Releases: optimizely/objective-c-sdk
Pre-Release 2.0.2-beta1
May 17, 2018
This "-beta1" pre-release corrects two significant bugs present in the
previous 2.0.x releases which have been withdrawn. Please note that
2.0+ SDKs are incompatible with existing 1.x Mobile Optimizely
projects. Before you use 2.0+ and Feature Management, please contact
your Optimizely account team. If you are not upgrading to Feature
Management, we recommend remaining on your current 1.x SDK.
This major release of the Optimizely SDK introduces APIs for Feature Management.
New Features
- Introduces the
API to determine whether to show a feature to a user or not.
* Determine whether a feature is enabled.
* Send an impression event if the user is bucketed into an experiment using the feature.
* @param featureKey The key for the feature flag.
* @param userId The user ID to be used for bucketing.
* @param attributes The user's attributes.
* @return YES if feature is enabled, false otherwise.
- (BOOL)isFeatureEnabled:(nullable NSString *)featureKey userId:(nullable NSString *)userId attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- You can get all the enabled features for the user by calling the
API which returns an array of strings representing the feature keys:
* Get array of features that are enabled for the user.
* @param userId The user ID to be used for bucketing.
* @param attributes The user's attributes.
* @return NSArray<NSString> Array of feature keys that are enabled for the user.
- (NSArray<NSString *> *_Nonnull)getEnabledFeatures:(nullable NSString *)userId
attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- Introduces Feature Variables to configure or parameterize your feature. There are four variable types:
* API's that get feature variable values.
* @param featureKey The key for the feature flag.
* @param variableKey The key for the variable.
* @param userId The user ID to be used for bucketing.
* @param attributes The user's attributes.
* @return feature variable value.
- (BOOL)getFeatureVariableBoolean:(nullable NSString *)featureKey
variableKey:(nullable NSString *)variableKey
userId:(nullable NSString *)userId
attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- (double)getFeatureVariableDouble:(nullable NSString *)featureKey
variableKey:(nullable NSString *)variableKey
userId:(nullable NSString *)userId
attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- (int)getFeatureVariableInteger:(nullable NSString *)featureKey
variableKey:(nullable NSString *)variableKey
userId:(nullable NSString *)userId
attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- (NSString *_Nullable)getFeatureVariableString:(nullable NSString *)featureKey
variableKey:(nullable NSString *)variableKey
userId:(nullable NSString *)userId
attributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)attributes;
- Introducing Optimizely Notification Center with Notification Listeners
Optimizely object now has a Notification Center
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) OPTLYNotificationCenter *notificationCenter;
with Notification Listeners APIs
- (NSInteger)addActivateNotificationListener:(nonnull ActivateListener)activateListener;
- (NSInteger)addTrackNotificationListener:(TrackListener _Nonnull )trackListener;
- (BOOL)removeNotificationListener:(NSUInteger)notificationId;
- (void)clearNotificationListeners:(OPTLYNotificationType)type;
- (void)clearAllNotificationListeners;
in the attribute map for overriding bucketing using the user id. This string is
available as OptimizelyBucketId in OPTLYEventBuilder.h . -
Adding mobile 2.x data file CDN url change to support FullStack projects without Feature Management V2 schema.
Bug Fixes:
- Fix single quote in events issue. Event was sent repeatedly because it was
unable to be deleted from data store due to syntax error. - Remove "Pod_..." static library from demo app "Embedded Frameworks".
- Fix red Xcode Project Navigator group folder.
Breaking Changes
- Removed track APIs with revenue as a parameter.
- Deprecated live variable APIs.
Release 1.5.1
April 17, 2018
Bug Fixes:
- Fix single quote in events issue. Event was sent repeatedly because it was
unable to be deleted from data store due to syntax error. - Remove "Pod_..." static library from demo app "Embedded Frameworks".
- Fix red Xcode Project Navigator group folder.
Shared 0.2.1 Alpha
pre-release of shared 0.2.1
Core 0.2.1 Alpha
This is an internal alpha release of Core 0.2.1.