This is a sample to convert JSON to CSV using Service Connector Hub Functions as a Task.
As you make your way through this tutorial, look out for this icon . Whenever you see it, it's time for you to perform an action.
Before you deploy this sample function, make sure you have run steps A, B and C of the Oracle Functions Quick Start Guide for Cloud Shell
- A - Set up your tenancy
- B - Create application
- C - Set up your Cloud Shell dev environment
Assuming you have successfully completed the prerequisites, you should see your application in the list of applications.
fn ls apps
Review the following files in the current folder:
- the code of the function,
- its dependencies, requirements.txt
- the function metadata, func.yaml
In Cloud Shell, run the fn deploy
command to build this function and its dependencies as a Docker image,
push the image to the specified Docker registry, and deploy this function to Oracle Functions
in the application created earlier:
fn -v deploy --app <app-name>
fn -v deploy --app myapp
In Cloud Shell, run the fn invoke
ccommand to unit test this function:
fn invoke <app-name> <function-name> < test.json
fn invoke myapp oci-sch-stream-json-to-csv-python < test.json
You should see the the converted CSV output returned by the function.
From the navigation menu, select Logging, and then select Service Connectors.
Click Create Connector, add a Name, Description, select the compartment, select the Source as Streaming and Target as Streaming and Functions as a Task.
On Configure Source connection, select the compartment, select the your Stream 1.
On Configure Target connection, select the compartment, select the your Stream 2. If prompted to create a policy for writing to Streaming, click Create.
On Configure Task connection, select the compartment and select the Function. If prompted to create a policy for writing to Functions, click Create.
Make sure you configure basic observability for your function and connector using metrics, alarms and email alerts: