index 77b8ab8d..4936cda9 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: visR
Title: Clinical Graphs and Tables Adhering to Graphical Principles
Authors@R: c(
person("Mark", "Baillie", , "bailliem@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Diego", "Saldana", , "diego.saldana@roche.com", role = "aut"),
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 9ac685bd..823b7381 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
* The strata variable is now removed from the body of `tableone()` results. (#254)
* The `visr.survfit()` function no longer warns about x-axis label when `PARAM` column not found in original data set. (#378)
* The call saved in the `estimate_KM()` object has been updated to a quosure--ensuring the original function call can always be recalled.
+* `define_theme()`updated to ensure that only the strata present in the theme are displayed. (#388)
* Improved documentation for `visr()` and other generic functions. (#301)
diff --git a/R/apply_theme.R b/R/apply_theme.R
index e6c5496e..ab7fa699 100644
--- a/R/apply_theme.R
+++ b/R/apply_theme.R
@@ -1,181 +1,8 @@
-#' @title Provides a simple wrapper for themes
-#' @description This function collects several lists if they are present. If absent, reasonable defaults are used.
-#' @param strata list containing the different strata and name:colour value pairs
-#' @param fontsizes list containing the font sizes for different options
-#' @param fontfamily string with the name of a supported font
-#' @param grid boolean that specifies whether the grid should be drawn or not
-#' @param bg string giving the colour for the background of the plot
-#' @param legend_position string indicating the legend position
-#' @return Nested list with styling preferences for a ggplot object
-#' @examples
-#' theme <- visR::define_theme(
-#' strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
-#' "M" = "blue"
-#' ),
-#' "TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
-#' "Xanomeline High Dose" = "purple",
-#' "Xanomeline Low Dose" = "brown"
-#' )
-#' ),
-#' fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
-#' "ticks" = 10,
-#' "legend_title" = 10,
-#' "legend_text" = 8),
-#' fontfamily = "Helvetica",
-#' grid = list("major" = FALSE,
-#' "minor" = FALSE
-#' ),
-#' bg = "transparent",
-#' legend_position = "top"
-#' @export
-define_theme <- function(strata = NULL,
- fontsizes = NULL,
- fontfamily = "Helvetica",
- grid = FALSE,
- bg = "transparent",
- legend_position = NULL) {
- theme <- list()
- if (!base::is.null(strata)) {
- if (base::is.list(strata)) {
- if (base::length(base::names(strata)) > 0) {
- theme[["strata"]] <- strata
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `strata`. Please provide a named list as described in the documentation. Setting strata to `NULL` (which results in no specific theming for stratification).")
- theme[["strata"]] <- NULL
- }
- }
- }
- if (!base::is.null(fontsizes)) {
- if (base::is.list(fontsizes)) {
- if (base::length(base::names(fontsizes)) > 0) {
- theme[["fontsizes"]] <- fontsizes
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontsizes`. Please provide a named list for the individual plot elements as described in the documentation. Setting fontsizes to `NULL`.")
- theme[["fontsizes"]] <- NULL
- }
- } else if (base::is.numeric(fontsizes)) {
- base::message("Setting all fontsizes to the provided numeric value. It is recommended to use a named list as described in the documentation.")
- theme[["fontsizes"]] <- fontsizes
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontsizes`. Please provide a named list as described in the documentation. Setting fontsizes to `NULL`.")
- theme[["fontsizes"]] <- NULL
- }
- }
- if (!base::is.character(fontfamily)) {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontfamily`. Please provide the name of a valid font family as a string. Setting to default `Helvetica`.")
- theme[["fontfamily"]] <- "Helvetica"
- } else if (base::is.character(fontfamily) & (base::length(fontfamily) > 1)) {
- base::warning(paste0("Invalid amount of arguments for `fontfamily`. Using the first one: ", fontfamily[[1]]))
- theme[["fontfamily"]] <- fontfamily[[1]]
- } else if (base::is.character(fontfamily) &
- (base::length(fontfamily) == 1) &
- (base::nchar(fontfamily) == 0)) {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontfamily`. Please provide the name of a valid font family as a string. Setting to default `Helvetica`.")
- theme[["fontfamily"]] <- "Helvetica"
- } else {
- theme[["fontfamily"]] <- fontfamily
- }
- if (base::is.logical(grid)) {
- if (grid == TRUE) {
- theme[["grid"]] <- list("major" = TRUE,
- "minor" = FALSE)
- } else {
- theme[["grid"]] <- grid
- }
- } else if (is.list(grid)) {
- if (("major" %in% names(grid)) | ("minor" %in% names(grid))) {
- theme[["grid"]] <- grid
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `grid`. Please use a boolean or a list to indicate whether you want a background grid. Setting to default `FALSE`.")
- theme[["grid"]] <- FALSE
- }
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `grid`. Please use a boolean or a list to indicate whether you want a background grid. Setting to default `FALSE`.")
- theme[["grid"]] <- FALSE
- }
- if (!base::is.character(bg)) {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `bg`. Please provide the name of a valid colour as a string. Setting to default `transparent`.")
- theme[["bg"]] <- "transparent"
- } else {
- theme[["bg"]] <- bg
- }
- if (base::is.null(legend_position) | base::is.character(legend_position)) {
- theme[["legend_position"]] <- legend_position
- } else {
- base::warning("Invalid argument for `legend_position`. Setting it to default \"right\".")
- theme[["legend_position"]] <- "right"
- }
- base::class(theme) <- c( "visR_theme", class(theme))
- return(theme)
#' @title Applies a theme to a ggplot object.
-#' @description Takes in the styling options defined through `visR::define_theme` and applies them to a plot.
+#' @description
+#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
+#' Takes in the styling options defined through `visR::define_theme` and applies them to a plot.
