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Brian Zhou brianlzhou

Harvard University

Dhanvinkumar Ganeshkumar DhanvinG
Hello! I'm currently a Sophomore at TJHSST and my interests specialize in computer science, engineering, and entrepreneurship.


Abraham A. realSynced
Hi! I'm Abraham. A passionate full stack web developer, and an aspiring business man. My stack includes Javascript|Typescript, React, and HTML @NexxProjects


Simrith Ranjan simsmile123
Purdue CS & Econ 2026
Skidee HeySkidee
web development, linux, open source and music production
Sami Elsayed selsayed25
@tjcsl Lead Sysadmin | TJHSST Class of 2025 | Co-Founder of @cardinaldevorg | The guy in @tcedco

@tjcsl and @cardinaldevorg Northern Virginia

Salban Nithilaselvan spanini2
westfield hs '26

Herndon, Virginia

Krishnan Shankar krishnans2006
Computer Engineering @illinois | Formerly @tjcsl @tj-uav @HackTJ | Creator of @chesscord

University of Illinois /home/krishnan