Releases: openlayers/openlayers
The v3.13.0 release includes features and fixes from 68 pull requests since the v3.12.1 release. New features and improvements include:
- Improved tiles rendering for the canvas renderer
- Improved MapQuest rendering
- Add color option to
- Load TileJSON sources via XMLHttpRequest by default
- Add new ol.geom.LineString#getCoordinateAt function
- Simplify meters per unit handling
- Use ESLint as a replacement for and jshint
Upgrade notes
Before this release, OpenLayers depended on the global proj4 namespace. When using a module loader like Browserify, you might not want to depend on the global proj4
namespace. You can use the ol.proj.setProj4
function to set the proj4 function object. For example in a browserify ES6 environment:
import ol from 'openlayers';
import proj4 from 'proj4';
The ol.source.TileJSON
now uses XMLHttpRequest
to load the TileJSON instead of JSONP with callback.
When using server without proper CORS support, jsonp: true
option can be passed to the constructor to get the same behavior as before:
new ol.source.TileJSON({
url: '',
jsonp: true
Also for Mapbox v3, make sure you use urls ending with .json
(which are able to handle both XMLHttpRequest
and JSONP) instead of .jsonp
Full list of changes
- #4694 - Fix eslint errors in wms-time example (@fredj)
- #4527 - Add support for smooth TileWMS dimensions (@bartvde)
- #4691 - Updated Bing Maps key. (@tschaub)
- #4673 - Respect fixed tile url functions when setting url(s) (@ahocevar)
- #4689 - Revert "Do not render in handleDownEvent" (@openlayers)
- #4688 - Give map a focus-outline in accessible-example (@marcjansen)
- #4642 - Move the icon style color to its own example (@alexbrault)
- #4685 - Remove bin/ (@fredj)
- #4684 - Update eslint-config-openlayers to version 3.0.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4677 - Make pixel projection handling work in compiled mode (@ahocevar)
- #4639 - Remove use of goog.bind and use ES5 .bind. (@nicholas-l)
- #4655 - Update browserify to version 13.0.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4666 - Add a 'boxdrag' event to ol.interaction.DragBox. Resolves #4563 . (@WeaveTeam)
- #4669 - Remove reference to Closure Linter in (@fredj)
- #4665 - Update istanbul to version 0.4.2 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4663 - Update glob to version 6.0.4 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4667 - Fix rendering of transparent MapQuest layer type (@klokantech)
- #4661 - Fixes #4654 Developer Documentation Updated (@gaf-ag)
- #4658 - Update jquery to version 2.2.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4659 - Make sure icons show up in Safari (@bartvde)
- #4652 - Use map.getTargetElement instead of map.getTarget (@fredj)
- #4649 - Missing parameter description for ol.source.Tile#getOpaque (@klokantech)
- #4602 - Use ESLint. (@tschaub)
- #4628 - Fix for reprojecting opaque tile sources (@klokantech)
- #4618 - Update resemblejs to version 2.1.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4647 - Proper rounding for possibly negative numbers (@ahocevar)
- #4641 - Remove extra options from icon example. (@tschaub)
- #4629 - Simplify scaleline calculation (@ahocevar)
- #4457 - Add color option to (@alexbrault)
- #4638 - Do not rely on projection extent (@ahocevar)
- #4635 - Update async to version 1.5.2 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4581 - Do not render in handleDownEvent (@ahocevar)
- #4541 - Add new ol.geom.LineString#getCoordinateAt function (@fredj)
- #4489 - Update phantomjs to version 1.9.19 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4625 - Use XHR by default to load TileJSON in ol.source.TileJSON (@klokantech)
- #4622 - Update fs-extra to version 0.26.4 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4630 - Simplify meters per unit handling (@ahocevar)