#' @param gg object of class \code{ggplot}
#' @param visR_theme_dict nested list containing possible font options
@@ -204,7 +31,6 @@ define_theme <- function(strata = NULL,
#' gg <- adtte %>%
#' visR::estimate_KM(strata = "SEX") %>%
#' visR::visr() %>%
-#' visR::add_CI() %>%
#' visR::apply_theme(theme)
#' gg
@@ -214,7 +40,7 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
# Manually define colour-blind friendly palette, taken from
# http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/biovis2012/krzywinski-visualizing-biological-data.pdf
- cols <- c(
+ coldefault <- c(
grDevices::rgb( 0, 0, 0, maxColorValue = 255), # 1
grDevices::rgb( 73, 0, 146, maxColorValue = 255), # 6
grDevices::rgb(146, 0, 0, maxColorValue = 255), # 11
@@ -233,6 +59,9 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
grDevices::rgb( 36, 255, 36, maxColorValue = 255) # 14
+ skipcolordef <- FALSE
+ skipcolor <- TRUE
font_family <- ggplot2::element_text(family = "Helvetica")
legend_title <- ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)
@@ -264,6 +93,9 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
if ("strata" %in% base::names(visR_theme_dict)) {
cols <- c()
+ skipcolordef <- TRUE
+ skipcolor <- FALSE
named_strata <- base::names(visR_theme_dict[["strata"]])
for (s in named_strata) {
@@ -277,6 +109,34 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
cols <- unlist(cols)
+ # find group used in plot and extract levels from the data => select these from cols
+ # if these levels were not defined, use default as present in plot
+ colneed <- as.character(unique(gg$data[[gg$labels$group]]))
+ # Take title to match strata in theme
+ lvl1 <- lapply(visR_theme_dict[["strata"]], unlist)
+ lvl2 <- lapply(lvl1, function(x) any(colneed %in% names(x)))
+ ttl <- names(which(lvl2 == TRUE))
+ # from the strata in the theme, which were used in the estimation
+ if (!any(colneed %in% names(cols))) {
+ skipcolor <- TRUE
+ }
+ if (length(colneed) > length(coldefault)){
+ ## too many strata, keep as is
+ # layer <- ggplot2::layer_data(gg)
+ # cols <- layer[unique(layer[["group"]]), "colour"]
+ # names(cols) <- colneed
+ skipcolordef <- FALSE
+ skipcolor <- TRUE
+ } else if (length(intersect(names(cols), colneed)) > 0) {
+ cols <- cols[intersect(names(cols), colneed)]
+ } else if (length(colneed) <= length(coldefault)) {
+ cols <- coldefault[1:length(colneed)]
+ names(cols) <- colneed
+ skipcolordef <- FALSE
+ }
# fonts and text -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -443,9 +303,27 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
# Reset background
gg <- gg + ggplot2::theme_minimal()
+ if (!skipcolor) {
+ gg <- gg +
+ ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(labels = names(cols),
+ values = cols,
+ aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"), na.value = "grey50") +
+ ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(ttl))
+ } else if (!skipcolordef) {
+ ## apply color friendly palette
+ if (length(unique(ggplot2::layer_data(gg)[["group"]])) > length(coldefault)) {
+ warning(paste0(length(coldefault), " is the max. number of strata supported."))
+ } else {
+ gg <- gg +
+ ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = coldefault,
+ aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"), na.value = "grey50")
+ }
+ }
gg <- gg +
- ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = cols,
- aesthetics = c("colour", "fill")) +
text = font_family,
axis.title.x = axis_title,
@@ -460,6 +338,8 @@ apply_theme <- function(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL) {
legend.position = legend_position
+# END OF CODE -------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/R/define_theme.R b/R/define_theme.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69831347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/define_theme.R
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#' @title Provides a simple wrapper for themes
+#' @description
+#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
+#' This function collects several lists if they are present. If absent, reasonable defaults are used.
+#' When strata are not defined in the theme, they default to grey50 and will not be presented in the legend.
+#' @param strata named list containing the different strata and name:colour value pairs
+#' @param fontsizes named list containing the font sizes for different options
+#' @param fontfamily string with the name of a supported font
+#' @param grid boolean that specifies whether the major and minor grid should be drawn. The drawing of major and minor
+#' gridlines can be manipulated seperately by using a boolean indicator in a named `list` with elements `major`
+#' and `minor`.
+#' @param bg string defining the colour for the background of the plot
+#' @param legend_position string defining the legend position. Valid options are NULL, 'top' 'bottom' 'right' 'left'
+#' @return Nested list with styling preferences for a ggplot object
+#' @examples
+#' theme <- visR::define_theme(
+#' strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
+#' "M" = "blue"
+#' )
+#' ),
+#' fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
+#' "ticks" = 10,
+#' "legend_title" = 10,
+#' "legend_text" = 8),
+#' fontfamily = "Helvetica",
+#' grid = list("major" = FALSE,
+#' "minor" = FALSE
+#' ),
+#' bg = "transparent",
+#' legend_position = "top"
+#' @export
+define_theme <- function(strata = NULL,
+ fontsizes = NULL,
+ fontfamily = "Helvetica",
+ grid = FALSE,
+ bg = "transparent",
+ legend_position = NULL) {
+ theme <- list()
+ if (!base::is.null(strata)) {
+ if (base::is.list(strata)) {
+ if (base::length(base::names(strata)) > 0) {
+ theme[["strata"]] <- strata
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `strata`. Please provide a named list as described in the documentation. Setting strata to `NULL` (which results in no specific theming for stratification).")
+ theme[["strata"]] <- NULL
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!base::is.null(fontsizes)) {
+ if (base::is.list(fontsizes)) {
+ if (base::length(base::names(fontsizes)) > 0) {
+ theme[["fontsizes"]] <- fontsizes
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontsizes`. Please provide a named list for the individual plot elements as described in the documentation. Setting fontsizes to `NULL`.")
+ theme[["fontsizes"]] <- NULL
+ }
+ } else if (base::is.numeric(fontsizes)) {
+ base::message("Setting all fontsizes to the provided numeric value. It is recommended to use a named list as described in the documentation.")
+ theme[["fontsizes"]] <- fontsizes
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontsizes`. Please provide a named list as described in the documentation. Setting fontsizes to `NULL`.")
+ theme[["fontsizes"]] <- NULL
+ }
+ }
+ if (!base::is.character(fontfamily)) {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontfamily`. Please provide the name of a valid font family as a string. Setting to default `Helvetica`.")
+ theme[["fontfamily"]] <- "Helvetica"
+ } else if (base::is.character(fontfamily) & (base::length(fontfamily) > 1)) {
+ base::warning(paste0("Invalid amount of arguments for `fontfamily`. Using the first one: ", fontfamily[[1]]))
+ theme[["fontfamily"]] <- fontfamily[[1]]
+ } else if (base::is.character(fontfamily) &
+ (base::length(fontfamily) == 1) &
+ (base::nchar(fontfamily) == 0)) {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `fontfamily`. Please provide the name of a valid font family as a string. Setting to default `Helvetica`.")
+ theme[["fontfamily"]] <- "Helvetica"
+ } else {
+ theme[["fontfamily"]] <- fontfamily
+ }
+ if (base::is.logical(grid)) {
+ if (grid == TRUE) {
+ theme[["grid"]] <- list("major" = TRUE,
+ "minor" = FALSE)
+ } else {
+ theme[["grid"]] <- grid
+ }
+ } else if (is.list(grid)) {
+ if (("major" %in% names(grid)) | ("minor" %in% names(grid))) {
+ theme[["grid"]] <- grid
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `grid`. Please use a boolean or a list to indicate whether you want a background grid. Setting to default `FALSE`.")
