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XForms ~ XPath Function Library

Erik Bruchez edited this page Jul 29, 2015 · 17 revisions


Main function library documentation

Most of the function library is documented here. The following functions are documented on this page:

  • XForms 2.0 functions
    • xf:valid()
    • xf:bind()
  • extension functions
    • xxf:r()
    • xxf:get-request-method()
    • xxf:get-portlet-mode()
    • xxf:get-window-state()
    • xxf:forall()
    • xxf:exists()
    • xxf:split()
    • xxf:client-id()
    • xxf:image-metadata()
    • xxf:username()
    • xxf:user-group()
    • xxf:user-roles()
  • validation functions
    • xxf:max-length()
    • xxf:min-length()

XForms 2.0 functions


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.3]

xf:valid() as xs:boolean
xf:valid($items as item()*) as xs:boolean
xf:valid($items as item()*, $relevant as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean
xf:valid($items as item()*, $relevant as xs:boolean, $recurse as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean

The valid() function returns the validity of XPath items, including instance data nodes.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.5]

xf:bind($id as xs:string) as node()*

This function returns the sequence of nodes associated with the bind specified by the id parameter.

Extension XForms functions


The purpose of this function is to automatically resolve resources by name given the current language and an XForms instance containing localized resources.

xxf:r($resource-name as xs:string) as xs:string
xxf:r($resource-name as xs:string, $instance-name as xs:string) as xs:string
  • $resource-name: resource path of the form The path is relative to the resource element corresponding to the current language in the resources instance.
  • $instance-name: name of the resources instance. If omitted, search orbeon-resources and then fr-form-resources.

The function:

  • determines the current language based on xml:langattribute in scope where the function is in used
  • resolves the closest relevant resources instance
  • specified instance name if present
  • orbeon-resources or fr-form-resources (for Form Runner compatibility) if absent
  • uses the resource name specified to find a resource located in the resources instance, relative to the resource element with the matching language


<xf:instance id="orbeon-resources" xxf:readonly="true">
        <resource xml:lang="en"><buttons><download>Download</download></buttons></resource>
        <resource xml:lang="fr"><buttons><download>Télécharger</download></buttons></resource>

<xf:label value="xxf:r('')"/>


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the current HTTP method.

xxf:get-request-method() as xs:string

Return the HTTP method of the current request, such as GET, POST, etc.


[SINCE: 2013-05-29 / Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the portlet mode.

xxf:get-portlet-mode() as xs:string

If running within a portlet context, return the portlet mode (e.g. view, edit), otherwise return the empty sequence.

NOTE: This function only works with the full portlet. The proxy portlet is not supported.


[SINCE: 2013-05-29 / Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the portlet window state.

xxf:get-window-state() as xs:string

If running within a portlet context, return the window state (e.g. normal, minimized, maximized), otherwise return the empty sequence.

NOTE: This function only works with the full portlet. The proxy portlet is not supported.


[SINCE: 2013-07-18 / Orbeon Forms 4.3]

  $items as item()*,
  $expr as jt:org.orbeon.saxon.functions.Evaluate-PreparedExpression
) as xs:boolean

Return true if $expr returns true() for all items in $items. If $items is the empty sequence, return true().

$expr is a Saxon stored expression which:

  • takes an item() as context item
  • must return an xs:boolean
  value="saxon:expression('xxf:split(., ''/'')[3] = ''true''')"/>

        normalize-space(../selection) and
        xxf:forall(xxf:split(../selection), $is-available)


[SINCE: 2013-07-18 / Orbeon Forms 4.3]

  $items as item()*,
  $expr as jt:org.orbeon.saxon.functions.Evaluate-PreparedExpression
) as xs:boolean

Return true if $expr returns true() for at least one item in $items. If $items is the empty sequence, return false().

$expr is a Saxon stored expression which:

  • takes an item() as context item
  • must return an xs:boolean
  value="saxon:expression('xxf:split(., ''/'')[3] = ''true''')"/>

        normalize-space(../selection) and
        not(xxf:exists(xxf:split(../selection), $is-available))


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.3]

xxf:split() as xs:string*
xxf:split($value as xs:string) as xs:string*
xxf:split($value as xs:string, $separators as xs:string) as xs:string*

Split a string with one or more separator characters.

If no argument is passed, split the context item on white space.

If $separator is specified, each character is allowed as separator.

xxf:split(' foo  bar   baz ')
xxf:split('foo$bar_baz', '$_')


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.3]

xxf:client-id($static-or-absolute-id as xs:string) as xs:string?

Resolve the XForms object with the id specified, and return the id as used on the client.

Return the empty sequence if the resolution fails.

<xh:a href="#{xxf:client-id('my-element')}"/>

<xh:div id="my-element" xxf:control="true">...</xh:div>


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.4]

xxf:image-metadata($content as xs:anyURI, $name as xs:string) as xs:item?

Access basic image metadata.

The function returns the empty sequence if the URL is empty or the metadata requested is not found.

  • $content: URL pointing to an image
  • $name: metadata property name
    • width: image width in pixels, returns an xs:integer if found
    • height: image height in pixels, returns an xs:integer if found
    • mediatype: image mediatype based on the content, returns an xs:string of image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif or image/bmp (the formats universally supported by browsers) if found

NOTE: The function dereferences the content of the URL when called. Accesses to local files are likely to be faster than remote files.

The following example validates that the image is within 10% of a 1x1 aspect ratio:

        xs:decimal(xxf:image-metadata(., 'width')) div
        xs:decimal(xxf:image-metadata(., 'height')) - 1.0
    ) le 0.1"/>


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:username() as xs:string?

Return the current user's username if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:user-group() as xs:string?

Return the current user's group if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:user-roles() as xs:string*

Return the current user's groups if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.

Validation functions


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.10]

xxf:max-length($max as xs:integer?) as xs:boolean

Return true() if the context item converted to a string via the string() function contains at most the number of characters specified by $max. Also return true() if $max is the empty sequence.

Following XPath 2.0:

what is counted is the number of XML characters in the string (or equivalently, the number of Unicode code points). Some implementations may represent a code point above xFFFF using two 16-bit values known as a surrogate. A surrogate counts as one character, not two.


[SINCE: Orbeon Forms 4.10]

xxf:min-length($min as xs:integer?) as xs:boolean

Return true() if the context item converted to a string via the string() function contains at least the number of characters specified by $min. Also return true() if $min is the empty sequence.

Following XPath 2.0:

what is counted is the number of XML characters in the string (or equivalently, the number of Unicode code points). Some implementations may represent a code point above xFFFF using two 16-bit values known as a surrogate. A surrogate counts as one character, not two.

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