Using NVIDIA driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-396 (open source) device.getGraphicsCommandPool().getHandle(), device.getGraphicsQueue(), /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -javaagent:/snap/intellij-idea-community/77/lib/idea_rt.jar=41667:/snap/intellij-idea-community/77/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/examples-vulkan/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-core/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-core-vulkan/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-vk-engine/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-vk-components/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-common-world/target/classes:/home/adrian/Programming/IdeaProjects/oreon-engine/oreonengine/oe-common-ui/target/classes:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-3.1.7-20180727.141658-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-assimp/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-assimp-3.1.7-20180727.141728-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-glfw-3.1.7-20180727.142017-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.1.7-20180727.141840-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-openal-3.1.7-20180727.141951-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.7-20180727.141925-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-vulkan/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-vulkan-3.1.7-20180727.142038-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-stb-3.1.7-20180727.141959-13.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-3.1.7-20180727.141658-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-assimp/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-assimp-3.1.7-20180727.141728-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-glfw-3.1.7-20180727.142017-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.1.7-20180727.141840-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-openal-3.1.7-20180727.141951-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.7-20180727.141925-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.1.7-SNAPSHOT/lwjgl-stb-3.1.7-20180727.141959-13-natives-linux.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/1.18.2/lombok-1.18.2.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-context/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-context-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-aop/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-aop-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-beans/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-beans-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-core/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-core-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-jcl/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-jcl-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar:/home/adrian/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-expression/5.0.4.RELEASE/spring-expression-5.0.4.RELEASE.jar org.oreon.examples.vk.oreonworlds.VkOreonworlds Sep 05, 2018 10:07:43 AM prepareRefresh INFO: Refreshing startup date [Wed Sep 05 10:07:43 PDT 2018]; root of context hierarchy Sep 05, 2018 10:07:43 AM org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader loadBeanDefinitions INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [vk-context.xml] INFO [PhysicalDevice] Available Physical Devices: 1 INFO [QueueFamilies] Available Queues: 3 INFO [QueueFamilies] Index:0 flags:15 count:16 presentation:1 INFO [QueueFamilies] Index:1 flags:4 count:1 presentation:0 INFO [QueueFamilies] Index:2 flags:2 count:8 presentation:0 INFO [DeviceCapabilities] Device: GeForce GTX 1050 ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901a02da8 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901910e88 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901a02da8 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901910e88 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901a02da8 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901910e88 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901a02da8 (Type = 6) | vkCmdPipelineBarrier(): dstStageMask flag VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT is not compatible with the queue family properties of this command buffer. The spec valid usage text states 'Any pipeline stage included in srcStageMask or dstStageMask must be supported by the capabilities of the queue family specified by the queueFamilyIndex member of the VkCommandPoolCreateInfo structure that was used to create the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from, as specified in the table of supported pipeline stages.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d5aa88 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d5aa88 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdBeginRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901bb2a78 (Type = 6) | vkCmdExecuteCommands(): Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 has secondary command buffer 0x7fe901bb2a78 created in queue family 0. ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | Cannot call vkCmdEndRenderPass() on a command buffer allocated from a pool without VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT capabilities.. The spec valid usage text states 'The VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from must support graphics operations' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x7fe901d4ac08 (Type = 6) | vkQueueSubmit: Primary command buffer 0x7fe901d4ac08 created in queue family 2 is being submitted on queue 0x7fe9007c7610 from queue family 0. The spec valid usage text states 'Each element of the pCommandBuffers member of each element of pSubmits must have been allocated from a VkCommandPool that was created for the same queue family queue belongs to.' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x132 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x132 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x128 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x128 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x122 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x122 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x118 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x118 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x108 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x108 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xfa (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0xfa has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xe9 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0xe9 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x12c (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x12c has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x10c (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x10c has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xe5 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0xe5 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xfe (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0xfe has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x112 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x112 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x11c (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x11c has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xcd (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0xcd has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x59 (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x59 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x5d (Type = 8) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DeviceMemory object 0x5d has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x12b (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x12b has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x127 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x127 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x5c (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x5c has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x117 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x117 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x111 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x111 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x58 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x58 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xe4 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0xe4 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xe8 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0xe8 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xf9 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0xf9 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x11b (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x11b has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xfd (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0xfd has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x107 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x107 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x10b (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x10b has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x121 (Type = 9) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Buffer object 0x121 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xcc (Type = 10) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Image object 0xcc has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x131 (Type = 10) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Image object 0x131 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xce (Type = 14) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ImageView object 0xce has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x133 (Type = 14) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ImageView object 0x133 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x210 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x210 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x20d (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x20d has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1fc (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1fc has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x10f (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x10f has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1fe (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1fe has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x120 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x120 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x11f (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x11f has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1fd (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1fd has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xf0 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0xf0 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xef (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0xef has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x110 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x110 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x135 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x135 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x136 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x136 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1cf (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1cf has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1e0 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1e0 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1f7 (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1f7 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1fa (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1fa has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x1fb (Type = 15) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, ShaderModule object 0x1fb has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xf1 (Type = 17) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, PipelineLayout object 0xf1 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x12d (Type = 17) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, PipelineLayout object 0x12d has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x11d (Type = 17) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, PipelineLayout object 0x11d has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x139 (Type = 17) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, PipelineLayout object 0x139 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xcf (Type = 18) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, RenderPass object 0xcf has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xf2 (Type = 19) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Pipeline object 0xf2 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x12e (Type = 19) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Pipeline object 0x12e has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x11e (Type = 19) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Pipeline object 0x11e has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x13a (Type = 19) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Pipeline object 0x13a has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x123 (Type = 20) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DescriptorSetLayout object 0x123 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x209 (Type = 20) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DescriptorSetLayout object 0x209 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x113 (Type = 20) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DescriptorSetLayout object 0x113 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x137 (Type = 20) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, DescriptorSetLayout object 0x137 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0x134 (Type = 21) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Sampler object 0x134 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( ERROR OCCURED: Object: 0xd0 (Type = 24) | OBJ ERROR : For device 0x7fe901373a20, Framebuffer object 0xd0 has not been destroyed. The spec valid usage text states 'All child objects created on device must have been destroyed prior to destroying device' ( Process finished with exit code 0