+ theme[["grid"]] <- FALSE
+ }
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `grid`. Please use a boolean or a list to indicate whether you want a background grid. Setting to default `FALSE`.")
+ theme[["grid"]] <- FALSE
+ }
+ if (!base::is.character(bg)) {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `bg`. Please provide the name of a valid colour as a string. Setting to default `transparent`.")
+ theme[["bg"]] <- "transparent"
+ } else {
+ theme[["bg"]] <- bg
+ }
+ if (base::is.null(legend_position) | isTRUE(legend_position %in% c("top", "right", "left", "bottom"))) {
+ theme[["legend_position"]] <- legend_position
+ } else {
+ base::warning("Invalid argument for `legend_position`. Setting it to default \"right\".")
+ theme[["legend_position"]] <- "right"
+ }
+ base::class(theme) <- c( "visR_theme", class(theme))
+ return(theme)
+# END OF CODE -------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/R/get_tableone.R b/R/get_tableone.R
index a3be1925..796a9487 100644
--- a/R/get_tableone.R
+++ b/R/get_tableone.R
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @title Calculate summary statistics
-#' @description S3 method for creating a table of summary statistics.
+#' @description
+#' `r lifecycle::badge("questioning")`
+#' S3 method for creating a table of summary statistics.
#' The summary statistics can be used for presentation in tables such as table one or baseline and demography tables.
#' The summary statistics estimated are conditional on the variable type: continuous, binary, categorical, etc.
diff --git a/R/utils_pipe.R b/R/utils_pipe.R
index a680da0b..4932f2b2 100644
--- a/R/utils_pipe.R
+++ b/R/utils_pipe.R
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ the_lhs <- function() {
#' @title Find the character that represents the data argument in a call list
#' @description This function returns character that represents the data argument in a call list.
+#' @param call_list A list from a call
#' @return Character representing the data.
#' @noRd
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 953328ed..c6638496 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/openpharma/visR/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg)]
[](https://github.com/openpharma/visR/actions/workflows/makedocs.yml)
["CRAN
The goal of visR is to enable fit-for-purpose, reusable clinical and
@@ -93,26 +93,6 @@ adtte %>%
-#### Summary Table
-The `tableone()` function presents summary statistics in a table format.
-``` r
-## table by treatment - without overall and render with GT
-tableone <-
- adtte %>%
- dplyr::select(AGE, SEX, TRTA) %>%
- visR::tableone(
- strata = "TRTA",
- overall = TRUE,
- title = "Cohort Summary",
- datasource = "ADaM Interim Dataset for Time-to-Event Analysis",
- engine = "gt"
- )
## Cite visR
``` text
diff --git a/man/apply_theme.Rd b/man/apply_theme.Rd
index 23239136..ba8e43f2 100644
--- a/man/apply_theme.Rd
+++ b/man/apply_theme.Rd
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ apply_theme(gg, visR_theme_dict = NULL)
object of class \code{ggplot}
+\ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
Takes in the styling options defined through \code{visR::define_theme} and applies them to a plot.
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
gg <- adtte \%>\%
visR::estimate_KM(strata = "SEX") \%>\%
visR::visr() \%>\%
- visR::add_CI() \%>\%
diff --git a/man/define_theme.Rd b/man/define_theme.Rd
index b54c2fb4..3c6ffa23 100644
--- a/man/define_theme.Rd
+++ b/man/define_theme.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/apply_theme.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/define_theme.R
\title{Provides a simple wrapper for themes}
@@ -14,33 +14,33 @@ define_theme(
-\item{strata}{list containing the different strata and name:colour value pairs}
+\item{strata}{named list containing the different strata and name:colour value pairs}
-\item{fontsizes}{list containing the font sizes for different options}
+\item{fontsizes}{named list containing the font sizes for different options}
\item{fontfamily}{string with the name of a supported font}
-\item{grid}{boolean that specifies whether the grid should be drawn or not}
+\item{grid}{boolean that specifies whether the major and minor grid should be drawn. The drawing of major and minor
+gridlines can be manipulated seperately by using a boolean indicator in a named \code{list} with elements \code{major}
+and \code{minor}.}
-\item{bg}{string giving the colour for the background of the plot}
+\item{bg}{string defining the colour for the background of the plot}
-\item{legend_position}{string indicating the legend position}
+\item{legend_position}{string defining the legend position. Valid options are NULL, 'top' 'bottom' 'right' 'left'}
Nested list with styling preferences for a ggplot object
+\ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
This function collects several lists if they are present. If absent, reasonable defaults are used.
+When strata are not defined in the theme, they default to grey50 and will not be presented in the legend.
theme <- visR::define_theme(
strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
"M" = "blue"
- ),
- "TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
- "Xanomeline High Dose" = "purple",
- "Xanomeline Low Dose" = "brown"
fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
diff --git a/man/get_tableone.Rd b/man/get_tableone.Rd
index 11dd370c..8acddba8 100644
--- a/man/get_tableone.Rd
+++ b/man/get_tableone.Rd
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ object of class tableone. That is a list of data specified summaries
for all input variables.
+\ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#questioning}{\figure{lifecycle-questioning.svg}{options: alt='[Questioning]'}}}{\strong{[Questioning]}}
S3 method for creating a table of summary statistics.
The summary statistics can be used for presentation in tables such as table one or baseline and demography tables.
@@ -46,8 +47,6 @@ By default the following summary stats are calculated:
-\ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
It is possible to provide your own summary function. Please have a loot at summary for inspiration.
diff --git a/tests/testthat/helper.R b/tests/testthat/helper.R
index b6e9d351..21f461ea 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/helper.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/helper.R
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
#' @keywords internal
.check_traceback_stack_for_ggplot_aesthetics_warning <- function() {
# ggplot returns its errors for aesthetics as overloaded arguments to the
# a print call (I think?) which makes them non-catchable through testthat.
# This part retrieves it anyway.
traceback_stack <- base::.traceback(1)
# Collapse elements of stack in case they are multiline
for (i in 1:base::length(traceback_stack)) {
traceback_stack[i] <- base::paste0(base::paste0(traceback_stack[i]))
abortive_warning <- base::grep("[^_]Aesthetics", traceback_stack, value = TRUE)
#' A helper function for map numbers to an arbitrary range
#' @keywords internal
.map_numbers_to_new_range <- function(numbers, lower, upper) {
# Used to artificially generated a set amount of strata for testing
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/18303620/10169453
# Shifting the vector so that min(x) == 0
numbers <- numbers - min(numbers)
# Scaling to the range of [0, 1]
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
numbers <- numbers * (upper - lower)
# Shifting to the needed level
return(as.factor(round(numbers + lower, 0)))
-#' A helper function that returns the full paths of the package files as a vector.
