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John van der Vuurst jwvdvuurst
Living in Uithoorn, in the Netherlands in the southern Suburbia of Amsterdam. Senior Software Engineer at OCLC

@OCLC Uithoorn

Derek C. Zoladz dzoladz
Focusing on cultural heritage institutions: discovery applications, data (and metadata) wrangling, web development, process automation, and system integration.

Ohio Public Library Information Network Columbus, Ohio

S sw-sys
Digital Librarian
Benjamin Riesenberg briesenberg07
metadata person

University of Oregon Libraries Eugene OR

Eric Phetteplace phette23
Systems Librarian @cca

@cca USA

jim hahn jimfhahn
Head of Metadata Research at Penn Libraries

University of Pennsylvania Urbana, IL

Michael Rios michaelrios2015
Born still alive, one day plans to stop breathing :)
Tomek klinga
librarian & Python tinkerer

@BookOps NYC