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Ehsan Suez Ehsan-suez
Data Science enthusiast. Bioinformatics PhD candidate at the University of Georgia.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


LP LP-relaxation
Linda Pei ("LP"), Integrative Biology Postdoc. Linear programming (LP) relaxations as a life hack: can't solve a hard problem yet? start w/ an easier one (。・・。)

University of Texas at Austin

Gerry Ryan geryan

The Kids Research Institute Australia

Jonathan Roberts jwr42
Operations executive at a leading Data Science training provider

London, UK

Pedro Nascimento de Lima pedroliman
Engineer at RAND Corporation


Antonio Anton-Gizmo
Senior Systems Engineer & Technical Product Manager


Shaurita D. Hutchins sdhutchins
Graduate Student Trainee at UAB. Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics. Current lab: @uab-cgds-worthey. Former lab: @vallenderlab.

@uab-cgds-worthey, @datasnakes, @informaticsclub, @bham-rug Birmingham, AL

Fer Arce farcego
Wildlife ecologist performing Lévy flights on his career. Postdoctoral research fellow at MSU working on Host-pathogen ecology. Lemming lover

Mississippi state University Starkville

Meissa R' SECK rassouldev
Tech Entrepreneurship | Data Scientist | AI Developers | Machine learning Research in Malaria | Digital Project Manager

@carbonesoft senegal

Ananth Venkatesh quantum9Innovation
Haskellian hacker, Nix flake manager, software freedom fighter, applied mathematician (in theory), and noösphere resident, among other things

MIT ’28 Cambridge, MA

Cumi Oyemike CtripleU


Lillian Dillard lrd3uu
Biochemistry PhD | BMGF studying bacterial vaginosis | Hiker, reader, all around good laugh
paleopathology, skeletal biology, and disease ecology

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Carmen Hove carmenhove
Human health, disease, and evolutionary medicine. Bayesian methods.
Daniel Klein daniel-klein
I'm a computational epidemiologist at the Institute for Disease Modeling

IDM Seattle, WA

Kezia Wangeci Wahome WahomeKezia
Full Stack Developer ||Software Engineer|| Machine Learning
Caleb B. calebridgwater
Global public health researcher

Richmond, VA

Justin Malonson justin-malonson Suspended
Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Investor & Blockchain Architect.

@Lyfebloc-Network United States

Maria Angeles Capellades Sola lightlyamber
Sr. Director, Platform Control Plane at Elastic maria.capellades

Elastic Bellingham, WA

Federica Gazzelloni (she/her) Fgazzelloni
Independent External Expert (IEE) - Certified Carpentries Instructor - IHME Collaborator | #Statistics | #Actuarial | #rstats | @rladies Rome Events Organaizer

@rladies World

Nhat (Jonny) Tran JonnyTran
Open-sorcerer for all things in AI, graph neural networks, bioinformatics, and ML engineering. Work GH: @JTran-IDM

@extralit Seattle, WA

Ravin Poudel ravinpoudel
Computational Biologist

University of Florida Gainesville