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Hyderabad, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Steve Chan stevechan1993
Your only limit is you


Jason Samuel JS2598
EUC & Security Houston, TX

Technical Specialist at Coffee Cup Solutions

Coffee Cup Solutions Ltd Reading, UK

David Fischer fischer-david
🪘 Huhu

Lower Austria

Sjoerd van den Nieuwenhof Sjoerdvdn
My name is Sjoerd van den Nieuwenhof, 40 years old, and I’m a Workspace enthusiast with a focus on Microsoft, Citrix, and VMware products.

New Yard Netherlands

Le BaymaxGroot
Front-End Engineer.

China - NKG

Scott Noel-Hemming frogstarr78

Frogstarr78 Software Walla Walla, WA

Nilesh Pawar NileshPawarCitrix

Citrix Systems Raleigh, North Carolina

Para ParaXY
/爱喵汪&董姐撩/品域&战略风控#云容量化·XaaS#知行合一#互联協同合作联谊/随性随缘随法随心/握槽·倾天下;) 募志/尽人事&&听天命'无为无不为/KnowHow meansMore than KnowWhat/NULL Temporary...

DomIT Paradise.

Ying livezingy
Choose a life of action.

Suzhou China

dimi4 dimi4ik
If you have any questions or ideas about EUC, Ansible for Windows, just write to me
David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

XC xchehub
Landing on the chain. Flying to the moon. Targeting the mars. Dreaming my future. Coder, data miner, and data cleaner.