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File metadata and controls

666 lines (536 loc) · 49.1 KB

Automating deployments

You might well have multiple templates you would like to provision within your organization and manage centrally. Additionally might want to have a code repository set up with these templates and run them using a CI/CD solution.

A solution to update multiple Organization Formation templates at once is task files:


    Type: String
    Default: my

  Type: update-organization
  Template: ./organization.yml

  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./roles.yml
  StackName: roles
    ResourcePrefix: !Ref resourcePrefix

  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./budget-alarms.yml
  StackName: budget-alarms
    ResourcePrefix: !Ref resourcePrefix

The tasks listed in the file above can be executed using:

> org-formation perform-tasks taskfile.yml [--profile my-aws-profile]

For more info see the cli reference


Parameters can be declared in a top-level Parameters attribute and referred to throughout the taskfile using !Ref or from within a !Sub or !Join construct.


    Type: String

    Type: Boolean
    Default: true

  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./bucket.yml
  StackName: !Sub ${stackPrefix}-scenario-stack-parameters
  DefaultOrganizationBindingRegion: eu-west-1
    IncludeMasterAccount: !Ref includeMasterAccount

Parameter values can be specified as default value or passed to th perform-tasks command over the command line using the following syntax:

\> org-formation perform-tasks taskfile.yml --parameters Param1=Val1 Param2=Val2


The following functions can be used within a taskfile:


The !CopyValue will take up to 3 arguments exportName, accountId and region and it will return the value of the export (from the specified accountId and region). Unlike !ImportValue it will continue to allow you to delete the stack that declares the export.

If accountId and/or region) are not specified the account and region of the target are used. If you have an Organization Binding with 6 targets and do not specify accountId or region the export is expected to be found in all 6 targets (Account/Region combinations).

The following example shows various ways to use the !CopyValue function:

  DependsOn: BucketTemplate
  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./bucket-policy.yml
  StackName: scenario-export-bucket-role
  DefaultOrganizationBindingRegion: eu-west-1
    IncludeMasterAccount: true
    bucketArn: !CopyValue BucketArn
    bucketArn2: !CopyValue [BucketArn, !Ref MasterAccount]
    bucketArn4: !CopyValue [BucketArn, !Ref MasterAccount, "eu-west-1"]
    bucketArn3: !CopyValue [BucketArn, 123123123123, "eu-west-1"]


The !ReadFile function will take 1 string argument, a file path, and return the contents of the file as a string.


The !Cmd function will take 1 string argument, a shell command, and return the output from the shell command as a string.


  Note: !Cmd 'echo "Deployed by `whoami`"'
  License: !Cmd "wget -qO-"
  EC2ImageIdUbuntu: !Cmd >-
    aws ssm get-parameters
    --profile dev
    --region us-east-1
    --names /aws/service/canonical/ubuntu/server/20.04/stable/current/amd64/hvm/ebs-gp2/ami-id
    --query 'Parameters[0].[Value]'
    --output text


The !MD5 function will take 1 argument and return a message digest over its value. If the argument is a string, the function will calculate a message digest over the string. If the value is an object the !MD5 function will create a message digest over the JSON string representation of the contents.

See the following examples:

  Type: copy-to-s3
  LocalPath: ./source-file.yml
  RemotePath: !Sub
    - "s3://organization-formation-${AWS::AccountId}/remote-path-${hashOfFile}.yml"
    - { hashOfFile: !MD5 { file: !ReadFile "./source-file.yml" } }
    IncludeMasterAccount: true
    Region: us-east-1


The !JsonString function will take 1 or 2 arguments. The first argument will be converted to a JSON string representation. If the second argument is the literal 'pretty-print', the result will contain whitespace, otherwise the result will not contain whitespace. If the first argument is a string, the string will be first converted to an object (assuming the string as json) prior to returning the string representation (therefore minifying the input string).


The function !Join appends a set of values into a single value, separated by the specified delimiter. If a delimiter is the empty string, the set of values are concatenated with no delimiter.

The following example returns: "a:b:c"

!Join [":", [a, b, c]]


The function !Sub substitutes variables in an input string with values that you specify. In your templates, you can use this function to construct commands or outputs that include values that aren't available until you create or update a stack.

The following example uses !Sub to create a string containing values from resourcePrefix and AWSAccount alias parameters.

!Sub "${resourcePrefix}-budget-${AWSAccount.Alias}"


The function !Select returns a single object from a list of objects by index.

The following example returns: "grapes"

{ "Fn::Select": ["1", ["apples", "grapes", "oranges", "mangoes"]] }


The function !FindInMap returns the value corresponding to keys in a two-level map that is declared in a map.