- #4490 - Update istanbul to version 0.4.1 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4574 - Added boxEndCondition to DragBoxOptions to replace the hardcoded chec… (@WeaveTeam)
- #4553 - Update mustache to version 2.2.1 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4626 - Fixed documentation error (@simonseyock)
- #4606 - Include originating MapBrowserEvent in ol.DragBoxEvent (@fredj)
- #4614 - Remove checksum interface. (@tschaub)
- #4613 - Include own layer in layerFilter and only select unselected features (@ahocevar)
- #4612 - Set oli.source.VectorEvent#feature to ol.Feature|undefined (@fredj)
- #4620 - Fix olx.format.PolylineOptions#factor type (@fredj)
- #4621 - Fix olx.format.GPXOptions#readExtensions type (@fredj)
- #4619 - Add option to load TileJSON via XHR (@klokantech)
- #4617 - Add missing return type to GeoJSON format (@gberaudo)
- #4615 - Adjust copyright to include 2016 (@marcjansen)
- #4616 - Update closure-util to version 1.10.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4596 - Use consistent tile coordinate keys (@ahocevar)
- #4609 - Add ol.proj.setProj4 function (@bartvde)
- #4603 - Update async to version 1.5.1 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4604 - Update clean-css to version 3.4.9 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4600 - Update glob to version 6.0.3 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4595 - Pass 'opaque' option on to superclass (@ahocevar)
- #4598 - Make ol.source.Tile#getTilePixelRatio work correctly for all sources (@klokantech)
- #4594 - Fix for TileQueue gradually choking up when using raster reprojection (@klokantech)
- #4557 - Conditionally render tiles to a separate ti...
The v3.12.1 release is a patch release that addresses a few regressions in the v3.12.0 release. See the v3.12.0 release notes for details on upgrading from v3.11.
The v3.12.0 release includes features and fixes from 71 pull requests since the v3.11.2 release. New features and improvements include:
- Tile coordinate wrapping for raster reprojection.
- Support for multi-line labels.
- Allow rendering geometries to an arbitrary canvas (useful for vector legends).
Upgrade notes
The optional layerFilter
function is now also called for unmanaged layers. To get the same behaviour as before, wrap your layer filter code in an if block like this:
function layerFilter(layer) {
if (map.getLayers().getArray().indexOf(layer) !== -1) {
// existing layer filter code
Full list of changes
- #4559 - Fix up failing KML test in Firefox (@bartvde)
- #4561 - Exclude feature loader MVT test from IE9 (@bartvde)
- #4552 - Make sure compiled code calls ol.VectorTile#setProjection (@ahocevar)
- #4551 - Handle tile coordinate wrapping when reprojecting raster tiles (@klokantech)
- #4544 - Update vector-tile to version 1.2.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4537 - Allow specifying non default DPI on ol.source.TileArcGISRest (@bartvde)
- #4548 - Improve vector tile related docs (@ahocevar)
- #4549 - Update vector label example (@tsauerwein)
- #4512 - Support for multi-line labels (improved) (@flightaware)
- #4546 - Update coveralls to version 2.11.6 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4539 - Ignore index.html in example list (@fredj)
- #4536 - Register the change callback when the tile is enqueued (@fredj)
- #4528 - Remove redundant code from ol.featureloader.tile (@ahocevar)
- #4535 - Do not use an array for a single style (@ahocevar)
- #4532 - Mark olx.source.WMTSOptions#dimensions as not null (@fredj)
- #4530 - Remove use of goog.isNull (@fredj)
- #4529 - Update coding style rules (@fredj)
- #4518 - Add support for OSM vector tiles (@ahocevar)
- #4524 - Add example for rendering custom point symbols (@ahocevar)
- #4523 - Allow rendering geometries to an arbitrary canvas (@ahocevar)
- #4525 - Make render tests work on more devices (@ahocevar)
