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Saeid Aliei saliei

SKA Observatory United Kingdom

Nathan Bransby Nathan-Bransby-NMT
🇦🇺 | Python Software Foundation | Full-stack Developer - Software Engineer

Perth, Australia

Michele Bianco micbia
Hi! I am an astrophysicist, currently a PostDoc researcher at the Radio Astronomy Laboratory of Astrophysics in ETH, Zurich.

ETH Zurich Zurich, CH

Jonathan Rufus Samuel JRS296
Engineer @CERN. Working on @Dijkstra-Edu and @Mp3-Automated-Tag-Editor. Working on Rust, Compilers, OS and Open Source Educational Software.

CERN Geneva, Switzerland

Aman Chokshi amanchokshi
PhD Researcher at UniMelb ↟‎‎ ‎Radio Astronomer ↟ Coder ↟ Photographer

University of Melbourne

Jishnu N. Thekkeppattu jnthek
Radio astronomer, electronics engineer, radio amateur - callsigns VK6JN and VU3VWB. PhD in radio astronomy, but that does not mean I'm an expert ...

ICRAR-Curtin, WA Perth, WA

Ujjwal Panda astrogewgaw
Pulsars and FRBs, all in the radio.

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune, Maharashtra, India

Jake Jones jakejones
Signal Processing Engineer


Ruijie Shi superdreamliner

Brown University Providence, RI

Liam Ryan LDRyan0
I enjoy making code go fast

DUG Technology Perth, Australia

ShaoguangGuo shaoguangleo
A Radio Astronomer with twin boys

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Shanghai,China