      112233112233: 10.201.30
      112233112234: 10.201.31

  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./template.yml
  StackName: just-an-example
    ip: !FindInMap [MyMap, IpAddresses, !Ref CurrentAccount]


The function !Include can be be used in a task or an organization file to include part of the model (it includes before parsing). This can be useful when storing parameters in a central location and reference them from multiple files.


in default_tags.yml

Department: Engineering
Project: Infrastructure
CloudwatchRetentionPeriod: 90

in organization.yml

    Type: OC::ORG::MasterAccount
      AccountName: organizations
      Alias: org-acme-organizations
        <<: !Include ./default_tags.yml
        CloudwatchRetentionPeriod: 365 # override a default tag
    Type: OC::ORG::Account
      AccountName: sandbox
      Alias: org-acme-sandbox
        <<: !Include ./default_tags.yml
        Team: developers # add an additional tag

Task types


The update-organization task will update all the organization resources based on the template specified as Template.

Attribute Value Remarks
Template relative path This property is required.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TemplatingContext Dictionary Specifies the data for templating.


The annotate-organization task will will allow you to use a different account factory (e.g. AWS Control Tower) while using org-formation to provision resources across the AWS Organization. If you use annotate-organization, you must use this instead of update-organization.

Attribute Value Remarks
DefaultOrganizationAccessRoleName string The name of the Role used for cross account access (default is: OrganizationAccountAccessRole).
ExcludeAccounts List A list (array) of AWS Account Ids (string) that will be excluded from the org-formation provisioning process. These accounts will not be addressable using !Ref AccountName or bindings, such as Account: *
AccountMapping Dictionary<string, string> Dictionary where the AttributeName will be used as the Logical Name of the account, specified as Attribute value. When not specified, the account name is used as Logical Name.


  Type: annotate-organization
  DefaultOrganizationAccessRoleName: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
  ExcludeAccounts: ["123123123123", "123123123124"]
    AccountA: "234234234234" # these mappings are optional, when specified the account can be referenced using `!Ref AccountA`
    AccountB: "234234234235" # when not specified the account can be referenced using `!Ref My Account B` (or whatever the account name is)
                             # regardless of this, accounts will always be included in bindings like `Account: *`


The update-stacks task will provision all resources in all accounts specified in Template.

Attribute Value Remarks
Template relative path, absolute path, s3:// or https:// This property is required.

Specifies the Organization Formation/ CloudFormation template of which the resources must be updated.

Template can be either a relative or absolute file path, url or s3 file (s3://{bucketName}/path/to/object.yml)
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
StackName string This property is required.

Specifies the name of the stack that will be created in all accounts/regions.
StackDescription string If specified, value will be set as the description of the created stacks

note: This value overrides values within the template or resources (value in taskfile is leading).
Parameters Dictionary Specifies parameters that must be used when executing the template.
TemplatingContext Dictionary Specifies the data for templating.
OrganizationFile relative path Organization file used when executing templates.

note: This value overrides values within the template or resources (value in taskfile is leading).

note: This value can also be used if template is plain CloudFormation.
TerminationProtection true or false When set to true termination protection will be enabled on all stacks created for this template.
UpdateProtection true or false When set to true will create a StackPolicy for the stacks that prevents any resource from being modified through CloudFormation.
StackPolicy stack policy When specified will apply stack policy to all stacks created.
Tags Dictionary (attribute names are keys, attribute values are values) When specified stack tags are created and propagated to resources being managed by stack. created.
DefaultOrganizationBindingRegion String or list of String Region or regions that will be used for any binding without Region specified.

note: This value overrides values within the template or resources (value in taskfile is leading).

note: This value can also be used if template is plain CloudFormation.
DefaultOrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding Organization binding used for any resource that has no binding specified.

note: This value overrides values within the template or resources (value in taskfile is leading).

note: This value can also be used if template is plain CloudFormation.
OrganizationBindings Dictionary of String, OrganizationBinding Set of named OrganizationBindings that can be !Ref'd by Resources.

note: This value overrides values within the template or resources (value in taskfile is leading).
CloudFormationRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used to pass to the CloudFormation service. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).
TaskViaRoleArn string Specifies ARN of the IAM Role that will be assumed before assuming role specified by the TaskRoleName. This role is expected to have the right AssumeRole permissions
MaxConcurrentStacks number The number of stacks that should be executed concurrently.

