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Jack Barnard shotgn16

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Shovan shovanco
Partner at SCube

@SCubeCo @myJeenie Cambridge, UK

Ian Chan ianc-standrews

St. Andrew's Church

ChurchSuite Support ChurchSuiteSupport
Please contact us at for any questions about @ChurchSuite


Nathan Surgenor ndsurgenor
Full stack developer with proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Twig, Python, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Django, Django REST (API), and React.


David Hendy hendyd

@limegreentangerine Newport

Rick Butterfield rickbutterfield
2× Umbraco MVP, Certified Master & Lead Software Engineer at Wattle

Wattle Preston, UK

Josh McGinley mcg1nley
Web and Software Developer working with JavaScript / Typescript / React / C / C# / Java

Nottingham, UK