Core package of Orchestrator library.
It is providing capabilities to render UIs dynamically from a JSON like configurations using Angular components that are registered with it.
First you should create some component that you want to be able to render.
To do that - just decorate your component with @DynamicComponent
and pass an object with required class that describes it's configuration
and use interface OrchestratorDynamicComponent
that describes inputs:
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@orchestrator/core';
export class YourComponentConfig {
title?: string;
selector: 'your-dynamic-component',
template: `Title is {{ config?.title }}`,
@DynamicComponent({ config: YourComponentConfig })
export class YourDynamicComponent
implements OrchestratorDynamicComponent<YourComponentConfig>
items?: OrchestratorConfigItem<any>[];
config?: YourComponentConfig;
context?: any;
input is a config validated at runtime of your component that is provided via the JSON like config for each componentcontext
input is any object that is passed down as a context from the topitems
input contains further children of a JSON like subtree that your component may or may not decide to render
Next, you should tell Orchestrator which components are available for render.
To do that - just call OrchestratorCoreModule.withComponents([...])
with your components in your application module:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { OrchestratorCoreModule } from '@orchestrator/core';
import { YourDynamicComponent } from './your-dynamic.component.ts';
imports: [OrchestratorCoreModule.withComponents([YourDynamicComponent])],
export class AppModule {}
Finally you are ready to render UI dynamically using <orc-orchestrator>
and passing to it JSON like configuration of your UI:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { OrchestratorConfigItem } from '@orchestrator/core';
template: `<orc-orchestrator [config]="config"></orc-orchestrator>`,
export class MyComponent {
config: OrchestratorConfigItem<any> = {
component: 'your-dynamic-component',
config: { title: 'Dynamic title' },