cd ocne_olvm
Set up the hosts to use in:
Set the variables in:
This file has several variables that need to be set.
Each variable has a description along with it.
NOTE : Explanation of each variable required by the playbook is present in docs/examples
You can deploy either:
- Only the Kubernetes module
- Helm, Istio (which includes Prometheus) and/or Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) along with Kubernetes module
Set deploy_istio in group_vars/all.yml to "true" if Istio should be deployed else set to "false".
Set deploy_olm in group_vars/all.yml to "true" if OLM should be deployed else set to "false".
Edit password.yml and add the OLVM password and
the root password to be set for the VMs.
Remove the informative and extra lines at the beginning of the file.
Then encrypt it as below:
ansible-vault encrypt password.yml
You can either generate new ssh keys using ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id or use existing key pair. Also ensure the public key is added to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the OLVM server.
ssh-copy-id root@<OLVM Manager FQDN>
Copy the private key "id_rsa" to playbooks/files/ and the public key "" to playbooks/files/
Edit /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and set "host_key_checking" to "False"
host_key_checking = False
This tool has to be run either using the root user OR the non-root user should have passwordless ssh access to the root user.
To set up a cluster of OLCNE on Oracle Linux (7 or 8), run:
cd playbooks
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -i hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass
If you're debugging the Ansible, you can use -v
to show
more info as you run it.
Add more v
s to get even more info, like -vvvv
For Example:
ansible-playbook -v deploy.yml -i hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass
You can run the ansible-playbook files independently if you need to repeat a certain action.
For example:
cd playbooks
ansible-playbook kube-reset.yml -i hosts.ini
Define the necessary parameters in group_vars/all.yml
and hosts.ini
To add more nodes run;
ansible-playbook scale/upscale.yml -i hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass
To remove nodes run;
ansible-playbook scale/downscale.yml -i hosts.ini
This removes all nodes that are not defined
in the control_nodes
and worker_nodes
in group_vars/all.yml
Note : This does not delete VMs from Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.
To clean up the nodes on Oracle Linux (7 or 8), run:
ansible-playbook undeploy.yml -i hosts.ini
Note : This does not delete VMs from Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager.