height;      // Comment A
      float  scaleFactor; // Comment B
      string name;        // Comment C
       // Correct
      int height; // Comment A
      float scaleFactor; // Comment B
      string name; // Comment C
  • Indent blocks inside preprocessor definitions

      // Wrong
      #ifdef WIN32
      #define IS_WIN32
      // Correct
      #ifdef WIN32
          #define IS_WIN32
  • The public, protected, and private keywords should be indented inside the class with the function declarations indented as well.

      // Wrong
      class myClass {
          void aFunction();
      // Correct
      class myClass {
              void aFunction();

###Declaring variables

  • Declare each variable on a separate line

  • Avoid short (e.g. a, rbarr, nughdeget) names whenever possible

  • Single character variable names are only okay for counters and temporaries, where the purpose of the variable is obvious

  • Wait when declaring a variable until it is needed

       // Wrong
      int a, b;
      char * c, * d;
       // Correct
      int height;
      int width;
      char * nameOfThis;
      char * nameOfThat;
  • Variables and functions start with a lower-case letter. Each consecutive word in a variable’s name starts with an upper-case letter (camel case).

      // Wrong
      int thisisanimportantinteger;
      // Correct
      int thisIsAnImportantInteger;
  • Avoid abbreviations

       // Wrong
      short Cntr;
      char ITEM_DELIM = '\t';
       // Correct
      short counter;
      char itemDelimiter = '\t';
  • Classes NEVER start with an upper-case letter. This shouldn't be a problem as everything starts with an "of".


  • Use blank lines to group statements together where suited

  • Always use only one blank line

  • Never use spaces if there's parentheses between a keyword and a curly brace.

      // Wrong
      if (foo) {
          // do something
      for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
          // do something
      // Correct
      if(foo) {
          // do something
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
          // do something
  • For pointers or references, always use a single space between the type and * or &, and a space between the * or & and the variable name.

      // Wrong
      char* x;
      const QString &myString;
      const char* const y = "hello";
      // Correct
      char * x;
      const QString & myString;
      const char * const y = "hello";
  • Surround binary operators with spaces

      // Wrong
      int a = b+c;
      // Correct
      int a = b + c;
  • No space after a cast

       // Wrong
      char* blockOfMemory = (char* ) malloc(data.size());
       // Correct
      char * blockOfMemory = (char *)(malloc(data.size()));


  • As a base rule, the left curly brace goes on the same line as the start of the statement. Do this with function implementations and class declarations. No Exceptions

       // Wrong
      if (codec)
          // do something
      // Correct
      if(codec) {
          // do something
      // Wrong
      static void foo(int g)
          qDebug("foo: %i", g);
      // Correct
      static void foo(int g) {
          qDebug("foo: %i", g);
      // Wrong
      class Moo
              // stuff
      // Correct
      class Moo {
              // stuff
  • Always use curly braces for all conditional statements and single line statements.

      // Wrong
      if (address.isEmpty())
      	return false;
      // Correct
      if(address.isEmpty()) {
      	return false;
      // Wrong
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      	qDebug("%i", i);     
       // Correct
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
      	qDebug("%i", i);


  • Use parentheses to group expressions:

       // Wrong
      if(a && b || c) {
          // do something
       // Correct
      if((a && b) || c) {
          // do something
       // Wrong
      int d = a + b / c;
       // Correct
      int d = (a + b) / c;

###Switch statements

  • The case labels are indented from the switch statement

  • Every case must have a break (or return) statement at the end or a comment to indicate that there’s intentionally no break, unless another case follows immediately.

      switch(myEnum) {
          case Value1:
          case Value2:
          case Value3:
              // fall through

###Line breaks

  • Keep lines shorter than 100 characters; insert breaks if necessary.

  • Braces go at the end of a broken line; operators start at the beginning of the new line. An operator at the end of the line is easy to not see if your editor is too narrow. Indent each line one indent inside the conditional statement

       // Wrong
      if (longExpression +
      	otherLongExpression +
      	otherOtherLongExpression) {
      	// do something
       // Correct
          + otherLongExpression
      	+ otherOtherLongExpression) {
          // do something


  • Comments have a space after the '//'

      // Wrong
      //this is a comment
      // Correct
      // this is a comment   
  • Do not use multi-line comments. Yes, they save time, but make it a pain to comment out large sections of code when debugging.

      // Wrong
          This is
          a multiline comment.
       // Correct
       // Yo.
       // This is
       // a multiline comment.
       // Peace.

##Important OF-specific considerations

###Clear vs Clever We prefer clear code to clever code - ideally it can be both.


