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Michalis Zabaras mikezaby
Fullstack ή από τα σίδερα μέχρι τις οθόνες.

Athens, Greece

Somewhere between music, sound, and technology. Developing analysis tools for music @UniversityofCologne. Teaching sound programming @hs-duesseldorf.

University of Cologne Cologne, Germany

hello,i like making strange audio projects.


Antonio Hofmeister Ribeiro antoniohof
Immersive Technologies Developer, sometimes ML and Web

Studio Olafur Eliasson Germany / Brazil

Johnathan Lyon boxofbox
[they/he] | PhD/MS | Software Engineer, making creative things for creative people

Durham, NC

Cosmos89 theCosmos89-projects
De España (Girona, Catalunya) mi leguaje favorito siempre ha sido He adquirido mis conocimientos de forma autodidacta. Usuario de la red IRC-Hispano
Kornelius Paede kpaede
Professionally a music theater dramaturg and musicologist, not a programmer.


Facundo Franchino cucuwritescode
audio programmer, multi-instrumentalist/composer & electronics engineering with music technology student from argentina.

York, UK

Olipra olipra
electrifying audiovisual works.


Nycto_Immersive NoOne511
PhD researcher in immersive audio, composer, multimedia artist, BCMI developer

Abertay university Dundee, UK

What To Do When Your Scene Is Dead wtdwysid

No Retro Recordings Fort Worth, TX

Benoit Alary BenoitAlary
Researcher at IRCAM (Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces)• Previously, PhD Researcher at Aalto University and further back, R&D Acoustics Specialist at Audiokinetic


Alex njazz
composer/media artist
Max Alyokhin MaxAlyokhin
Javascript developer
Derek C. Zoladz dzoladz
Focusing on cultural heritage institutions: discovery applications, data (and metadata) wrangling, web development, process automation, and system integration.

Ohio Public Library Information Network Columbus, Ohio

Ryan Yard ryanyard
Helping others feel a sense of calm.

stillness, LLC Austin, TX

minjae theminjae
MSc AI @ King's College London | Computer Vision

King's College London London, UK

Ben Leichter benjaminleichter
🎹 🧑‍💻 🎹

@outputinc Portland, OR

Nádia Carvalho NadiaCarvalho
Bachelor in Musical Composition (BA); Integrated Master (BEng+ MEng) in Informatics Eng. at FEUP; Frequenting Doctoral Program in Digital Media at FEUP.

Porto, Portugal

Federico Visi federicoVisi

@Intelligent-Instruments-Lab @wearablecomputing @NIME-conference Berlin

Jonathan Frank Jonathhhan
Film-Editor (Montage).


Kamyar Ardekani raymak

@mozilla Vancouver, BC

Otto Rottier orottier
Audio stuff in Rust.

@thenextweb Netherlands

Antonella Torrisi antorr91

Queen Mary University of London London


Göteborg, Sweden

Jay Xu krfantasy

Wenzhou, China

Mads Kjeldgaard madskjeldgaard
Electronic music composer && software developer. Formerly @notam02 and @torsoelectronics.

Copenhagen, denmark