On a depot open for publication, a new package version may be in the process of publication. As the package version is built up, it goes through a series of transaction states. We may also refer to these as "server states".
We phrase the state machine in terms of a single removal state, ABANDONED, which covers both the never-created package instance (even with a series of never-finished transaction events). It may be more appropriate to separate the ABANDONED state into TX_ABANDONED and PKG_DELETED.
This summary leaves us with a state transition diagram like:
0 | | v +--> TRANSACTING --> ABANDONED <--+ | | ^ | | | | | | v | | | SUBMITTED ----> INCOMPLETE | | | | | | | | | +--- PUBLISHED <---------+ | | | | | +------------------------+ 0 -> TRANSACTING On initial package creation. TRANSACTING -> ABANDONED If initial package transaction never committed, commitment failed, or explicitly dropped. TRANSACTING -> SUBMITTED On successful package transaction commitment. Packages with syntax errors or immediate inconsistencies would have failed in commitment. SUBMITTED: The package modified by the transaction is known by a specific version. Its contents are in the repository. SUBMITTED -> INCOMPLETE If commitment included a deferred inconsistency (package dependency is the only expected form), then the package is left in the incomplete state. INCOMPLETE: The package with the specific version string is on the incomplete list. Its contents are in the repository. INCOMPLETE -> ABANDONED If incomplete package explicitly removed. (Possibly by timeout from arrival in INCOMPLETE.) SUBMITTED -> PUBLISHED If commitment had no deferred inconsistencies, then the package is considered ready for publication. INCOMPLETE -> PUBLISHED If the deferred inconsistencies, upon reevaluation, are now held to no longer be inconsistent, then the package is considered ready for publication. PUBLISHED: The package with the specific version string is present in the catalog. Its contents remain in the repository. PUBLISHED -> ABANDONED On manual request for package decommissioning, the package will be moved to the abandoned state. ABANDONED: A package with a specific version string is no longer in the catalog or on the incomplete list. Its contents, if they were in the repository, should be removed from the repository. XXX ARCHIVED might be a special state connected to PUBLISHED, or merely a substate. An archived package has its manifest and contents in the repository, but cannot be installed on a client. The point of including ARCHIVED packages is to allow client deduction on a system not installed by the pkg system.