  • Clearer code is better than explaining comments.
  • Avoid redundancy; comment on the "why", not the "what".
  • If code is changed, keep the comments up-to-date.
  • Guidelines on Doxygen/automated comments are still pending.


  • Never use printf or cout, use ofLog.

  • Warnings, Errors, FatalErrors, and Verbose log level messages must have the name of the calling module (basically class name) in their header. This way users have more info as to where the issue may be happening.

      // ie inside ofImage.cpp
      // Wrong
      ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "couldn't load image");
      // Correct
      ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofImage: couldn't load image"); 
  • Notice level messages may or may not have the module header, depending on usage. Use your best judgement.

###Ternary operators Don't use ternary operators (i.e. result = a > b ? x : y;). This is only clear to super nerds. Are you a super nerd?

###While loops Don't use while loops if possible.

###Iterators vs for loops Use for loops for simple cases and iterators for more complex iteration.

###C arrays vs vectors Use vectors unless there is a strong reason not to.

###Const correct / adding const We currently prefer not to have const added to old code. If adding it to new code, do it where it makes sense.

###Initialization lists We don't do this in the core. If you need it for initializing a reference then use it but otherwise do your initialization in the constructor.

###Initialization member variables

  • Always initialize variables with sensible starting values in the class constructor.
  • Pointers should be initialized to NULL.

###Assert Please don't use assert. We will find you and and make you pay! :)

###Exceptions Please don't use exceptions. Print a warning or an error and clean things up instead. If you are using a library that uses exceptions, make sure to catch and print the errors so excepetions are not thrown in user code.

###Constructors that take arguments

  • Only do this if there is another way to set the starting params of a class.
  • We prefer setup or load functions for larger classes.
  • For classes like ofPoint constructor args make sense but also provide a set() method which does the same thing.

###//TODO: Please use //TODO: comments if you find something that needs fixing later. eg: //TODO: fix this as its not returning a value.

###Class method order

  • We try and order the methods and member variables in the header file in the order that they should be used, and from least-technical to most-technical. For example:

    • constructor / destructor
    • initialization and setup related functions
    • core functionality
    • operator overloading
    • member variables
  • This ordering also applies to non-class headers. For example, an overloaded function taking drawStuff(int x, int y) should precede drawStuff(ofPoint& point) function.

###Naming conventions

  • We use the 'of' prefix for global functions, and class names. eg ofImage, ofSetColor, etc.

  • We use non of prefix for class methods eg: ofImage::draw() instead of ofImage::ofDraw.

  • Methods that modify their object are named like ofColor::normalize(), while methods that return a copy are named like ofColor::getNormalized.

  • Most importantly - please look at how other similar things in oF are named, e.g. if ofGetSomething, ofEnableSomething, ofDisableSomething are used. Use your judgment to name things in a way that will be intuitive to others (not just yourself) based on the current oF API.

###Member variable accessibility

  • There should be no public member variables except in very small data passing classes/structs. Write getters/setters for access.
  • Make variables protected for classes that are designed to be inherited. Use your best judgement here and try to expose only those variables which can't mess up the internal workings of the class easily.
  • Make all other variables private and add getters/setters where applicable.


  • If a function or method returns or takes as input an entry from a selection of options, use an enum instead of int. Make sure the function or method parameter is set to be of the enumtype and not int.

  • If the enum is tightly tied to a particular class, declare the enum inside the class instead of repeating the class name in the enum name

      // We don't do this:
      define OF_IMAGE_QUALITY_BEST 0
      define OF_IMAGE_QUALITY_LOW 1
         void setQuality(int quality);
      // We do this:
      enum ofImageQualityType{
        void setQuality(ofImageQualityType qualityType);    // use this
      void testApp::setup(){

##Finally - Important Considerations For Contributing Code.

  • Please test all the code you are submitting and all the use cases of it.

  • Include a complete list of changes in your pull request.

  • Always look at the diff tab of the pull request and check that nothing was unintentionally submitted.

    • A good practice is to add your changes using the --patch (or -p) option which lets you go change by change and decide what to do with those (add/ignore/edit). This way you do a final review before adding the changes which is good to prevent undesired/forgotten changes: git add -p
  • Never do git add *. Always add new files one at a time

  • Don't mix formatting / code cleanup commits with commits for bugs and/or features. They will be rejected as it makes it very difficult to see actual api changes.

  • Have the code you write insert into the api as seamlessly as possible. If in doubt match the style / naming conventions of what is already there. Be a code ninja! Leave no trace :)

For the record: Major modifications to the Qt style

  • Removed "Q" class-name prefix, as it makes no sense for oF.
  • Curley Braces always open on the same line as statement, method, class.
  • No capitalization of class names.
  • Dropped the item "Inheritance and the virtual keyword"