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Avinash Pawar pawaravinash0007
We Develop Code and Runing Common Service Center


Nakul Mantri NakulMantri
Full stack developer enthusiast, into development and building robust websites!! Always eager to learn and hon my skills.
Jitanshu jitanshu007
2nd year Computer Science student
Biyawala Viral Deven ViralBiyawala
Web Developer | Data Science Learner | Competitive Programmer | Indian Institute of Information Technology

@IIITSurat Surat, Gujarat, India

Avanish Gupta AvanishCodes
Engineer @redbrick-ai Previously - @Anakin-Inc

@IIITSurat @IIITSuratDevs @DSC-IIIT-Surat Bangalore, Karnataka, India

abhinav_dubey ramanabhinav7
Software Enthusiast | Open Source Contributor @IIITSurat | Navodayan

lucknow INDIA

Pratik Bagale 10pratik10
Student & Developer, IIIT Surat. Experience: 4+ years. Worked with Hyundai & Connect me for Freelance Web Development.

Tanz Corp, Hype-it, Rakalp Giant, Shark Mainframe, RLectron Pune

Onkar Joshi jonkar77
Final year undergrad

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Surat Surat

Vivek Mittal Vivek3328

Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Surat Gurugram, Haryana

Navdeep Maheshwari Navdeepmaheshwari

Amazon Chittorgarh, Rajasthan

Hetu Patel Hetu1107
Final Year UG Student at Indian Institute of Information Technology Surat pursuing CSE.


Aditya Paul adityapaul18
A passionate software developer from India exploring the field of full stack development || IIIT Surat CSE '23 || Team Lead @LCSIIITSurat 22'