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Ioannis Chamailidis ichamail
Recent graduate in Mechanical Engineering, passionate about Mathematics, Potential Aerodynamics and Rigid Body Dynamics.
David Deireb
Hi everyone! Mi name is David Rodríguez, and I am final-year student of the Aerospace Engineering degree at the University of Vigo. España

Jinpei Xiao Kevin-9527XIAO
Some people spend their whole lives building their character, while others focus on building their reputation.

NWPU Xi‘an

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Roarke McNaught roarkemc
Market Risk Specialist at Enbridge Inc. Financial risk professional w/ 15+ years in trading, quantitative risk, and advanced data analytics.

Enbridge Inc. Houston, TX

Παναγιώτης Γεωργακόπουλος pankgeorg

@JuliaComputing Neo Psychiko, Athens, Greece

Italo.Silva ITA-LOW
Engenharia de Computação - UFSC 🖥️
Hugo Nicolas hugo-nicolas
PhD Student, Graduate Engineer | UQ & Optimization - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

École polytechnique / Inria / @mdolab Paris

Hongbo Miao hongbo-miao

Archer Aviation | California

Hamidreza Mirzaeian HamidrezaMirzaeian
Wind Energy, Python, Machine Learning "Researcher"
Ian Viotti IanViotti
Currently doing masters in aeronautical engineering at ITA with Embraer.

Federal University of Itajubá Brasil

Liung Liung


Yashwanth Pochareddy h1he2li3
Engineer - CO2 Onboard, and Nernst Energy System LLP. DTU, Denmark (@dtudk) and TU Delft, Netherlands (@tudelft).
SuperStar SuperStarCZ
Fluid Dynamics

Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Galaxy

Rob Falck robfalck
OpenMDAO Dev Team Lead Dymos Lead Developer

NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH

Tatjam tatjam
I'm an average human being who sometimes makes high-tech devices (computers) do stuff.

León, Spain

Mei MY yangmingmei
Phd student at Xi'an Jiaotong Univercity

Xi'an jiaotong Univercity Shannxi,Xi'an

Arshid Ali ArshidAli84
Machine Learning & Graduate Researcher in the Field of Smart Grid | Energy Management | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Intelligent Systems

Machine Learning

Abdul Rab abdulrabtalpur
I love solving problems.

Université Grenoble Alpes Grenoble, France

kamalpatel kkratos
MS Industrial and Systems Engineering / Mechanical Engineering