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TEAM Engine Tutorial

Author: Luis Bermudez, Richard Martell, Chris Coppock, Gobe Hobona
Version: 5.4
Date: January 28, 2021

The Test, Evaluation, And Measurement (TEAM) Engine (TE) is a test harness that executes test suites written using the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Compliance Test Language (CTL) test grammar or the TestNG framework. It is typically used to verify specification compliance and is the official test harness of the OGC Compliance Testing Program (CITE), where it is used to certify implementations of OGC and ISO geomatics standards.

OGC hosts an official stable deployment of TEAM Engine with the approved test suites at:

OGC hosts a Beta TEAM Engine with the tests in Beta and with new TEAM Engine functionality:

This is the long tutorial. A short tutorial is available here.

The license for TEAM Engine is Apache 2.0.

Skip this section if you already have Java, Maven, Git and Apache installed.

In order to build Team Engine and the OGC tests you will need the following software:

  • Java 17: Download the Java Development Kit (JDK) 17. OpenJDK is recommended.
  • Maven: Download Maven version 3.9.
  • Git: Download Git SCM.
  • Apache Tomcat 10.1: Download Apache Tomcat version 10.1.

The following sections provide information about how to configure Java, Maven, Git, Tomcat and setup environmental variables

  1. Browse to the downloaded file location and locate the installation file
  2. Execute installation file from download location on the local workstation
  3. Complete the installation with the default options selected, click 'yes', then click 'next' twice
  4. On Microsoft Windows, the JDK and JRE will install to 'C:Program FilesJavajdk1.17.0' and 'C:Program FilesJavajre17' respectively.
  5. Click 'Finish' to complete the installation and close the installer.
  1. Browse to the downloaded file location and locate the Maven zip archive file
  2. Open the zip archived 'apache-maven-3.2.2' file folder by double-clicking zip file
  3. Right click on the folder that is presented in Windows Explorer, and select the 'copy' option in the dropdown menu.
  4. Open a second Windows explorer folder window, browse to 'C:Program Files', right click within the file folder in any blank space, and then select the 'paste' option in order to paste the folder into this location.
  5. Click 'continue' on any security prompts
  6. Finish the file transfer process and close the zip folder and second windows explorer folder window.
  1. Browse to the download location and locate the installation executable file.
  2. Execute installation file from the download location.
  3. As security warnings prompt the user, click 'Run' to accept.
  4. Accept any UAC warnings by clicking 'Yes'.
  5. Click 'Next' twice.
  6. Click 'Next' to install to the default location. On Microsoft Windows, it is (C:Program Files (x86)Git).
  7. Review the select components panel and click next to accept the defaults
  8. Click 'Next' to set the start menu folder option as "Git" (the default location).
  9. During installation process, when presented with the window labeled 'Adjusting your PATH environment' select the option to "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt".
  10. Click 'Next' to select "Checkout windows-style, commit UNIX-style line endings" option (the default option).
  11. Once the installation is completed, de-select the 'view ReleaseNotes.rtf' option and then click 'Finish' to close the installer.
  1. Browse to the download location and locate the Apache Tomcat Zip archive file.
  2. Extract file folder by double-clicking on the zip file and right click on the folder that is presented in Windows Explorer, and selecting the 'copy' option in the dropdown menu.
  3. Open a second Windows Explorer File Folder window, browse to 'C:' and past the folder into this directory location.
  4. Finish the file transfer and close the zip folder.
  1. Click on the Windows 'Start' button,, right-click on 'Computer' and select the 'Properties' option. Select the 'Advanced System Settings' option in the left-side panel of the presented window.

  2. Within the 'System Properties' window, select the 'Advanced' tab and click on the 'Environment Variables' button.

  3. Select the "PATH" variable within the list by clicking on it, then select the 'Edit...' button.

  4. Within the 'Edit System Variable' window, add the full path of the JDK directory, JRE directory, and Maven directory to the end of the existing contents of the PATH variable value. Note: Please ensure that the end of the list and new additions are separated via a semi-colon. (For example: ...;Variable_a;..)

