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Lanren Lanrenw
量化猎头Leon,WeChat:13122337353 热招岗位🥳 - PM/策略研究员(股票/期货/期权) - C++/Python/AI Infra开发工程师 行业:金融量化/Crypto base:北上深杭港✈️
hl ray075hl

NWPU Beijing

RayWang RayWang-iat

Institute of Advanced Technology, USTC Hefei, China

Magic Mai magic3007
PKU CS Ph.D. student 2021 🎩🎩🎩 PKU 2017 CS. Focus on machine learning applications, MLsys, and emerging technology in VLSI CAD.

Peking University @PKU-IDEA Beijing, China

天外来客1009 Ericsongyl
Don't underestimate the heart of Champion! Fighting!
Gavin Gavince
Life Work Balance!!!


xizexi xizexi


Carlos Ren rennie-bee
Backend Development | Distributed System | Cloud Computing | Tennis :-)

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Wentao Zhang zwt233
Make each day worth!

PKU Beijing

ZHANG Tao zhangtaochn
The world has kissed my soul with its pain, as king for its return in songs.

Baichuan inc Beijing, China