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Sudheesh Kumar Ethirajan skethirajan
Ph.D. candidate (Prof. Kulkarni's group), University of California, Davis

Davis, CA, USA

Andrew S. Rosen Andrew-S-Rosen
Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering at Princeton University. Leading the @Quantum-Accelerators.

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Joey Kilgore joey-kilgore
PhD student researching biologically inspired artificial intelligence

The George Washington University Washington DC

Murat Keçeli keceli

Argonne National Laboratory

More is different
Guangda Luo imluogd

University of Science and Technology of China

Andrey Pershin andrescorp93
Physicist/chemist, developer (junior), PhD

Samara University Samara

Martin Elstner MartinEls
Bringing factual knowledge to large language models. Trained chemist with more than 10 years of experience in data roles. Founder and CEO of Elstner Analytics.

Elstner Analytics GmbH

Vincent Chen DanteVincent
Physical Chemistry & Combustion.

Tsinghua Univ. Beijing, China

Du wang wangdu817

IET,CAS Beijing,China