How to use:
First you need to ensure that Docker is running. This can be done on a Linux host using Docker's installers or on OSX using boot2docker. Once you have that, you can install the dependencies with Bundler and then use the Docker like the following:
CHEF_DRIVER=docker bundle exec chef-client -z docker_ubuntu_image.rb
This will run Chef-zero and use the description stored in docker_ubuntu_image.rb (the second example below). Note that some configuration syntax is likely to change a little bit so be sure to check the documentation.
Using this , you can then define a machine similar to the following example:
require 'chef/provisioning/docker_driver'
with_driver 'docker'
machine 'wario' do
recipe 'openssh::default'
docker_options: {
base_image: {
name: 'ubuntu',
repository: 'ubuntu',
tag: '14.04'
:command => '/usr/sbin/sshd -p 8022 -D',
#ENV (Environment Variables)
#Set any env var in the container by using one or more -e flags, even overriding those already defined by the developer with a Dockerfile ENV
:env => {
"deep" => 'purple',
"led" => 'zeppelin'
# Ports can be one of two forms:
# src_port (string or integer) is a pass-through, i.e 8022 or "9933"
# src:dst (string) is a map from src to dst, i.e "8022:8023" maps 8022 externally to 8023 in the container
# Example (multiple):
:ports => [8022, "8023:9000", "9500"],
# Examples (single):
:ports => 1234,
:ports => "2345:6789",
# Volumes can be one of three forms:
# src_volume (string) is volume to add to container, i.e. creates new volume inside container at "/tmp"
# src:dst (string) mounts host's directory src to container's dst, i.e "/tmp:/tmp1" mounts host's directory /tmp to container's /tmp1
# src:dst:mode (string) mounts host's directory src to container's dst with the specified mount option, i.e "/:/rootfs:ro" mounts read-only host's root (/) folder to container's /rootfs
# See more details on Docker volumes at .
# Example (single):
:volumes => "/tmp",
# Example (multiple):
:volumes => ["/tmp:/tmp", "/:/rootfs:ro"],
# if you need to keep stdin open (i.e docker run -i)
# :keep_stdin_open => true
# optional, default timeout is 600
docker_connection: {
:read_timeout => 1000,
This supports the new machine image paradigm; with Docker you can build a base image, save that and use it to create a new container. Here is an example of this:
require 'chef/provisioning/docker_driver'
machine_image 'ssh_server' do
recipe 'openssh'
:docker_options => {
:base_image => {
:name => 'ubuntu',
:repository => 'ubuntu',
:tag => '14.04'
machine 'ssh00' do
from_image 'ssh_server'
:docker_options => {
:command => '/usr/sbin/sshd -D -o UsePAM=no -o UsePrivilegeSeparation=no -o PidFile=/tmp/',
:ports => [22]
This will create a docker container based on Ubuntu 14.04 and then execute the openssh recipe and run the /usr/sbin/sshd command as the container's run command.