-#' It is used as part of the watchdogs documented here at
+#' A helper function that returns the full paths of the package files as a vector.
+#' It is used as part of the watchdogs documented here at
#' https://github.com/openpharma/visR/wiki/Coding-principles#package-maintenance
#' @keywords internal
@@ -53,98 +53,98 @@
documentation = FALSE,
vignettes = FALSE,
remove_watchdog = TRUE) {
files <- list()
wd <- getwd()
if (functions) {
- R_files <- list.files(path = file.path(wd, "/../../R"),
- pattern = "*.R",
+ R_files <- list.files(path = file.path(wd, "/../../R"),
+ pattern = "*.R",
full.names = TRUE)
files <- c(files, unlist(R_files))
if (tests) {
test_files <- list.files(path = wd,
- pattern = "*.R",
+ pattern = "*.R",
full.names = TRUE)
files <- c(files, unlist(test_files))
if (documentation) {
- man_files <- list.files(path = file.path(wd, "/../../man"),
- pattern = "*.Rd",
+ man_files <- list.files(path = file.path(wd, "/../../man"),
+ pattern = "*.Rd",
full.names = TRUE)
files <- c(files, unlist(man_files))
if (vignettes) {
vignette_files <- list.files(path = file.path(wd, "/../../vignettes"),
- pattern = "*.Rmd",
+ pattern = "*.Rmd",
full.names = TRUE)
files <- c(files, unlist(vignette_files))
if (remove_watchdog) { files <- files[!grepl("test-watchdog_CRAN.R", files)] }
-#' A helper function that returns a formatted table containing a table of
-#' content based on the `testthat` context and name info given in the file.
+#' A helper function that returns a formatted table containing a table of
+#' content based on the `testthat` context and name info given in the file.
#' @keywords internal
.get_test_TOC <- function(path_to_file) {
txt <- paste(readLines(path_to_file, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
tests <- gregexpr("testthat::test_that\\(\\\"(.+?)\"", txt)
contexts <- gregexpr("context\\(\\\"(.+?)\"", txt)
context_df <- data.frame("pos" = unlist(contexts))
- context_df["match.length"] <- attributes(contexts[[1]])$match.length
+ context_df["match.length"] <- attributes(contexts[[1]])$match.length
context_df["index.type"] <- attributes(contexts[[1]])$index.type
context_df["useBytes"] <- attributes(contexts[[1]])$useBytes
context_df["type"] = "context"
context_df["content"] <- regmatches(txt, contexts)
context_df$content <- base::lapply(context_df$content, function(c) {
c <- gsub(pattern = "context\\(\"(.+?)T", replacement = "T", x = c)
c <- gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "", x = c)
}) %>% unlist()
test_df <- data.frame("pos" = unlist(tests))
- test_df["match.length"] <- attributes(tests[[1]])$match.length
+ test_df["match.length"] <- attributes(tests[[1]])$match.length
test_df["index.type"] <- attributes(tests[[1]])$index.type
test_df["useBytes"] <- attributes(tests[[1]])$useBytes
test_df["type"] <- "test"
test_df["content"] <- regmatches(txt, tests)
test_df$content <- base::lapply(test_df$content, function(c) {
c <- gsub(pattern = "testthat::test_that\\(\\\"T", replacement = "T", x = c)
c <- gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement = "", x = c)
}) %>% unlist()
matches <- rbind(context_df, test_df)
matches <- matches[order(matches$pos),]
toc <- ""
toc <- base::lapply(matches$content, function(line) {
toc <- paste0(toc, "#' ", line, "\n")
}) %>% unlist() %>% paste0(collapse = "")
# get_pvalue - Results to compare against ---------------------------------
@@ -204,4 +204,19 @@ get_pvalue_ref134 <- base::rbind.data.frame(
make.row.names = FALSE
\ No newline at end of file
+get_legend_title <- function(gg) {
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ ggt <- ggplot2::ggplot_gtable(ggb)
+ legend_grob_id <- which(sapply(ggt$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
+ legend_grob <- ggt$grobs[[legend_grob_id]]
+ legend_title_id <- which(sapply(legend_grob$grobs[[1]]$layout$name, function(x) x) == "title")
+ legend_gtree <- legend_grob$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[legend_title_id]]
+ legend_title <- legend_gtree$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$label
+ return(legend_title)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-apply_theme.R b/tests/testthat/test-apply_theme.R
index 889eede3..eb8f91e4 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-apply_theme.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-apply_theme.R
@@ -1,245 +1,61 @@
#' @title Specifications test-apply_theme.R
-#' @section Last updated by: Tim Treis (tim.treis@@outlook.de)
-#' @section Last update date: 2022-02-09T15:22:32
+#' @section Last updated by: Steven Haesendonckx (shaesen2@@its.jnj.com)
+#' @section Last update date: 2022-06-20
#' @section List of tested specifications
-#' T1. The `define_theme()` function returns a `visR_theme` object can contain valid input parameters for `apply_theme()`.
-#' T1.1 No error when no parameters are specified.
-#' T1.2 Not specifying any parameters returns a list.
-#' T1.3 No error when `strata` is `NULL`.
-#' T1.4 A warning when `strata` is an empty `list`.
-#' T1.5 A warning when `strata` is an unnamed `list`.
-#' T1.6 No warning when `strata` is a named `list`.
-#' T1.7 No error when `fontsizes` is `NULL`.
-#' T1.8 A warning when `fontsizes` is an empty `list`.
-#' T1.9 A warning when `fontsizes` is an unnamed `list`.
-#' T1.10 No warning when `fontsizes` is a named `list`.
-#' T1.11 A message when `fontsizes` is a numerical value.
-#' T1.12 A warning when `fontsizes` is neither `NULL`, a `list` or a `numeric`.
-#' T1.13 No error when `fontfamily` is a string.
-#' T1.14 A warning when `fontfamily` is an empty string.
-#' T1.15 A warning when `fontfamily` is a vector of strings.
-#' T1.16 A warning when `fontfamily` is anything but a string.
-#' T1.17 No error when `grid` is a boolean.
-#' T1.18 A warning when `grid` is a list but its members are not `major` or `minor`.
-#' T1.19 A warning when `grid` is anything but a boolean or a list.
-#' T1.20 No error when `bg` is a character.
-#' T1.21 A warning when `bg` is anything but a character.
-#' T1.22 No warning when `legend_position` is a `character` or `NULL`.
-#' T1.23 A warning when `legend_position` is not a `character` or `NULL`.
-#' T1.24 The returned theme object is of class `visR_theme`.
-#' T2. The `apply_theme` function applies the specified changes to a `ggplot` object.
-#' T2.1 No error when a `ggplot` plot is provided, but no theme.
-#' T2.2 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a minimal `visR::define_theme` object are provided.
