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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Julien Gonzalez customcommander
Programming the web since the '00s.

London, UK

Stephen Moore UndeadTokenArt
I am working on my programming education and getting better and better everyday. I have challenged myself to make at least one commit to GitHub everyday.
Rosa Richter Cantido
I'm an Elixir developer who writes dumb little libraries and tinkers with electronics.

@prokeep United States

Patrick Jr. PatrickJnr
Curious explorer of coding wonders! Not a pro, but I have a blast poking around repos. It's like a treasure trove of awesome creations! 🚀

@PatrickJrsTeam Bridgwater

Ham metalalive
Learning-Driven Development


Soo CryptoSoo
I love to learn
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Ihor Savenko denver-code
Developer from Ukraine. Making tools for Humans :D | Computer Science student at Portsmouth University

@integrityofstellar Mars

ryand2d ryand2d


Tony Bark tonytins
I've been developing software in C#, Rust and now Zig when I feel like it.
Mauricio Aramburu Bot-Mau
Software Developer BS in CS

SeAH Steel USA Houston

Code for fun
Eduardo Retamales Rojas srpollin1
Fullstack Developer 📚 | React 👨‍💻 | Javascript 💛 | Php 🐘 | Python 🐍
Ghost Ghostopheles
Hey, I made the 'famous' Algalon bot, and enjoy building tools of varying levels of usefulness.

Dallas, TX

Conor Drogon-The-Dread
No smile, only compile


lentil32 lentil32

Yonsei University

tobi tobistreich
20 y/o software-developer from germany
Daniel Jake O'Brien DanielJ-OBrien
Software Developer.

Uni United Kingdom

Morgan Rose Godden MorganGodden
I am currently a Computer Science student based in the UK.

SortGroup United Kingdom

Allan Galera Teixeira allangalera
Full Stack developer

Berlin, Germany

Alex Desmond sunmethods
UCF Computer Science

Orlando, FL

Alex Ragone ragone

Ardoq Copenhagen, Denmark

Jake Magill JakeMagill

MoneySuperMarket Group

Henricus Louwhoff hl
Father and software engineer. Love to shoot analogue film, bake and cook. Building apps using Elixir & Phoenix. Experimenting with Swift, Janet, and Rust.


Kerem Caner Ozin keremcozin
Software Engineer


Adam Paterson adam-paterson
Polyglot Programmer. Technical Solution Architect & Principal Developer @PinpointDesigns Indie Game dev. AI enthusiast. Father to two girls.

@pinpointdesigns Nottingham, UK

Perry perryliuofficial
I make random stuff when I'm bored.


Onur Özkan onurozkan

Deneloper United Kingdom