- #4515 - Accept HTMLCanvasElement for an icon's img (@ahocevar)
- #4521 - Fix imagestyle docs (@ahocevar)
- #4508 - Remove unused files (@fredj)
- #4487 - Remove fallback css color (@fredj)
- #4502 - Improve ol.source.WMTS.optionsFromCapabilities jsdoc layout (@fredj)
- #4511 - Minor code cleanup (@fredj)
- #4510 - Adding a check just in case the projection is not defined/supported (@GeoCat)
- #4505 - Remove use of goog.object.getKeys (@fredj)
- #4472 - Do not ignore layer filter for unmanaged layers (@ahocevar)
- #4476 - Remove use of goog.functions.constant (@fredj)
- #4484 - Remove use of goog.dom.createDom (@fredj)
- #4486 - Remove note about DragZoom and vector support (@fredj)
- #4483 - Remove use of goog.object.containsKey (@fredj)
- #4475 - Fix up failing tests in Internet Explorer (@bartvde)
- #4485 - Use appendChild instead of goog.dom.append (@fredj)
- #4481 - Remove blur workaround in ol.control.Attribution (@fredj)
- #4479 - Export ol.interaction.Interaction#getMap function (@fredj)
- #4478 - Fix olx.control.FullScreenOptions#label apidoc (@fredj)
- #4477 - Replace goog.nullFunction with ol.nullFunction (@fredj)
- #4474 - Remove use of goog.dom.createElement and goog.dom.createTextNode (@fredj)
- #4469 - Upgrade to JSTS 0.17.0 in example (@bjornharrtell)
- #4465 - Update handlebars to version 4.0.5 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4464 - Merge in changes from the 3.11.2 release. (@openlayers)
- #4463 - Remove use of goog.array.sort (@fredj)
- #4450 - Fix select interaction regression caused by #4391 (@ahocevar)
- #4458 - Remove extra space in type annotation (@fredj)
- #4420 - Remove Bootstrap and jQuery from example snippets. (@openlayers)
- #4442 - Use jsdoc@3.4.0. (@tschaub)
- #4449 - Change the label of the full screen button to be more intuitive (@bartvde)
- #4448 - Check ol.source.UrlTile#urls property for null value (@fredj)
- #4440 - Raster reprojection tutorial (@klokantech)
- #4439 - Allow '' for crossOrigin (as Anonymous alias) (@ahocevar)
- #4429 - Dispatch a change event only if the value changes (@fredj)
- #4435 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4434 - Remove unused local variables (@fredj)
- #4433 - Remove unused local variables (@fredj)
- #4140 - Add flight animation example (@tsauerwein)
- #4428 - Add imageSize regression test for ol.source.ImageWMS (@ahocevar)
- #4426 - Improve ol.source.StaticImage (@ahocevar)
- #4425 - Test number property with !== undefined (@fredj)
- #4423 - Update mocha to version 2.3.4 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4416 - Update clean-css to version 3.4.8 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4415 - Scale StaticImage image to imageExtent (@ahocevar)
- #4414 - Remove ol.ImageUrlFunction (@ahocevar)
- #4389 - Smooth transitions on parameter changes (@elemoine)
- #4410 - Merge in changes from the 3.11.1 release. ([@openlayers](https://githu...
The v3.11.2 release is a patch release that addresses a few regressions in the v3.11.1 release. See the v3.11.0 release notes for details on upgrading from v3.10.
The v3.11.1 release is a patch release that addresses a few regressions in the v3.11.0 release. See the v3.11.0 release notes for details on upgrading from v3.10.
The v3.11.0 release includes features and fixes from 73 pull requests since the v3.10.1 release. New features and improvements include:
- Support for raster reprojection - load raster sources in one projection and view them in another.
- Support for Mapbox Vector Tiles!
- Improved KML support, GeoJSON & TopoJSON fixes, and much more. See below for the full list.
Upgrade notes
KML icons are scaled 50% so that the rendering better matches Google Earth rendering.
If a KML placemark has a name and is a point, an
is created with the name displayed to the right of the icon (if there is an icon).
This can be controlled with the showPointNames option which defaults to true.