-#' T2.3 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a complex `visR::define_theme` object are provided.
-#' T2.4 A message when a theme not generated through `visR::define_theme` is provided.
-#' T2.5 Colours applied through `visR::apply_theme()` are used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
-#' T2.6 If `fontsizes` is a `numeric`, the other font occurrences are derived from it.
-#' T2.7 If `fontsizes` is a `list`, the individual fonts are extracted and used.
-#' T2.8 The fontfamily applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
-#' T2.9 If `grid` is a single `logical`, it is used for both major and minor grid.
-#' T2.10 If `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' as single `logical`s, these are used for their respective options.
-#' T2.11 A warning when `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' that are not single `logical`s.
-#' T2.12 A warning when `grid` is a named list that does not contain 'major' and/or 'minor'.
-#' T2.13 The background applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
-#' T2.14 The legend_position applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
-#' T2.15 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is correctly passed through to the resulting `ggplot` object.
+#' T1. The function applies the specified changes to a `ggplot` object.
+#' T1.1 No error when a `ggplot` plot is provided, but no theme.
+#' T1.2 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a minimal `visR::define_theme` object are provided.
+#' T1.3 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a complex `visR::define_theme` object are provided.
+#' T1.4 A message when a theme not generated through `visR::define_theme` is provided.
+#' T1.5 If `fontsizes` is a `numeric`, the other font occurrences are derived from it.
+#' T1.6 If `fontsizes` is a `list`, the individual fonts are extracted and used.
+#' T1.7 The fontfamily applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
+#' T1.8 If `grid` is a single `logical`, it is used for both major and minor grid.
+#' T1.9 If `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' as single `logical`s, these are used for their respective options.
+#' T1.10 A warning when `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' that are not single `logical`s.
+#' T1.11 A warning when `grid` is a named list that does not contain 'major' and/or 'minor'.
+#' T1.12 The background applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.
+#' T1.13 T1.14 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is used when not defined through `visR::apply_theme()`..
+#' T1.14 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is correctly passed through to the resulting `ggplot` object.
+#' T1.15 If a stratum has no colour assigned, the default colour (grey50) is used.
+#' T1.16 When the theme dict contains no colour information for the strata of the ggplot object, the default visR colours are used.
+#' T1.17 When the stratum requires more colours than the visR palette holds, the default ggplot2 ones are chosen.
+#' T1.18 If no strata colors can be mapped to the graph, a warning about the presence of more than 15 strata levels.
+#' T1.19 The named list is used in the legend title.
-# Requirement T1 ----------------------------------------------------------
-testthat::context("apply_theme - T1. The `define_theme()` function returns a `visR_theme` object can contain valid input parameters for `apply_theme()`.")
-testthat::test_that("T1.1 No error when no parameters are specified.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.2 Not specifying any parameters returns a list.", {
- theme <- visR::define_theme()
- testthat::expect_true(is.list(theme))
-testthat::test_that("T1.3 No error when `strata` is `NULL`.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(strata = NULL), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.4 A warning when `strata` is an empty `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.5 A warning when `strata` is an unnamed `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list("v", "i", "s", "R")))
-testthat::test_that("T1.6 No warning when `strata` is a named `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list("visR" = "visR")), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.7 No error when `fontsizes` is `NULL`.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = NULL), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.8 A warning when `fontsizes` is an empty `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.9 A warning when `fontsizes` is an unnamed `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list("s", "R")))
-testthat::test_that("T1.10 No warning when `fontsizes` is a named `list`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list("a" = "a")), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.11 A message when `fontsizes` is a numerical value.", {
- testthat::expect_message(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = 12))
-testthat::test_that("T1.12 A warning when `fontsizes` is neither `NULL`, a `list` or a `numeric`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = "visR"))
-testthat::test_that("T1.13 No error when `fontfamily` is a string.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = "Times"), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.14 A warning when `fontfamily` is an empty string.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = ""))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = c("")))
-testthat::test_that("T1.15 A warning when `fontfamily` is a vector of strings.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = c("a", "a")))
-testthat::test_that("T1.16 A warning when `fontfamily` is anything but a string.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = NULL))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = 12))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = TRUE))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = list()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.17 No error when `grid` is a boolean.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = TRUE), NA)
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = FALSE), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.18 A warning when `grid` is a list but its members are not `major` or `minor`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = list("visR" = TRUE)))
-testthat::test_that("T1.19 A warning when `grid` is anything but a boolean or a list.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = NULL))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = 12))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = "visR"))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = c()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.20 No error when `bg` is a character.", {
- testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(bg = "blue"), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.21 A warning when `bg` is anything but a character.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = NULL))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = 12))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = list()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.22 No warning when `legend_position` is a `character` or `NULL`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "top"), NA)
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = NULL), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T1.23 A warning when `legend_position` is not a `character` or `NULL`.", {
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = 12))
- testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = list()))
-testthat::test_that("T1.24 The returned theme object is of class `visR_theme`.", {
- testthat::expect_true(inherits(visR::define_theme(), "visR_theme"))
+# Requirement T1 ----------------------------------------------------------
-# Requirement T2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("apply_theme - T1. The function applies the specified changes to a `ggplot` object.")
-testthat::context("apply_theme - T2. The `apply_theme` function applies the specified changes to a `ggplot` object.")
