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Xiangrui Zhang nano-ZhangXr
An AI engineer from China...
Yilin Xia yilinxia
Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

614 E. Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820

Cultivate yourself, put your family in order, run the local government well, bring peace to the entire country and brighten the world.


Ishan Mukherjee ishanjmukherjee
Northwestern CS '26

Chicago, IL

Mingjie Zhang Zager-Zhang
Mphil Student, HKUST(GZ) | Research Assistant @SYSU-STAR | BEng in School of Electronics and Information, NPU


Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Haoran Wang CangLingHR
RS Vision PhD Student in AIRCAS

AIRCAS Beijing

Devon Shigaki devonshigaki
Life is simply complicated

FreshCredit Bellevue WA

Catherine Lee catherinelee274
Current MLE at Lamini AI. Formly Google, Snap ML, Adobe ML, Amazon

San Francisco, CA

C# Python Data Science, ML, Information Communication Engineer , I'm here to learn and explore .
Gimei Alex Gimmyalex
Junior software engineer with a main focus on Generative AI applications, Python software development, Data science, Blockchain Engineering, and Cyber security


AI/ML Engineer ElenaViewSynthesis
LLM Alignment & Scaling | High-Throughput | CUDA INT4 Optimizations | 4D Rendering & Reconstruction using Gaussian Splatting |

Meta AI London

Tech Aficionado | Software Architect | Open Source Contributor | AGI Entrepreneur
GMfrens two-bucks
I am not an active user, but I currently and self-educating myself about contributing to open-source projects because of their value to humanity.
TM Taimin
PhD, Researcher, focusing on deep learning, crystallography, electron microscopy, image processing, data engineering and data science.

Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden

Alamgir Munir Qazi alamgirqazi
I enjoy reading, learning and all the pain that comes with it 😎

Galway, Ireland

tower fjfd


hitxiaomi hitxiaomi


Leo Sandler L-Sandler
Computer Engineering Student at Queen's University
Alex Dimakis Alex-adim
UT Austin Professor. Co-director of the National Institute on the Foundations of Machine Learning. Founder and CSO of Bespoke Labs.

UT Austin Bay area

Zhang zkcpku
PhD Student In Peking University. Major In Computer Science and Software Engineering. :)

Peking Univ. Beijing

Abner AbnerAI
A PhD student at BNU focuses on designing intelligent computing models.

Beijing Normal University Beijing

mengxiaoye mengxyokok
Hello, my name is Meng. I am from the Software School of Tsinghua University and I am engaged in deep learning research.

Tsinghua University Beijng, China

Thomas Ayissi thomas-ayissi
#Developper : C#, JS, PHP , .NET, Angular, Symfony


Saeid Saadatigero saeidsaadatigero
Backend Engineer (Django & AI)