  5. The program paths for these installed software programs, should be added to the path:

    • ;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.17.0;
    • ;C:Program FilesJavajre17;
    • ;C:Program Filesapache-maven-3.2.2bin;

    (Verify that the environment variable paths for Git are already installed)

  6. Select the 'OK' button within the 'Edit System Variable' window

  7. Within the 'Environment Variables' window, select the 'New...' button below the 'System Variables' list.

  8. Within the 'New System Variable' window, type "JAVA_HOME" (without quotation marks) within the 'Variable Name:' field. Within the 'Variable Value' field, type the full path to the JDK directory (C:Program FilesJavajdk1.17.0)

  9. Select the 'Ok' button within the 'New System Variable' window.

  10. Within the 'Environment Variables' window, select the 'New' button below the 'System Variables' list.

  11. Within the 'New System Variable' window, type "JRE_HOME" (without quotation marks) within the 'Variable Name:' field. Within the 'Variable Value:' field, type the full path to the Java JRE directory (C:Program FilesJavajre17)

  12. Select the 'Ok' button within the 'New System Variable Window'.

  13. Within the 'Environment Variables' window, select the 'New...' button below the 'System Variables' list.

  14. Within the 'New System Variable' window, type "TE_BASE" (without quotation marks) within the 'Variable Name:' field. Within the 'Variable Value:' field, type the full path to the TE_BASE directory ('C:TE_BASE' is the default).

  15. Select the 'Ok' button within the 'New System Variable' window.

  16. This process completes the configuration process for setting environment variables in Windows. At the end of this process, the following items should be accounted for in the PATH section of the system's Environment Variables. Please note that depending on the system, these may be slightly different, and that they are only being included as a reference.

    • ;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.17.0;
    • ;C:Program FilesJavajre17;
    • ;C:Program Filesapache-maven-3.2.2bin;
    • ;C:Program Files (x86)Gitcmd;
  1. Select the 'Ok' button within the 'Environment Variables' window.

  2. Select the 'Ok' button within the 'System Properties' window.

  3. Close any open programs and restart the workstation.

  4. Open a command prompt on the workstation

  5. Run the following commands at the command prompt:

    (Note: in order to run the necessary commands, you need to enter the command via this syntax: 'Program_Name+[space] hyphen [space] hyphen version') - java -version (one hyphen) : which will print the version of the your install, and ensure your system can access the program - mvn --version : this will print the version of the your install, and ensure your system can access the program - git --version : this will print the version of the your install, and ensure your system can access the program - echo %TE_BASE% : this will print the full path to TE_BASE - echo %JAVA_HOME% : this will print the full path to the JDK installation location - echo %JRE_HOME% : this will print the full path to the JRE installation location

  6. Change directory (cd) to the folder: 'C:apache-tomcat-10.1bin' and then launch the Tomcat service by entering the following command: 'startup.bat'.

  7. Open web browser window, and type the following URL (Uniform Resource Locator): http://localhost:8080 or and you should be able to see the Apache Tomcat/7.0.52 Welcome Page.

  8. Note: If there are any problems with the JRE_HOME shown in the command prompt, double check the System Environment Variables for the JRE_HOME entry declared in the System Environment Variable settings.

  9. Close the web browser window.

  10. In the command prompt, ensuring you are in the working directory 'C:apache-tomcat-10.1bin', shutdown Tomcat by entering the following command: 'shutdown.bat'.

  11. Running these commands will ensure that all of the pre-requisite software is installed correctly, and will allow you to verify that the Java JDK and JRE were installed to the correct directory.

  12. Now that the configuration is complete, close any open programs and restart the workstation.

Change Directory (cd) or browse to a local directory where TE will be downloaded. For example a directory called repo:

In Unix:

$ mkdir repo
$ cd repo

In Windows:

c:\> mkdir repo
Then change directory to repo (c:\> cd repo)

The TE code is located in GitHub: Clone the repository:

In Unix:
$ > git clone

In Windows:
c:\repo> git clone

Change directory to c:\repo\teamengine and verify the directory structure by issuing the list directory command (Windows: 'dir', Unix: 'ls')

The directory structure should now be as follows:

|-- LICENSE.txt
|-- README.txt
|-- pom.xml
|-- src
|-- target
|-- teamengine-console
|-- teamengine-core
|-- teamengine-realm
|-- teamengine-resources
|-- teamengine-spi
|-- teamengine-web

List available tags:

At the command prompt type the command 'git tag', which will display the available tags within the Git repository