+testthat::test_that("T1.1 No error when a `ggplot` plot is provided, but no theme.", {
-testthat::test_that("T2.1 No error when a `ggplot` plot is provided, but no theme.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
testthat::expect_error(visR::apply_theme(gg), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T2.2 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a minimal `visR::define_theme` object are provided.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.2 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a minimal `visR::define_theme` object are provided.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme()
testthat::expect_error(visR::apply_theme(gg, theme), NA)
testthat::expect_error(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T2.3 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a complex `visR::define_theme` object are provided.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.3 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a complex `visR::define_theme` object are provided.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
"M" = "blue"),
"TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
@@ -250,239 +66,210 @@ testthat::test_that("T2.3 No error when a `ggplot` plot and a complex `visR::def
fontfamily = "Helvetica",
grid = FALSE,
bg = "transparent")
testthat::expect_error(visR::apply_theme(gg, theme), NA)
testthat::expect_error(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme), NA)
-testthat::test_that("T2.4 A message when a theme not generated through `visR::define_theme` is provided.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.4 A message when a theme not generated through `visR::define_theme` is provided.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- list("fontfamily" = "Palatino")
testthat::expect_error(visR::apply_theme(gg, theme), NA)
testthat::expect_error(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme), NA)
testthat::expect_message(visR::apply_theme(gg, theme))
testthat::expect_message(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme))
-testthat::test_that("T2.5 Colours applied through `visR::apply_theme()` are used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
- gg <- adtte %>%
- visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
- visR::visr()
- theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = "red",
- "M" = "blue"),
- "TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
- "Xanomeline High Dose" = "purple",
- "Xanomeline Low Dose" = "brown")))
- gg <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme)
- ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
- testthat::expect_equal(unique(unlist(theme$strata$SEX)),
- unique(ggb$data[[1]]$colour))
-testthat::test_that("T2.6 If `fontsizes` is a `numeric`, the other font occurrences are derived from it.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.5 If `fontsizes` is a `numeric`, the other font occurrences are derived from it.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(fontsizes = 12)
gg <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme)
ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes, ggb$plot$theme$axis.title.x$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes, ggb$plot$theme$axis.title.y$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes, ggb$plot$theme$axis.text$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes, ggb$plot$theme$legend.title$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes, ggb$plot$theme$legend.text$size)
-testthat::test_that("T2.7 If `fontsizes` is a `list`, the individual fonts are extracted and used.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.6 If `fontsizes` is a `list`, the individual fonts are extracted and used.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
"ticks" = 10,
"legend_title" = 10,
"legend_text" = 8))
gg <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme)
ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes$axis, ggb$plot$theme$axis.title.x$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes$axis, ggb$plot$theme$axis.title.y$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes$ticks, ggb$plot$theme$axis.text$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes$legend_title, ggb$plot$theme$legend.title$size)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontsizes$legend_text, ggb$plot$theme$legend.text$size)
-testthat::test_that("T2.8 The fontfamily applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.7 The fontfamily applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(fontfamily = "Helvetica")
gg <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme)
ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$fontfamily, ggb$plot$theme$text$family)
-testthat::test_that("T2.9 If `grid` is a single `logical`, it is used for both major and minor grid.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.8 If `grid` is a single `logical`, it is used for both major and minor grid.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme_grid_false <- visR::define_theme(grid = FALSE) # Equal to major = minor = FALSE
- # Construct "grid = TRUE" case manually since visR::define_theme(grid = TRUE)
+ # Construct "grid = TRUE" case manually since visR::define_theme(grid = TRUE)
# would result in "major = TRUE; minor = FALSE)" due to our opinionated position
theme_grid_true <- theme_grid_false
theme_grid_true$grid <- TRUE
gg_grid_true <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_grid_true)
gg_grid_false <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_grid_false)
ggb_grid_true <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_grid_true)
ggb_grid_false <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_grid_false)
testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_true$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_line")) &
- (inherits(ggb_grid_true$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
+ (inherits(ggb_grid_true$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_false$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_blank")) &
- (inherits(ggb_grid_false$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_blank")))
+ (inherits(ggb_grid_false$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_blank")))
-testthat::test_that("T2.10 If `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' as single `logical`s, these are used for their respective options.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.9 If `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' as single `logical`s, these are used for their respective options.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme_grid_none <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = FALSE,
"minor" = FALSE))
theme_grid_only_minor <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = FALSE,
"minor" = TRUE))
theme_grid_minor_and_major <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = TRUE,
"minor" = TRUE))
gg_grid_none <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_grid_none)
gg_grid_only_minor <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_grid_only_minor)
gg_grid_minor_and_major <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_grid_minor_and_major)
ggb_grid_none <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_grid_none)
ggb_grid_only_minor <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_grid_only_minor)
ggb_grid_minor_and_major <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_grid_minor_and_major)
testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_none$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_blank")) &
- (inherits(ggb_grid_none$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_blank")))
+ (inherits(ggb_grid_none$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_blank")))
testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_only_minor$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_blank")) &
- (inherits(ggb_grid_only_minor$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
- testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_minor_and_major$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_line")) &
- (inherits(ggb_grid_minor_and_major$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
+ (inherits(ggb_grid_only_minor$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
+ testthat::expect_true((inherits(ggb_grid_minor_and_major$plot$theme$panel.grid.major, "element_line")) &
+ (inherits(ggb_grid_minor_and_major$plot$theme$panel.grid.minor, "element_line")))
-testthat::test_that("T2.11 A warning when `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' that are not single `logical`s.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.10 A warning when `grid` is a named list containing 'major' and/or 'minor' that are not single `logical`s.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme_major_correct <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = TRUE,
"minor" = "visR"))
theme_minor_correct <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = "visR",
"minor" = TRUE))
testthat::expect_warning(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_major_correct))
testthat::expect_warning(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_minor_correct))
-testthat::test_that("T2.12 A warning when `grid` is a named list that does not contain 'major' and/or 'minor'.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.11 A warning when `grid` is a named list that does not contain 'major' and/or 'minor'.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = "visR",
"minor" = "Rsiv"))
names(theme$grid) <- c("visR", "Rsiv")
testthat::expect_warning(gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme))
-testthat::test_that("T2.13 The background applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.12 The background applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme <- visR::define_theme(bg = "transparent")
gg <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme)
ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
testthat::expect_equal(theme$bg, ggb$plot$theme$panel.background$fill)