To disable rendering of the point names for placemarks, use the option:
new ol.format.KML({ showPointNames: false });
and ol.interaction.DragZoom
Styling is no longer done with ol.Style
, but with pure CSS. The style
constructor option is no longer required, and no longer available. Instead, there is a className
option for the CSS selector. The default for ol.interaction.DragBox
is ol-dragbox
, and ol.interaction.DragZoom
uses ol-dragzoom
. If you previously had
new ol.interaction.DragZoom({
style: new{
stroke: new{
color: 'red',
width: 3
fill: new{
color: [255, 255, 255, 0.4]
you'll now just need
new ol.interaction.DragZoom();
but with additional css:
.ol-dragzoom {
border-color: red;
border-width: 3px;
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);
Removal of ol.source.TileVector
With the introduction of true vector tile support, ol.source.TileVector
becomes obsolete. Change your code to use ol.layer.VectorTile
and ol.source.VectorTile
instead of ol.layer.Vector
and ol.source.TileVector
changes for unmanaged layers
will still be called for unmanaged layers, but the 2nd argument to the callback function will be null
instead of a reference to the unmanaged layer. This brings back the behavior of the abandoned ol.FeatureOverlay
that was replaced by unmanaged layers.
If you are affected by this change, please change your unmanaged layer to a regular layer by using e.g. ol.Map#addLayer
instead of ol.layer.Layer#setMap
Full list of changes
- #4394 - Allow ol.Object property update without notification. (@DavidHequet)
- #4395 - Flag setOffsetX and Y as @api. (@adube)
- #4393 - Faster vector tiles (@ahocevar)
- #4392 - Update clean-css to version 3.4.7 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4391 - Pass null as forEachFeatureAtPixel layer arg for unmanaged layers (@ahocevar)
- #4390 - Fix usage of mocha-phantomjs-core after update (@ahocevar)
- #4387 - Add default argument to getRendererFromQueryString (@ahocevar)
- #4376 - Make KML format ignore image styles that aren't icons (@elemoine)
- #4385 - Don't transform the scale specified by the user (@oterral)
- #4388 - Quick-fix running tests with PhantomJS (@ahocevar)
- #4378 - Add a writeStyles option to KML format (@elemoine)
- #4375 - Fixed documentation typo (ol.source.ImageWMS) (@simonseyock)
- #4371 - Fix typo in closure compilation tutorial (@dtreiter)
- #4370 - Improve ol.interaction.Select#getLayer documentation. (@jonataswalker)
- #4365 - Update fs-extra to version 0.26.2 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4366 - Update resemblejs to version 2.0.1 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4368 - Append KML placemark text style to existing styles (@marcjansen)
- #4361 - Make GPX format not fail on unsupported geometries (@elemoine)
- #4360 - Update getExtent return value jsdoc tag (@fredj)
- #4359 - Update closure-util to version 1.9.0 🚀 (@openlayers)
- #4357 - Update all dependencies. (@openlayers)
- #4356 - Update Metalsmith and layouts plugin. (@tschaub)
- #4355 - Update PhantomJS. (@tschaub)
- #4353 - Resolve path to jsdoc-fork. (@tschaub)
- #3627 - Make package.json compatible for npm frontend use. (@ThomasG77)
- #4163 - Fixes for building with Node 4.x. (@tschaub)
- #4347 - Use require.resolve() to find jsdoc. (@tschaub)
- #4291 - Add 'Move a feature along a line' example. (@jonataswalker)
- #4344 - Allow different resolutions in x and y direction for ol.source.ImageStatic (@bartvde)
- #4339 - Make sure drawImage width and height are not too big (@bartvde)
- #4334 - Check view extent within image extent (@ahocevar)
- #4332 - Fix write out GeoJSON features with id equal to 0 (@fredj)
- #4331 - Allow TopoJSON features with id equal to 0 (@fredj)
- #4330 - ol.format.TopoJSON is read only, update the jsdoc (@openlayers)
- #4327 - Allow GeoJSON features with id equal to 0 (@fredj)