The tag listing should look similar to this:

$ git tag

Switch to a specific tag by typing:

$ git checkout 4.1

Ensure you are in the working directory of teamengine:

$ cd repo/teamengine

Build with MAVEN:

In Unix:

$ mvn install

In Windows:

c:\repo\teamengine\> mvn install

It will take few minutes to install, and then a success message will appear after the install:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] TEAM Engine ....................................... SUCCESS [15.912s]
[INFO] TEAM Engine - Tomcat Realm ........................ SUCCESS [0.617s]
[INFO] TEAM Engine - Shared Resources .................... SUCCESS [0.317s]
[INFO] TEAM Engine - Service Providers ................... SUCCESS [0.901s]
[INFO] TEAM Engine - Core Module ......................... SUCCESS [0.666s]
[INFO] TEAM Engine - Web Module .......................... SUCCESS [0.731s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 20.151s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Apr 17 06:42:15 EDT 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 20M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Under each directory a target folder was created, which contains the build folder for each artifact. The folder teamengine-console contains the directory:

-- target
        |--  teamengine-console-4.1-base.tar.gz
        |--  teamengine-console-4.1-bin.tar.gz

Unzip in the TE_BASE directory (Note: If previous content exists, click yes to prompts to replace Folders and Files)

In Unix:

$ > unzip ~/repo/teamengine/teamengine-console/target/ -d $TE_BASE

In Windows:

Browse in Windows Explorer to c:\repo\teamengine\ and copy the contents to c:\TE_BASE

TE_BASE directory is structured as follows:

  |-- config.xml             # main configuration file (web app)
  |-- resources/             # Contains test suite resources (CLI)
  |-- scripts/               # Contains CTL test suites
  |   |--- ets.ctl           # Stand-alone script
  |   +--- {ets}/            # A test suite package
  |-- work/                  # teamengine work directory
  +-- users/
      +-- {username}/        # user credentials & test runs (web app)

The "resources" sub-directory contains libraries and other resources that are required to execute a test suite using a command-line shell; it should be structured as indicated below:

  +-- lib/*.jar

Select a local directory for TE_BASE:

$ mkdir ~/TE_BASE

You can configure TE_BASE system property or environment variable. For example:

$ export TE_BASE=~/TE_BASE

Unzip in the TE_BASE directory:

$ unzip ~/repo/teamengine/teamengine-console/target/ -d $TE_BASE

When running MAVEN install the file was created under the teamengine-console/target.

Unzip the zip archive to a new directory ~$/te-install by conducting the following actions:: (Note: Be aware of the difference in TE_BASE and te-install and the use of uppercase and underscore versus lowercase and hyphens, as the directions are case-sensitive)

In Unix:

$ mkdir ~/te-install
$ unzip ~/repo/teamengine/teamengine-console/target/ -d ~/te-install

In Windows:

c:\> mkdir te-install
Browse in Windows Explorer to: c:\repo\teamengine\ and copy the contents of the zip archive into c:\te-install

The te-install dir now looks like this:

|-- README.txt
|-- bin
|-- lib
|-- resources

Run the example tests:

In Unix:
$ cd $TE_BASE/scripts/
$ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ -source=note.ctl

In Windows:
c:\> te-install\bin\windows\test.bat -source=c:\TE_BASE\scripts\note.ctl

A window should appear asking for input. Click start to run the test and the test should run and fail, which is the intended result:

Testing suite note:note-test in Test Mode with defaultResult of Pass ...
   Test note:main Failed
Suite note:note-test Failed

OGC Tests can be written either in CTL (Compliance Test Language) or TestNG. Tests are located at the public OGC GitHub Repository:

To search available tests go here:
For example the GitHub page for CSW 2.0.2 is:

The ets-resources project provides convenient scripts for windows and unix to create the config.xml and install the test suites under the TE_BASE/scripts directory.

Clone the repository in a folder (e.g. ~/repo.):

git clone

Go the project folder and run mvn package:

cd ~/repo/ets-resources
mvn package

A target folder is created that contains the required libs and scripts.

Scripts are located under ets-resources14.04.16targetbin Several environment variables must be set first (this can be done in the setenv script if desired):

  • TE_BASE: A file system path that refers to the TEAM-engine instance directory.
  • ETS_SRC: A file system path that refers to a directory containing the Git repositories; (a repository will be cloned into here if it doesn't already exist).
  • JAVA_HOME: Refers to a JDK installation directory.