Default = 1
DisableStackRollbacks true or false when set to true will instruct CloudFormation not to roll back stacks on failure


  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./budget-alarms.yml
  StackName: budget-alarms
  TerminationProtection: true
  UpdateProtection: false
  DefaultOrganizationBindingRegion: eu-central-1
      AccountsWithTag: budget-alarm-threshold
    resourcePrefix: my
  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./cross-account-role.yml
  StackName: developer-role
  StackDescription: "Developer Role"
  TerminationProtection: false
  UpdateProtection: true
    tag: tag-value
    anotherTag: another-val
    roleName: DeveloperRole
      - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess
      OrganizationalUnit: !Ref DevelopmentOU
      Account: !Ref SharedUsersAccount

The task will deploy the workload defined in the directory specified by Path.

Attribute Value Remarks
Path relative path This property is required.

Specifies which directory contains the workload
OrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding This property is required.

Organization binding used to specify which accounts the workload needs to be deployed to.
Config relative path Name of the configuration file that contains information about the payload.

default is ./serverless.yml
Stage string Value used as stage when deploying the workload
SLSVersion number Depending on the version specified it will render parameters differently

Default = 2
IgnoreFileChanges string or list Regex, Name or list of regex/names for files that if matched will be ignored when generating the MD5 hash to detect if update is actually necessary.
RunNpmInstall boolean When true, npm ci will be ran before serverless deployment and removal
CustomDeployCommand string When specified will override the default command used when deploying a workload.

default command is: npm ci && npx sls deploy ${CurrentTask.Parameters} --region ${region} --stage ${stage} --config ${config} --conceal.
CustomRemoveCommand string When specified will override the default command used when removing a workload.

default command is: npm ci && npx sls remove ${CurrentTask.Parameters} --region ${region} --stage ${stage} --config ${config} --conceal.
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).
Parameters any Specifies parameters that must be passed to the serverless deployment using command arguments.


  Config: serverless.yml
  Path: ./workload/
  Stage: dev
    resourcePrefix: my
    Account: !Ref AccountA


The copy-to-s3 task will upload a file from LocalPath to an S3 RemotePath.

Attribute Value Remarks
LocalPath relative path This property is required.

Specifies the file that needs to be uploaded.
RemotePath S3 moniker This property is required.

Specifies the location in S3 that the file should be uploaded to.
ServerSideEncryption the server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms). optional, default is none or
TemplatingContext Dictionary Specifies the data for templating of the file specified on LocalPath.
ZipBeforePut true or false Compresses files in LocalPath into zip before running task
OrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding This property is required.

Organization binding used to specify which accounts the s3 file needs to be copied to.
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).


  Type: copy-to-s3
  LocalPath: ./files/file.txt
  RemotePath: s3://my-bucket/files/file.txt
    Account: !Ref AccountA
    Region: eu-central-1


The update-cdk task will deploy the a CDK workload defined in the directory specified by Path.

Attribute Value Remarks
Path relative path This property is required.

Specifies which directory contains the CDK workload
OrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding This property is required.

Organization binding used to specify which accounts the CDK workload needs to be deployed to.
IgnoreFileChanges string or list Regex, Name or list of regex/names for files that if matched will be ignored when generating the MD5 hash to detect if update is actually necessary.
RunNpmInstall boolean When true, npm ci will be ran before CDK and removal
RunNpmBuild boolean When true, npm run build will be ran before CDK and removal
CustomDeployCommand string When specified will override the default command used when deploying a CDK workload.

default command is: npm ci && npm run build && npx cdk deploy --all --require-approval=never ${CurrentTask.Parameters} --output cdk.out/${CurrentTask.AccountId} .
CustomRemoveCommand string When specified will override the default command used when removing a CDK workload.

default command is: npm ci && npm run build && npx cdk destroy --all --force ${CurrentTask.Parameters} .
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).
Parameters any Specifies parameters that must be passed to the cdk deployment using -c arguments.


  Type: update-cdk
  Path: ./workload/
  RunNpmInstall: true
  RunNpmBuild: true
    resourcePrefix: my
    Account: !Ref AccountA


The apply-tf task will apply a Terraform workload defined in the directory specified by Path.

Note This task currently requires Terraform to already be installed at runtime.

Attribute Value Remarks
Path relative path This property is required.

Specifies which directory contains the Terraform workload
OrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding This property is required.