- #4219 - Support tiled vector data and Mapbox vector tiles (@ahocevar)
- #4322 - Add wrapX override support for ol.source.Cluster (@FRizZL)
- #4316 - Render name labels if the geometry is a point in KML format (@tamarmot)
- #4313 - Align logos nicely with attribution text (@ahocevar)
- #4297 - Create standalone versions of ol.ext packages (@ahocevar)
- #4302 - scale icons by 0.5 so they are not huge (@tamarmot)
- #4301 - Remove jshint -W069 tags in source code (@fredj)
- #4273 - Expand docs on ol.source url prop. (@Barryrowe)
- #4293 - Refine the pull request process (@ahocevar)
- #4289 - Restrict maxZoom of the static-image example (@ahocevar)
- #4275 - Fix parameter type (@fredj)
- #4248 - Use Math.cosh of ES6/2015 if available (@marcjansen)
- #4286 - Add a color manipulation example. (@tschaub)
- #4122 - Raster reprojection (@klokantech)
- #4283 - Flag ol.tilegrid.TileGrid getTileCoordExtent as @api (@adube)
- #4280 - Use overlay container instead of viewport for ol.render.Box (@ahocevar)
- #4278 - Use DOM instead of map canvas for ol.render.Box (@ahocevar)
- [#4277](
The v3.10.0 release includes features and fixes from 66 pull requests since the v3.9.0 release. New features and improvements include:
- Full touch gesture support for the Microsoft Edge browser.
- Improved API docs - required constructor options are now marked as such.
- Text styles (vector labels) now work with defaults instead of failing when only a label text is set.
- Write support for GML3 features with multiple geometries
See the complete list below for details. And see the following notes to know how to upgrade from v3.9.0 to v3.10.0.
Upgrade notes
The experimental setHue
, setContrast
, setBrightness
, setSaturation
, and the corresponding getter methods have been removed. These properties only worked with the WebGL renderer. If you are interested in applying color transforms, look for the postcompose
event in the API docs. In addition, the ol.source.Raster
source provides a way to create new raster data based on arbitrary transforms run on any number of input sources.
Removal of legacy Internet Explorer support
If you are building an appliction that supports Internet Explorer 8 or older, you'll need to use ES5 shims to make OpenLayers work. As before, support for such old browsers is very basic, and we recommend to not support them.
New features and fixes
- #4237 - #3328: GML3 - Writing features with multiple geometries (@awaterme)
- #4218 - Add 'getLayer()' method to 'ol.interaction.Select' (@jonataswalker)
- #4036 - Fix modify interaction event order (@alvinlindstam)
- #4036 - Fix modify interaction event order (@alvinlindstam)
- #4116 - Make ol.control.OverviewMap's view configurable (@ahocevar)
- #4234 - Support OGC WKT proj4 def.units and def.to_meter (@tbarsballe)
- #4224 - Don't transform the angle into degrees to rotate the element (@fredj)
- #4231 - Revert "Merge pull request #4217 from ThomasG77/clipboardjs-replacement" (@ahocevar)
- #4217 - Replace ZeroClipboard with Clipboard.js to remove flash dependency (@ThomasG77)
- #4223 - Remove goog.fx.easing (@fredj)
- #4222 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4209 - Remove goog.string.remove (@gberaudo)
- #4207 - Remove goog.string.startsWith (@gberaudo)
- #4208 - Remove goog.string.trim() (@gberaudo)
- #4216 - Fix canvas replay which broke with 31a68e2 (@ahocevar)
- #4202 - Remove use of goog.dom.appendChild (@fredj)
- #4205 - Minor cleanup (@fredj)
- #4203 - Cosmetic changes to example html / css (@marcjansen)
- #4184 - Adjust iframe's position of GetFeatureInfo examples (@jonataswalker)
- #4192 - Remove use of goog.isNull in favor of simple truthy checks (@marcjansen)
- #4187 - Fix {-y} template calculation for custom (TMS) tile grids (@ahocevar)
- #4176 - Remove use of goog.isDefAndNotNull().