Example commands of how to install the tests are:

In Unix: $ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ c:path-to-the-filectl-scripts-release.csv

In Windows: Change directory to c:> and issue the command: c:> te-installbinwindowsexport-ctl.bat c:path-to-the-filectl-scripts-release.csv

OGC keeps csv files with the information about the test suites and the version in the OGC beta and production web site:

Open the confg.xml under TE_BASE and verify the tests and versions that you want to make available. This applies if a web application will be built.

Is the same procedure to run both CTL and TestNG tests via command line

To run the CSW 2.0.2 test do the following:

In Unix:
$ cd $TE_BASE/scripts
$ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ -source=csw-2.0.2/src/main.xml

In Windows:
c:\> te-install\bin\windows\test.bat -source=c:\TE_BASE\scripts\csw-2.0.2\src\main.xml

A window form asking the user to provide more information should appear. For example asking for the getCapabilities URL.

The OGC Reference Implementations Page provides examples of services that can be exercised.

For example for CSW 2.0.2 pycsw:

The result should be a successful pass:

                Test csw:capability-tests Passed
        Test csw:Main Passed
Suite csw:csw-2.0.2-compliance-suite Passed

For KML 2.2:

In Unix:

$ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ -source=kml22/2.2/kml22-suite.ctl

In Windows:

Change directory to c:and type the following command:

c:\> te-install\bin\windows\test.bat -source=c:\TE_BASE\scripts\kml22\2.2\kml22-suite.ctl

Click Start in order to execute the test

For GML 3.2.1:

In Unix::

        $ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ -source=gml/3.2.1/gml-suite.ctl

In Windows:

        Change directory to c:\ and type the following command::

                c:\> te-install\bin\windows\test.bat -source=c:\TE_BASE\scripts\gml\3.2.1\gml-suite.ctl

Input the following URL to test a GML schema:

Click start in order to execute the test.

The result should be pass:

    Test suite: gml-3.2.1-r14
======== Test groups ========
All GML application schemas
    Passed: 7 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 0
GML application schemas defining features and feature collections
    Passed: 2 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 0
GML application schemas defining spatial geometries
    Passed: 0 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 2
GML application schemas defining time
    Passed: 0 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 2
GML application schemas defining spatial topologies
    Passed: 0 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 2
GML Documents
    Passed: 0 | Failed: 0 | Skipped: 16

   See detailed test report in the TE_BASE/users/demo/s0005/html/ directory.
Test tns:Main Passed

It is possible to run the tests in a headless, unattended manner, by providing form files with responses to all the forms the test normally inquires the user to fill.

Form files are specified via the -form parameter, more than one form can be provided using multiple -form parameters. For example, the WMS 1.1.1 tests can be run with the following command:

$ ~/te-install/bin/unix/ -source=wms/1.1.1/ctl/functions.xml -source=wms/1.1.1/ctl/wms.xml
                                -form=$forms/wms-1.1.1.xml -form=forms/yes.xml

Where forms/wms-1.1.1.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <value key="VAR_WMS_CAPABILITIES_URL">http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ows?service=wms&amp;version=1.1.1&amp;request=GetCapabilities</value>
  <value key="updatesequence">auto_updatesequence</value>
  <value key="VAR_HIGH_UPDATESEQUENCE">100</value>
  <value key="VAR_LOW_UPDATESEQUENCE">0</value>
  <value key="CERT_PROFILE">queryable_profile</value>
  <value key="recommended">recommended</value>
  <value key="testgml">testgml</value>
  <value key="free">free</value>
  <value key="B_BOX_CONSTRAINT">eitherbboxconstraint</value>

and forms/yes.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <value key="submit">yes</value>
  <value key="answer">yes</value>

The form files are used by TEAM Engine in the same order as provided on the command line. In case that the test requires filling more forms than provided on the command line, the last provided form is going to be used multiple times: for example, in the WMS 1.1.1 case, the test will ask the user to visually confirm visual relationships between two maps, the yes.xml form will be used for all those requests.

After the test is invoked via command line, the console output will retrieve the information of the forms before providing the result of the test.