Organization binding used to specify which accounts the Terraform workload needs to be deployed to.
IgnoreFileChanges string or list Regex, Name or list of regex/names for files that if matched will be ignored when generating the MD5 hash to detect if update is actually necessary.
BackendConfig any When specified, will be passed to the terraform init -reconfigure command prior to terraform apply (or terraform destroy)
Parameters any When specified, will be passed to the terraform apply (or terraform destroy) command using -var
CustomDeployCommand string When specified will override the default command used when applying the Terraform workload.

default command is: terraform apply ${CurrentTask.Parameters} -auto-approve.
CustomRemoveCommand string When specified will override the default command used when destroying the Terraform workload.

default command is: terraform destroy ${CurrentTask.Parameters} -auto-approve.
CustomInitCommand string When specified will override the default command used prior to applying or destroying the Terraform workload.

default command is: terraform init -reconfigure ${CurrentTask.BackendConfig}.
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).


  Type: apply-tf
  Path: ./folder-with-terraform
    IncludeMasterAccount: false
    Region: "eu-central-1"
    Account: !Ref MyTargetAccount
    bucket: "my-s3-state-bucket"
    region: "us-east-1"
    key: !Sub ${CurrentAccount}.tfstate
    tfvarforbucketname: !Sub ${CurrentAccount}-bucket


The register-type task will deploy a CloudFormation Resource Provider and register a CloudFormation type.

For more information see:

Attribute Value Remarks
ResourceType Name of type The typename that can be used in CloudFormation (e.g. Community::MyService::MyResource).
SchemaHandlerPackage S3 path to implementation The S3 Path to the implementation (e.g. s3://my-bucket/
OrganizationBinding OrganizationBinding This property is required.

Organization binding used to specify which accounts/regions the Resource Provider needs to be registered.
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
TaskRoleName string Specifies the name of the IAM Role that must be used for cross account access. A role with this is expected to exist in the target account (and have the right AssumeRole permissions).


  Type: register-type
  SchemaHandlerPackage: s3://community-resource-provider-catalog/
  ResourceType: "Community::CloudFormation::Delay"
  MaxConcurrentTasks: 10
    Region: us-east-1
    Account: "*"

Looking for community resource providers? check out the org-formation/aws-resource-providers repository!


The include include another taskfile with tasks to be executed.

Attribute Value Remarks
DependsOn Name of task or list of names The tasks listed in this attribute will be executed before this task.
Skip true or false When true task (and dependent tasks) will not be executed.
Path relative path This property is required.

Specifies the Path of the taskfile that should be included.
MaxConcurrentTasks number The number of tasks within the imported file that should be executed concurrently.

Default = 1
FailedTaskTolerance number The number of failed tasks within the imported file that will cause the tasks to fail.

Default = 0
Parameters any Specifies values to parameters declared in the included taskfile. If not specified values passed to the current are passed to the included taskfile
TemplatingContext Dictionary Specifies the data for templating.


  Type: include
  DependsOn: otherTask
  Path: ./build-tasks-include.yml
  MaxConcurrentTasks: 10
  FailedTaskTolerance: 10
    resourcePrefix: my


Org-formation supports the nunjucks template engine to generate cloudformation templates from nunjucks based templates.


Assume we want to create one security group that allows access from multiple ingress ports.


Description: Nunjucks Security group template
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup'
      GroupDescription: "Open ports for incoming traffic"
      VpcId: "vpc-1234ABC"
{% for port in ports %}
        - CidrIp: ""
          FromPort: {{ port }}
          ToPort: {{ port }}
          IpProtocol: tcp
{% endfor %}

Deploy with update-stacks and pass in port values with TemplatingContext:

  Type: update-stacks
  Template: ./security-group.njk
  StackName: SecurityGroupExample
      - 22
      - 80
    Account: "*"
    Region: us-east-1

Note: If you want templating without passing in any data you must set TemplatingContext: {} to trigger templating.

The generated cloudformation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: Security group using nunjucks
Parameters: {}
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Open ports for incoming traffic
      VpcId: vpc-1234ABC
        - CidrIp:
          FromPort: 22
          ToPort: 22
          IpProtocol: tcp
        - CidrIp:
          FromPort: 80
          ToPort: 80
          IpProtocol: tcp
Outputs: {}

it is possible to mix text templating with other functions, e.g.:

  Type: include
  Path: ./included-task.njk
    Teams: !Include ./teams.json
      Switch: !Ref switch
      Partition: !Ref AWS::Partition
      Substitute: !Sub "Current Account: ${CurrentAccount}"
    Accounts: Fn::EnumTargetAccounts MasterAccount
    Regions: Fn::EnumTargetRegions MasterAccount

if you want to apply text templating to the organization.yml file you can add it to the update-organization

  Type: update-organization
  Template: ./organization.njk
  TemplatingContext: !Include ./templating-context.json

note that if you use an .org-formationrc file to specify you organization.yml file, you must also specify the templating context in the .org-formationrc file:

organizationFile = ./organization.njk
templatingContext = ./templating-context.json