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Try your best to get your dream !!!

RubyDevTeam Viet Nam

Claude Ayitey claudey
Engineer, Designer, Builder

@DevCongress @candlelitcare

Neenu Chacko neenu-chacko
Software Engineer @bigbinary

@bigbinary Muvattupuzha, Kerala

Ahmed Nadar AhmedNadar
Ruby on Rails Developer. Love to build software with HTML, CSS, Hotwire, Stimulus, Ruby, and Rails. 👋 I'm Available for a new opportunity.

FOR HIRE Canada, Toronto

Stephen Ierodiaconou stevegeek
Freelance Ruby dev, advising & helping startups: Ruby / Rails / JavaScript / TypeScript / node.js


Obaid Ashfaq obaidashfaq20
Ruby on Rails Developer

Lahore, Pakistan

Dennis Kamau devcamke

Mode Inc

Adrian Grimm usmcamgrimm
I enjoy learning new things and love to build and create awesome things with code!

Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Rockledge, FL

ciscoLegrand ciscoLegrand

blipol Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland

Zilvinas Kucinskas ZilvinasKucinskas
Software engineer passionate about the Web, and SaaS, who loves Ruby 💎, Rails 🛤 and Hotwire ⚡️.

@ExportData Vilnius, Lithuania

Joel Drapper joeldrapper
Author and maintainer of Phlex, Literal, Quickdraw, Morphlex — cohost Rooftop Ruby.

Oxfordshire, UK

Lucian Ghinda lucianghinda
Polymorphic Senior Ruby Developer, curator of ShortRuby Newsletter. Bucharest