For example:

jul 12, 2015 2:44:16 PM com.occamlab.te.TECore setFormResults
INFO: Setting form results:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <value key="VAR_WMS_CAPABILITIES_URL">http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ows?service=wms&amp;version=1.1.1&amp;request=GetCapabilities</value>
   <value key="updatesequence">auto_updatesequence</value>
   <value key="VAR_HIGH_UPDATESEQUENCE">100</value>
   <value key="VAR_LOW_UPDATESEQUENCE"></value>
   <value key="CERT_PROFILE">queryable_profile</value>
   <value key="testgml">testgml</value>
   <value key="free">free</value>
   <value key="B_BOX_CONSTRAINT">eitherbboxconstraint</value>

Testing suite wms:main_wms in Test Mode with defaultResult of Pass ...
Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-2 type Mandatory in Test Mode with defaultResult Pass (s0004/d275e678_1)...
   Assertion: When a GetMap request uses decimal values for the BBOX parameter, then the response is valid.

Jul 12, 2015 2:44:20 PM com.occamlab.te.TECore setFormResults
INFO: Setting form results:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <value key="submit">yes</value>
  <value key="answer">yes</value>
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-2 Passed

Only TestNG tests can run via a REST endpoint.

Run tests as follows:

The test suite may be run in any of the following environments:

Integrated development environment (IDE): The main Java class is TestNGController.

RESTful API: Submit a request that includes the necessary arguments to the test run controller

TEAM-Engine: Run the CTL script located in the /src/main/ctl/ directory.

TEAM Engine provides three different types of result formats for test runs. The requested content type is set via HTTP request header:

Format of resource HTTP request header
EARL (RDF/XML) Accept: application/rdf+xml
XML Accept: application/xml
ZIP containing HTML files Accept: application/zip

The test run arguments are summarized in Table 2 - Test run arguments. The Obligation column can have the following values: M (mandatory), O (optional), or C (conditional).

Table - Test run arguments

(Name, Value,Obligation)

(iut,URI/ File, M)

(ics,CSV or Int,O)

(sch,URI/ File,M)

  • iut: A URI that refers to the implementation under test or metadata about it. Ampersand ('&') characters must be percent-encoded as '%26'.

  • ics: An implementation conformance statement that indicates which conformance classes or options are supported.

  • sch: A URI that refers to the schematron. Ampersand ('&') characters must be percent-encoded as '%26' and when select ics=3 at that time it is mandatory.

    In GET Request: iut and sch are URI's

    In POST Request: iut and sch are keys of the files attached in the POST Body

    To test GET API:

    curl -sS 'http://teamengineProjectURI/rest/suites/testName/1.0/run?iut=Metadata.xml&sch=Schematron.sch.sch&ics=3'

    To test POST API: Whenever a user wants to test a Metadata file against a given Schematron (both given as a input by the user) with the help of the Teamengine's REST POST API:

    curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F "iut=@path/to/XML"
    -F "sch=@path/to/Schematorn" http://teamengineProjectURI/rest/suites/testName/1.0/run

    path/to/XML is the path to the Metadata file and path/to/Schematorn is the path to the Schematron file.

The example here shows the process for a GNU/Linux environment.

Select a folder for CATALINA_BASE:


Create structure:

$ mkdir bin conf logs temp webapps work

Copy from $CATALINA_HOME/bin (this is tomcat/bin):

$ cp ~/tomcat/bin/ bin/

Copy configuration files from $CATALINA_HOME/conf (this is tomcat/conf):

$ cp -r ~/tomcat/conf ~/CATALINA_BASE/

Create a in bin:

$ touch

And copy the following in

cat bin/
## path to java jdk
## JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk17
## export JAVA_HOME

 ## path to tomcat installation to use

 ## path to server instance to use

The example listed here shows the process for the MS Windows Environment:

Select a folder for CATALINA_BASE:

At the command prompt, change directory to c:> c:> mkdir CATALINA_BASE

Create the Directory Structure:

Change directory to CATALINA_BASE c:> mkdir bin conf lib logs temp webapps work

Populating File Directories:

Copy catalina.bat file from c:apache-tomcat-10.1bin into c:CATALINA_BASEbin

Copy all of the files from c:apache-tomcat-10.1conf and then paste them into c:CATALINA_BASEconf