-testthat::test_that("T2.14 The legend_position applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.13 The legend_position applied through `visR::apply_theme()` is used in the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
gg <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
theme_top <- visR::define_theme(legend_position = "top")
theme_right <- visR::define_theme(legend_position = "right")
theme_bottom <- visR::define_theme(legend_position = "bottom")
theme_left <- visR::define_theme(legend_position = "left")
gg_top <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_top)
gg_right <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_right)
gg_bottom <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_bottom)
gg_left <- gg %>% visR::apply_theme(theme_left)
ggb_top <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_top)
ggb_right <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_right)
ggb_bottom <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_bottom)
ggb_left <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_left)
testthat::expect_equal(theme_top$legend_position, ggb_top$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_equal(theme_right$legend_position, ggb_right$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_equal(theme_bottom$legend_position, ggb_bottom$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_equal(theme_left$legend_position, ggb_left$plot$theme$legend.position)
-testthat::test_that("T2.15 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is correctly passed through to the resulting `ggplot` object.", {
+testthat::test_that("T1.14 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is used when not defined through `visR::apply_theme()`.", {
gg_top <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
visR::visr(legend_position = "top")
@@ -495,7 +282,7 @@ testthat::test_that("T2.15 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is corr
gg_left <- adtte %>%
visR::estimate_KM("SEX") %>%
visR::visr(legend_position = "left")
gg_top <- gg_top %>% visR::apply_theme()
gg_right <- gg_right %>% visR::apply_theme()
gg_bottom <- gg_bottom %>% visR::apply_theme()
@@ -505,12 +292,256 @@ testthat::test_that("T2.15 The legend_position defined in `visR::visr()` is corr
ggb_right <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_right)
ggb_bottom <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_bottom)
ggb_left <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg_left)
testthat::expect_true("top" %in% ggb_top$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_true("right" %in% ggb_right$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_true("bottom" %in% ggb_bottom$plot$theme$legend.position)
testthat::expect_true("left" %in% ggb_left$plot$theme$legend.position)
+testthat::test_that("T1.15 If a stratum has no colour assigned, the default colour (grey50) is used.", {
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = NULL,
+ "M" = "blue"),
+ "TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
+ "Xanomeline High Dose" = "purple",
+ "Xanomeline Low Dose" = "brown")),
+ fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
+ "ticks" = 10,
+ "legend_title" = 10,
+ "legend_text" = 8),
+ fontfamily = "Helvetica",
+ grid = FALSE,
+ bg = "transparent",
+ legend_position = "top")
+ gg <- adtte %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = "SEX") %>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ testthat::expect_true("grey50" %in% unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"])))
+ testthat::expect_true("blue" %in% unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"])))
+ ## example 2
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(
+ strata = list("Sex, ph.ecog" = list("Female, 0" = "red",
+ "Male, 0" = "blue")))
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = c("Sex", "ph.ecog"), CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ gg <-survobj %>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ cols <- unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"]))
+ testthat::expect_true("grey50" %in% cols)
+ testthat::expect_true("red" %in% cols)
+ testthat::expect_true("blue" %in% cols)
+testthat::test_that("T1.16 If no strata colors can be mapped to the graph, the default visR palette is used as long as there are less than 15 strata levels.", {
+ ## example 1
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(
+ strata = list("Sex" = list("Female" = "blue",
+ "Male" = "red"),
+ "ph.ecog" = list("0" = "cyan",
+ "1" = "purple",
+ "2" = "brown")))
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = c("ph.ecog", "Sex"), CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ gg <- survobj%>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ cols <- unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"]))
+ names(cols) <- NULL
+ testthat::expect_true(length(setdiff(c("#000000", "#490092", "#920000", "#009292", "#B66DFF", "#DBD100", "#FFB677"), cols)) == 0)
+ ## example 2
+ theme <- visR::define_theme()
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = NULL, CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ gg <- survobj%>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ cols <- unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"]))
+ names(cols) <- NULL
+ testthat::expect_true(length(setdiff(c("#000000"), cols)) == 0)
+testthat::test_that("T1.17 If no strata colors can be mapped to the graph, the original colors are retained if there are more than 15 strata levels.", {
+ ## not a relevant strata list, but is required to test the requirement easily
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(
+ strata = list("Sex" = list("Female" = "blue",
+ "Male" = "red"),
+ "ph.ecog" = list("0" = "cyan",
+ "1" = "purple",
+ "2" = "brown")))
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = c("Age", "pat.karno"), CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ gg <- suppressWarnings(survobj %>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme))
+ ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+ # Get expected colours
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559/emulate-ggplot2-default-color-palette
+ gg_colour_hue <- function(n) {
+ hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
+ hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
+ }
+ cols_expected <- gg_colour_hue(n=length(unique(names(survobj$strata))))
+ cols <- unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"]))
+ names(cols) <- NULL
+ testthat::expect_true(length(cols_expected %in% cols)>1)
+testthat::test_that("T1.18 If no strata colors can be mapped to the graph, a warning about the presence of more than 15 strata levels.", {
+ ## not a relevant strata list, but is required to test the requirement easily
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(
+ strata = list("Age*pat.karno" = list("39, 90 " = "red",
+ "40, 80 " = "blue",
+ "41, 80 " = "blue",
+ "42, 80 " = "blue",
+ "43, 90 " = "blue",
+ "44, 80 " = "blue",
+ "44, 90 " = "blue",
+ "44, 100" = "blue",
+ "45, 100" = "blue",
+ "46, 100" = "blue",
+ "47, 90 " = "blue",
+ "48, 60 " = "blue",
+ "48, 80 " = "blue",
+ "48, 90 " = "blue",
+ "49, 60 " = "blue",
+ "49, 70 " = "blue",
+ "50, 60 " = "blue",
+ "50, 80 " = "blue",
+ "50, 100" = "blue")))
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = c("Age", "pat.karno"), CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ testthat::expect_warning(survobj %>% visR::visr() %>% apply_theme(theme))
+testthat::test_that("T1.19 The named list is used in the legend title.", {
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("SEX" = list("F" = NULL,
+ "M" = "blue"),
+ "TRTA" = list("Placebo" = "cyan",
+ "Xanomeline High Dose" = "purple",
+ "Xanomeline Low Dose" = "brown")),
+ fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
+ "ticks" = 10,
+ "legend_title" = 10,
+ "legend_text" = 8),
+ fontfamily = "Helvetica",
+ grid = FALSE,
+ bg = "transparent",
+ legend_position = "top")
+ gg <- adtte %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = "SEX") %>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ testthat::expect_equal(get_legend_title(gg), "SEX")
+ ## example 2
+ theme <- visR::define_theme(
+ strata = list("Sex, ph.ecog" = list("Female" = "red",
+ "Male" = "blue")))
+ survobj <- survival::lung %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "Male", "Female"))) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = status - 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(Age = "age", Sex = "sex", Status = "status", Days = "time") %>%
+ visR::estimate_KM(strata = c("Sex"), CNSR = "Status", AVAL = "Days")
+ gg <-survobj %>%
+ visR::visr() %>%
+ visR::apply_theme(theme)
+ testthat::expect_equal(get_legend_title(gg), "Sex, ph.ecog")
+# testthat::test_that("T1.18 When the strata requires more colours than the visR palette holds, the default ggplot2 ones are chosen.", {
+# theme <- visR::define_theme(strata = list("TRTDUR" = list("F" = "red",
+# "M" = "blue")),
+# fontsizes = list("axis" = 12,
+# "ticks" = 10,
+# "legend_title" = 10,
+# "legend_text" = 8),
+# fontfamily = "Helvetica",
+# grid = FALSE,
+# bg = "transparent",
+# legend_position = "top")
+# adtte2 <- adtte
+# adtte2$TRTDUR <- round(adtte$TRTDUR/10)
+# gg <- adtte2 %>%
+# visR::estimate_KM(strata = "TRTDUR") %>%
+# visR::visr() %>%
+# visR::apply_theme(theme)
+# cols_expected <- gg_colour_hue(length(unique(adtte2$TRTDUR)))
+# # Get used colours and strip off the alpha part
+# ggb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)
+# cols_observed <- unlist(unique(ggb$data[[1]]["fill"]))
+# cols_observed <- gsub(".{2}$", "", cols_observed)
+# names(cols_observed) <- NULL
+# testthat::expect_equal(cols_expected, cols_observed)
+# })
# END OF CODE -------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-define_theme.R b/tests/testthat/test-define_theme.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0b7a065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-define_theme.R
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#' @title Specifications test-define_theme.R
+#' @section Last updated by: Steven Haesendonckx (shaesen2@@its.jnj.com)
+#' @section Last update date: 2022-06-20
+#' @section List of tested specifications
+#' T1. The function returns a `visR_theme` object.
