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< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
Frances He Franceshe
An Engineer for atom + bits, Major in Physics & Minor in Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering @ UIUC. Founder of @yolominds:

Yolominds.Inc Earth/Mars/SolarSystem

T0k3N RJ0088
Boston Metro South Elec Eng, Tech Spec, Net Sec Admin, IoT Dev

@OTS Boston, MA

Aadil | mous adlonymous
building, buffing and breaking code

United States

SHO shoya-sue
Crypto Ecosystem Map Explorer.


256hax 256hax
DevRel: @Superteam-Japan, Japan Ambassador: @MonkeDAO


Vishesh Vijayvargiya vshvjy

London, United Kingdom

Maru them2dt
Building cool stuff on the web.
Zhe zhe-t
Core @ SolWorks

Solana Beach

0xDon thedonmon
Software Developer & Monke

Paris, France

ChoppSueyy RichMix
☀️ AeroSOLenthusiast ☀️

Visual Graffix The Metaverse

H ZeroTimeDrift
Building @onemoongate

@onemoongate London, United Kingdom

Priyanshi Raval priyaraval12
Freelancer | Blockchain | Solidity | Smart Contracts Web3 Frontend Developer | Ract.js |Next.js #let's connect on Twitter

TheBrandGlobal -Web3Frontend Developer surat

Irfan Asif irffanasiff
Building @cubik-so | Core Team @LamportDAO | Member @SuperteamDAO | GSoC'22 @RocketChat


Matt Rosenzweig mattdeco

Netflix Los Angeles, CA

G crypt0xg


Matthew Stotts mlstotts
Investing in and advising world-changing technology entrepreneurs. Professor of Technology Management, College of Engineering at UCSB. $5