Create Set Environment File:

Create a plaintext file using a text editor Name the file setenv.bat and save in the c:CATALINA_BASEbin folder

Create the contents of the file by copying the following text into the setenv.bat file within the text editor:

rem path to java jdk
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.17.0

rem path to tomcat install to use
set CATALINA_HOME=c:\apache-tomcat-10.1

rem path to server instance to use

rem sets the catalina options setting to a specific window size, memory limits, and sets DTE_BASE locally
set CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -DTE_BASE=c:\TE_BASE

Click on the save icon

CATALINA_BASE directory should like the following:

|-- bin
|   |--
|   |--
|-- conf
|   |-- Catalina
|   │    |-- localhost
|   |-- catalina.policy
|   |--
|   |--  context.xml
|   |--
|   |--  server.xml
|   |--  tomcat-users.xml
|   |--  web.xml
|-- logs
|   |--  catalina.out
|--  temp
|--  webapps
|--  work

A war file with all the libraries can be build by running a modified maven profile.

Copy or edit the maven settings in 'apache-maven-3.2.1confsettings.xml' and input the correct ets-resources version. For example 04.04.16:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml -->
<settings xmlns="">
  <!-- other elements omitted -->

In Unix it is located at: /usr/local/apache-maven-3.2.1/conf In Windows it is located at c:Program Filesapache-maven-3.2.1conf

Please note the bracketing within the XML file and nest the code snippet appropriately. Additional profile and data entry sections exist, so the user only needs to add this profile as well:

Save the updated file to the user desktop, and then copy into the 'apache-maven-3.2.1conf' directory. (This is required due to system permission levels)

Browse to the teamengine local source code repository:

In Unix:
$ cd ~/repo/teamengine/

In Windows:
Change directory to c:\repo\teamengine

Run the maven profile:

In Unix:
$ mvn -P ogc.cite package

In Windows:
c:\> mvn -P ogc.cite package

You should get a build success message:

INFO] -------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------

The war file should be available at:


Move the war file to CATALINA_BASE/webapps:

In Unix::

        $ cp ~/repo/teamengine/teamengine-web/target/teamengine.war ~/CATALINA_BASE/webapps/

In Windows:

        Browse using Windows Explorer to c:\repo\teamengine\teamengine-web\target
        Copy 'teamengine.war' file into c:\CATALINA_BASE\webapps

Move needed common libs to ~/CATALINA_BASE/libs/:

In Unix::

        $ cd ~/repo/teamengine/teamengine-web/target
        $ unzip  -d libs
        $ cp *.jar ~/CATALINA_BASE/lib/

In Windows:

        Browse to c:\repo\teamengine\teamengine-web\target
        Extract contents of '' into c:\CATALINA_BASE\lib

Start TEAM Engine:

In Unix::

        $ cd demo/CATALINA_BASE/bin
        $ ./ start

In Windows::

        Change directory to c:\CATALINA_BASE\bin
        Enter the following command at the prompt
        c:\> catalina.bat start

TEAM Engine should appear when you type:


Register a username and password if you have not done so previously. Be advised that the username and password are stored in plaintext in TE_BASEUsersubfolders, and it is strongly advised not to use previous or currently utilized usernames or passwords.

Once you are running Team Engine, the URL should change to http://localhost:8080/teamengine/viewsessions.jsp This URL should be used after logging in, or the backend system could crash.

To stop TEAM Engine type:

In Unix::

        $ cd demo/CATALINA_BASE/bin
        $ ./ stop

In Windows:

        Change directory to c:\CATALINA_BASE\bin
        Enter the following command at the prompt
        c:\> catalina.bat stop

The statistics report is accessible via teamengine API and only admin can access this report. The following URL is used to get the report:


  1. User needs to login with TE credential in generated prompt.
  2. After successful authentication, it will download the zip containing index.html and standard specific files.
  3. TE statistics has the following types of report:
    • Number of tests executed per standard
    • Number of tests and users executed per month
    • Number of users per test suite
    • Table of test suite specific report

Following steps are required to become an admin:

  1. Open file from the TE_BASE/users/${username}/user.xml

  2. Add the <name>admin</name> element under the <roles> and it should look like as below:


    <name>user</name> <name>admin</name>


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