+#' T1.1 The function returns a list of class `visR_theme`.
+#' T1.2 No error when no parameters are specified.
+#' T2. The function accepts `strata` as argument.
+#' T2.1 No error when `strata` is `NULL`.
+#' T2.2 A warning when `strata` is an empty `list`.
+#' T2.3 A warning when `strata` is an unnamed `list`.
+#' T2.4 No warning when `strata` is a named `list`.
+#' T3. The function accepts `fontsizes` as argument.
+#' T3.1 No error when `fontsizes` is undefined.
+#' T3.2 A warning when `fontsizes` is an empty `list`.
+#' T3.3 A warning when `fontsizes` is `character`.
+#' T3.4 A message when `fontsizes` is a numerical value.
+#' T3.5 A warning when `fontsizes` is an unnamed `list`.
+#' T3.6 No warning when `fontsizes` is a named `list`.
+#' T4. The function accepts `fontfamily` as argument.
+#' T4.1 No error when `fontfamily` is a string.
+#' T4.2 A warning when `fontfamily` is an empty string.
+#' T4.3 A warning when `fontfamily` is a vector of strings.
+#' T4.4 A warning when `fontfamily` is anything but a string.
+#' T5. The function accepts `grid` as argument.
+#' T5.1 No error when `grid` is a boolean.
+#' T5.2 No error when `grid` is a named list with elements `major` `minor`.
+#' T5.3 A warning when `grid` is a unnmaed list.
+#' T5.4 A warning when `grid` is a named list without elements `major` `minor`.
+#' T5.5 A warning when `grid` is anything but a boolean or a list.
+#' T6. The function accepts `bg` as argument.
+#' T6.1 No error when `bg` is a character.
+#' T6.2 A warning when `bg` is anything but a character.
+#' T7. The function accepts `legend_position` as argument.
+#' T7.1 `legend_position` accept 4 different strings `top` `right` `bottom` `left`.
+#' T7.2 `legend_position` accepts NULL.
+#' T7.3 A warning when `legend_position` is not NULL nor a string equal to `top` `right` `bottom` `left`.
+# Requirement T1 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T1. `define_theme()` returns a `visR_theme` object.")
+testthat::test_that("T1.1 `define_theme()` returns a list of class `visR_theme`.", {
+ testthat::expect_true(inherits(visR::define_theme(), "visR_theme"))
+ testthat::expect_true(inherits(visR::define_theme(), "list"))
+testthat::test_that("T1.2 No error when no parameters are specified.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(), NA)
+# Requirement T2 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T2. The function accepts `strata` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T2.1 No error when `strata` is `NULL`.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(strata = NULL), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T2.2 A warning when `strata` is an empty `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list()))
+testthat::test_that("T2.3 A warning when `strata` is an unnamed `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list("v", "i", "s", "R")))
+testthat::test_that("T2.4 No warning when `strata` is a named `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(strata = list("visR" = "visR")), NA)
+# Requirement T3 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T3. The function accepts `fontsizes` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T3.1 No error when `fontsizes` is undefined.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T3.2 A warning when `fontsizes` is an empty `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list()))
+testthat::test_that("T3.3 A warning when `fontsizes` is `character`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = "NULL"))
+testthat::test_that("T3.4 A message when `fontsizes` is a numerical value.", {
+ testthat::expect_message(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = 12))
+testthat::test_that("T3.5 A warning when `fontsizes` is an unnamed `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list("s", "R")))
+testthat::test_that("T3.6 No warning when `fontsizes` is a named `list`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontsizes = list("a" = "a")), NA)
+# Requirement T4 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T4. The function accepts `fontfamily` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T4.1 No error when `fontfamily` is a string.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = "Times"), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T4.2 A warning when `fontfamily` is an empty string.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = ""))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = c("")))
+testthat::test_that("T4.3 A warning when `fontfamily` is a vector of strings.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = c("a", "a")))
+testthat::test_that("T4.4 A warning when `fontfamily` is anything but a string.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = NULL))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = 12))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = TRUE))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(fontfamily = list()))
+# Requirement T5 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T5. The function accepts `grid` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T5.1 No error when `grid` is a boolean.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = TRUE), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = FALSE), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T5.2 No error when `grid` is a named list with elements `major` `minor`.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = TRUE, "minor" = FALSE)), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = list("major" = TRUE)), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(grid = list("minor" = TRUE)), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T5.3 A warning when `grid` is a unnmaed list.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = list(TRUE,TRUE)))
+testthat::test_that("T5.4 A warning when `grid` is a named list without elements `major` `minor`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = list("visR" = TRUE)))
+testthat::test_that("T5.5 A warning when `grid` is anything but a boolean or a list.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = NULL))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = 12))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = "visR"))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(grid = c()))
+# Requirement T6 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T6. The function accepts `bg` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T6.1 No error when `bg` is a character.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(bg = "blue"), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T6.2 A warning when `bg` is anything but a character.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = NULL))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = 12))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(bg = list()))
+# Requirement T7 ----------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::context("define_theme - T7. The function accepts `legend_position` as argument.")
+testthat::test_that("T7.1 `legend_position` accept 4 different strings `top` `right` `bottom` `left`.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "top"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "bottom"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "left"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "right"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "top"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "bottom"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "left"), NA)
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "right"), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T7.2 `legend_position` accepts NULL.", {
+ testthat::expect_error(visR::define_theme(legend_position = NULL), NA)
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = NULL), NA)
+testthat::test_that("T7.3 A warning when `legend_position` is not NULL nor a string equal to `top` `right` `bottom` `left`.", {
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = "visR"))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = 12))
+ testthat::expect_warning(visR::define_theme(legend_position = list()))
+# END OF CODE -------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vignettes/Styling_KM_plots.Rmd b/vignettes/Styling_KM_plots.Rmd
index 1da658c3..90a78e63 100644
--- a/vignettes/Styling_KM_plots.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/Styling_KM_plots.Rmd
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
# Introduction
```{r libraries, include = TRUE}
@@ -145,14 +144,3 @@ lung_suvival_object %>%
visR::visr() %>%
-Applying a theme does not prevent the user from further applying modifications, as for example the addition of confidence intervals, censoring indicators or risk tables.
-```{r visr-apply_theme-non-empty-fancy, warning=FALSE}
-lung_suvival_object %>%
- visR::visr() %>%
- visR::apply_theme(theme) %>%
- visR::add_CI() %>%
- visR::add_CNSR() %>%
- visR::add_risktable()