(@tschaub) - #4200 - Do not use goog.object.get (@marcjansen)
- #4198 - Improve ��ol.control.Rotate.prototype.resetNorth_ performance (@denilsonsa)
- #4197 - Remove blur action on MOUSEOUT on Zoom Out button (@denilsonsa)
- #4195 - #4171: Prefer current layout as default on MultiLineString.setLineStrings() (@awaterme)
- #4172 - #4171: Prefer current layout as default on Multipolygon.setPolygons() (@awaterme)
- #4190 - Remove use of goog.functions.constant (@marcjansen)
- #4188 - Remove use of goog.object.getKeys (@fredj)
- #4189 - Replace goog.nullFunction with ol.nullFunction (@marcjansen)
- #4165 - Use ECMAScript 5.1 Array functions instead of goog.array (@fredj)
- #4181 - Remove use of goog.array.contains (@fredj)
- #4162 - Remove ol.LEGACY_IE_SUPPORT (@fredj)
- #4174 - Remove hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness as layer properties. (@tschaub)
- #4183 - Remove @api on getHitDetectionFramebuffer (@elemoine)
- #4179 - Use instead of (@marcjansen)
- #4175 - Remove use of goog.math.clamp(). (@tschaub)
- #4173 - Only animate when resolution is about to be changed (@ahocevar)
- #4129 - Remove use of goog.isDef. (@openlayers)
- #4168 - Tile preload example wording (fixes #4147) (@wlerner)
- #4167 - Remove externs in externs/closure-compiler.js (@fredj)
- #4166 - Use version 20150920 of Closure Compiler (@elemoine)
- #4159 - Remove use of goog.object.containsKey (@fredj)
- #4157 - Fix typo in doc (@elemoine)
- #4138 - Enhanced documentation for (@ekargee)
- #4151 - Remove bogus assertion (@elemoine)
- #4110 - Minor cleanups (@fredj)
- #4156 - Rename drag-features example to custom-interactions (@elemoine)
- #4150 - Remove use of goog.object.remove (@fredj)
- #4145 - API method for simplifying geometries. (@tschaub)
- #4153 - Add a "features" option to ol.interaction.Select (@elemoine)
- #4144 - Set context.fillStyle to a string (@elemoine)
- #4149 - Remove use of goog.array.isEmpty (@fredj)
- #4139 - Add turf.js and JSTS example (@tsauerwein)
- #4136 - Fix the 'click-to-fork' link in contributer notes (@marcjansen)
- #4132 - Update quickstart tutorial (@tsauerwein)
- #4111 - Use a blackish default for filling texts (@marcjansen)
- #4120 - Remove invalid link to featureOverlay in API doc (@kalbermattenm)
- #4117 - forEachFeatureAtPixel shouldn't fail if layer has no source (@pgiraud)
- #4106 - Focus to search field on page load (@elemoine)
- #4079 - Automatically mark required options in API...
The v3.9.0 release includes features and fixes from 62 pull requests since the v3.8.2 release. New features include:
- #3986 - Modify 'url' option of ol.source.Vector to accept a function (@alvinlindstam)
- #4069 - Add Z-index to layers (@gberaudo)
- #4044 - Add ol.interaction.Draw#continueDrawing (@elemoine)
- #4008 - Add a Translate interaction (@elemoine)
See the complete list below for details. And see the following notes to know how to upgrade from v3.8.x to v3.9.0.
