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David Mwangi brandeddavid
Growth + Meaningful Work

@andela formerly at Justpark Nairobi, Kenya.

Andrew-dev Andrew-Ochieng
Software Developer | JavaScript | Python

Vabrise Technologies Nairobi, Kenya

Norbert Lupamo lupamo3
New GitHub due to 2FA related issues


Emmanuel Eke Shymoney
I do not believe in a computer problem that cannot be solved, thereby adopting a 'can do' and tenacious attitude.

ShadowNet Abuja

Matembu Emmanuel Dominic Emmanuel-Dominic
I am an excellent team player who maintains integrity and confidentiality to the mastery of my craft while programming.

Besten Kampala, Uganda

George Mutti Georgeygigz
Python, Reactjs, DevOps, JavaScript, Data Science

Jacaranda Health Nairobi Kenya