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My PS C:\Users\mkraus\Documents\GitHub\vSphere-Modules> Get-ChildItem -Name *.psm1 | %{Import-Module .\$_}
This Funcion will quickly return all IDs of VMs.
This Function will Create a VM Disk IOPS Report.
Push Messages to VMware vRealize Log Inisght.
Set VM SnapShot Consolidation Timout Workaround.
Process SCSI UNMAP on VMware Datastores.
This Function reports VM vDisks and Datastores.
Applys a set of Hardening options to the VMss
Report and Set VM Disk IO Limits
This Function enables or disables CBT. In addition a new VI-Property is added.
This Function collects Basic vSphere Informations for a Hardware Sizing Recommandation. Focus is in Compute Ressources.
This Function sets the Basic settings for a new ESXi.
This Function report newly created VMs by Cluster.
Prease use the enhanced version "Get-NewAndRemovedVMs" insted!
This Function report newly created VMs by Cluster.