Upgrade notes
The experimental getAnchor
, getOrigin
, and getSize
methods have been removed. The anchor and origin of a circle symbolizer are not modifiable, so these properties should not need to be accessed. The radius and stroke width can be used to calculate the rendered size of a circle symbolizer if needed:
// calculate rendered size of a circle symbolizer
var width = 2 * circle.getRadius();
if (circle.getStroke()) {
width += circle.getStroke().getWidth() + 1;
New features and fixes
- #4055 - Improve graticule perf (@fgravin)
- #4088 - Update jshint to v2.8.0 (@fredj)
- #4089 - ��SelectEventType in ol.interaction namespace (@pgiraud)
- #4095 - Zoom to the extent of the drag box. (@tschaub)
- #4084 - Fewer circle exports. (@tschaub)
- #4094 - Allow source.setAttributions() to be exported. (@tschaub)
- #4096 - Reinstate inheritdoc to fix #4082 (@bjornharrtell)
- #4091 - Remove unused ol.renderer.webgl.Map.DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUES_ (@fredj)
- #4092 - Minor coding style fixes (@fredj)
- #4083 - Add API descriptions. (@tschaub)
- #4078 - Enable all the compiler checks (@fredj)
- #4085 - Parse nested document tag (@oterral)
- #4060 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4064 - Use a private variable to cache the default style array (@fredj)
- #4081 - Update link to workshop. (@tschaub)
- #4062 - Remove ol.xml.makeParsersNS and use ol.xml.makeStructureNS instead (@fredj)
- #3986 - Modify 'url' option of ol.source.Vector to accept a function (@alvinlindstam)
- #4077 - Add missing const jsdoc annotation (@fredj)
- #4080 - Remove unused goog.require in examples (@fredj)
- #4041 - Fix custom build issue (@elemoine)
- #4059 - Clarify drag interaction example to inform about ol.interaction.Translate (@alvinlindstam)
- #4069 - Add Z-index to layers (@gberaudo)
- #4076 - Add assertion for required option 'code' on ol.proj.Projection (@weskamm)
- #4075 - setOpacity of Image undefined (@bartvde)
- #4044 - Add ol.interaction.Draw#continueDrawing (@elemoine)
- #4073 - Better type definition (@fredj)
- #4072 - Update to closure-util 1.7.0 (@elemoine)
- #4070 - Make the debug server work regardless of the current working directory. (@tschaub)
- #4067 - Fix bootstrap class name in examples (@fredj)
- #4050 - Use view.getRotation and view.getResolution instead of view.getState (@fredj)
- #4051 - Move wrench node package to devDependencies (@fredj)
- #4047 - Remove pystache dependency (@fredj)
- #4027 - closure-compiler v20150729 compatibility (@fredj)
- #4040 - Better docs for ol.ENABLE_WEBGL|CANVAS|DOM
- #4032 - Improve ol.Overlay extensibility (@gberaudo)
- #4037 - Don't install python packages in before_install (@fredj)
- #4028 - Update to closure-util 1.6 (@elemoine)
- #4014 - Remove deprecated checkStructDictInheritance (@fredj)
- #3987 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4035 - Remove unused sphere and ellipsoid methods. (@tschaub)
- #4031 - Fixing size of popup (@pgiraud)
- #4023 - Render map when layer.setMap(map) called (@elemoine)
- #4026 - Fix Font Awesome CSS class in examples (@fredj)
- #4024 - Correct documentation for ol.FeatureStyleFunction (@marcjansen)
- #4011 - Make Modify interaction listen to feature changes (@elemoine)
- #3917 - Resolved issue with cluster source reloading (@cmiles74)
- #4015 - Add a getUrls Method to ol.source.XYZ (@weskamm)
- #4019 - Simplify .editorconfig file (@marcjansen)
- #4002 - Update closure-library to latest commit (@fredj)
- #4018 - Fix rotate buttons in animation example (@marcjansen)
- #4013 - Use a more recent version of marked (@marcjansen)
- #4017 - Do not overwrite projections in the registry simply by using
new ol.proj.Projection()
(@ahocevar) - #4008 - Add a Translate interaction (@elemoine)
- #3230 - Add stroke to default editing style for geometry collections (@pgiraud)
- #4007 - Do not use Function.prototype.bind in examples (@elemoine)
- #4006 - Fix typo (vegetaion -> vegetation) (@elemoine)
- #3993 - Replace base symbols with overridden ones when generating info.json (@ahocevar)
- #3992 - Fix typo in Makefile (@fredj)
- #3989 - Handle JSONP errors in ol.source.TileJSON (@fredj)
- #3983 - Remove doc footer with timestamp. (@tschaub)
- #3984 - Style source control links in examples. (@tschaub)
- #3982 - Rebuild examples if package.json changes. (@tschaub)