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Mariusz Turski blackmonoceros

IT Special Projects Poland

Rus tremer3
Hello ! I'm studying Web-Development.
Martin martingrgv
Hi, I am Martin. I'm an ambitious developer with a love for tackling complex challenges through clean and efficient code.

Elfshock Sofia, Bulgaria

Gabriel Brecci qnen

@LerianStudio São Paulo, Brazil

Zyad Zarin zyadzarin
B.Comp.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence at Universiti Malaya.

Universiti Malaya Malaysia

Andrea andiigonzalez
BSc. Business Economics - UCSD
Super super9157
I value communication and teamwork, constantly upgrade my skills with the latest tech, focus on high-quality code and meeting deadline. Interesting? Email me!!!

Software Industry Work from Home

Isimael Zabadia MrIsimael
Aspiring Software Engineer and Web Developer Pursuing a Diploma in IT Software Development
Pankaj-Leo Pankaj-Leo
Learner for life, a technologist for a living.
ReLU relu-xz
Soli Deo Gloria

Chiptune Inc. Chipton

Aashish Karki Aashish079
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IOE, Pulchowk Campus Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Andie Kobbie andiekobbietks
🚀 IT Operations professional with expertise in technical support, infrastructure management, and cloud computing. Passionate about digital transformation!

FirstGens UK Europe

Marco Angioni Marcxzz
i hate javascript and php.


hocine_mahni hocinemahni
PhD Student

ENSTA | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Lab-STICC Brest France

YYF yyf

Los Angeles

Sima Angelin Angelo2918
“Prendi in mano la tua vita...e non lasciare che gli altri decidano per te, balla solo perché hai voglia di ballare e non perché tutti intorno a te lo fanno!!!”


Shivam Pandey shiva-69
MERN Developer | React JS | Redux | JavaScript | NodeJS | Express | MongoDB

Lucknow, UP

Joel Johnson joel-razor1
Software Engineer

@IBM @Instana India

Hilmi Musyafa hilmimusyafa
Beginner Back End Developer | Research Assistant at Adaptive Network Laboratory | Play with GO, Python, JavaScript | Making something new at @WorthEveryPenny


Gautam Menon GR-Menon
Python Developer working on Computer Vision, NLP and Data Engineering


Manuel Pineda pin3da
Software engineer. Twice ACM-ICPC World Finalist. // Ex @pereirajs and @pereira-tech-talks coordinator.


Tarsis Lima tarsislimadev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack. Técnico de informática pelo CPS. Experiência em Node.js, Android, AWS e Scrum. Inglês avançado, francês e alemão básicos.

Rio Claro - SP - Brazil

tech-team techteam92
Hi, I love discussing trading solutions and new technologies with other seniors and working towards customer satisfaction.
Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

Stephen A. Horvath kerozindev
I love building full-stack web applications, and I'm interested in quality online casino slot games. React | Next.js | Express.js | TS | Tailwind | Node.js
Sumedh sumedhdev
Senior Frontend Engineer (React, Angular); and Product Designer. 🔐 Access to some personal private repos available upon request to potential employers.
Nel M. Betancur nelbta
art & architectural historian

National University of Colombia

iobae baecentral
Ten.bae Developer Hub

Musset Solutions AG EMEA