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GPinon GP-Quinten

Quinten Health Paris

JAGS JoseAngelGarciaSanchez
Data Scientist

Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring Paris, France

Anthony Roussel anthonyroussel
DevOps & Software Engineer


Hồng Hạnh honghanhh
NLP Engineer at @arkhn

ARKHN Hanoi, Vietnam

Kenza Ily Benkirane kenza-ily
AI for Healthcare

UCL London-Paris

Lazare Ricour-Dumas lazare-rd
Student in M2 AMIS at Université Paris-Saclay
Abderaouf Hamza Oufra
Clinical biologist specialized in cancer genetics.

Institut Curie Paris

Florian Le Frioux floweb

Seldon Finance Basusarri, Euskal Herria, France

Antoine Henning antoinehng
Electronic music tinkerer, video encoding enthusiast

@wearepoppins (Ex @BackMarket & @canalplus) Lille, France

Magnan Jules MagnanJules
Epita Student / Foch Hospital React, Node, Server, VIM, NeoVIM C | C# | Python | JS | TypeScript


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


William Gacquer citron
I am yellow I teach a lot I compute a lot

@amilto-com Amilto France

Mohamed Kenani DrKenani
I am a medical resident with a passion for Artificial Intelligence. I am constantly working to improve my knowledge and skills in AI, as I am convinced of the p

hospital Fatouma Bouguiba Monastir

Kévin Zgrzendek kzgrzendek
Hi there! I'm working in devops and software architecture, specialized in health data platforms on cloud! Most of my contributions doesn't appear here.

Greater Paris University Hospitals(@aphp) Paris, France

Nicolas Azari nicodinh
Je suis biodegradable.

Senior Developer Paris, France


Ecole 42 Paris

Manelle G. ManelleG
Front-end web dev at @aphp :)

AP-HP Paris

Laurent Joubert ljoubert

@ansforge Paris, France

Lucie Clemot luclemot
Etudiante Ingénieure à CentraleSupélec, Stagiaire à Etalab

Etalab Paris, France

Vincent Rubod vintzooz
Working for AP-HP clinical datawarehouse.

AP-HP Paris

Valentin Iovene choucavalier
CTO and Co-Founder of AlphaBrain. Previously: PhD at Inria, ML researcher at Heetch and CFM

AlphaBrain Paris, France

Armand LEOPOLD armandleopold
Hi, I'm Armand, Creative and Inspired French Engineer. ;)

Founder @Qalita Paris, France

David Lambert dlambert13
M.Sc. student in bioinformatics, with a focus on machine learning and its explainability ; learning in public