Chris Welcome to Ops All The Things, your podcast for all things DevOps, SysAdmin and Operations.
Chris I'm Chris Webber
Steve and I'm Steve Murawski and this show is being recorded on July 11th, 2014.
Chris And this podcast is sponsored by Chef.
- Chris Supermarket is alive
- Survey
- Postmortem all the things
- Steve Atom, a new text editor, has a Windows build!
- Steve Want my previous job?
- Steve By the time this airs, I'll be an employee of Chef! (I'm unemployed as of this recording)
Debug All the Things
- What is Debugging?
- Historical
- Current
- Debugging should be a standardized process
- Reproduce the problem
- Diagnose the issue
- Fix it
- Reflect
- Notes from the field: Making sure you
- have a starting place
- understand what your baseline (for performance/functionality/whatever) should be
- Centralized logging
- Monitoring for physical OS health and Application health and performance
- environment where you can try to replicate and troubleshoot
- fix it once (then put regression tests in place)
- preventative measures - TESTS!
- have a starting place
- Talk tools maybe?
- What are your goto tools on windows? linux? Web apps?
Book - Debug It
- Mark imbriaco postmortems
- Supermarket Survey
- Brendan Greg Books
Thanks for joining us for Ops All The Things. If you have questions, comments, or other feedback, you can find us at or on twitter as @opsallthethings.