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Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

computer vision, machine learning, autonomous driving
Lorenzo Stacchio lorenzo-stacchio
Post Doc in Computer Science at the University of Macerata. Passionate about Deep Learning and Extended Reality.

@unimc Macerata, Italy

YANHONG ZENG zengyh1900

Shanghai AI Lab Shanghai, China

Ralph Adler-Sommerburg Blanes creator-of-brains
CEO & Archmage @synthhaven Building the Persuasion engine.
Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


TomZhou tzhou8
FDU AI Ph.D. candidate, focusing on Multi-Modal LLM and startup about it.

Moments AI Shanghai

Hangjie Yuan JacobYuan7
An AI researcher and a realistic idealist.

ZJU, Alibaba DAMO, MMLab@NTU Hangzhou, Singapore

Jerry Tian jerryrt
Dynamic Serial Entrepreneur Specializing in Mobile Internet | Pursuing Advanced Studies in Canada | Actively Seeking Global Remote Opportunities

MIB Montreal, Canada


Tongji University Shanghai

Mathilda Molotov-Y
You only live once. Singapore

takuoko okotaku
Computer Vision Python

Orange Tokyo, Japan

Haibo Qiu haibo-qiu
The scariest moment is always just before you start.

University of Sydney Beijing

Zeyi Sun SunzeY
Research Intern@Shanghai AI Lab in CV, PhD student@SJTU

SJTU Shanghai, China

Jinlong Xue happylittlecat2333
Master of BUPT

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing, China

weijiawu weijiawu
Language Model, Diffusion Model, Image/Video/3D generation.

National University of Singapore Hangzhou, China

Chi Tran baochi0212
sleep multimodal

@VinAIResearch Hanoi, Vietnam

Shuhuai Ren RenShuhuai-Andy

Peking University Beijing, China

Rui Zhao ruizhaocv
Ph.D. Student at Show Lab, NUS

National University of Singapore Singapore

Yong Liu forrestbing
advancing 2D/3D AIGC tech in games

Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Gabriel Mendez Rivera Gabrielmrpr
graphic design, content creator, Web desing and dev

1solutionpr USA

K likw99
Let's make things happen.


Anh Nguyen (Aengus) aengusng8
Love the combination of mathematics, coding, and intuition. Contributor @huggingface 🤗; AI Research Resident @VinAIResearch


Chongyu-Liu lcy0604
I am a Ph.D. graduate from South China University of Technology, with research interests in OCR, text image processing,and document understanding.

SCUT Guangzhou

hehao hehao13
Ph.D. student at MMLab, CUHK

CUHK Hong Kong