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Duong Le dzodd
Treat your self like a temple
Byte ByteAfterlife
Just your average github user, I make things, some stupid, some kinda useful. I have too many private repos lol

Behind you

Astra Berry danithang
I am someone who is looking for a career change and the software side of technology has intrigued me, so I want to know more about programming languages.
madara simjolly21
I am an experienced Senior Full-stack Developer and Software Engineer with a Bachelor's and Master of Engineering in computer science.


Hardip Solanki HardipSolanki22
I'm not a great programmer. I'm just a good programmer with great habits.
Omer (Ozzy) omerakben
Mental health whiz-turned-tech guru πŸ€–


Hawkar Mohammad HawkarMohammad
Web Developer

FastTeam Iraq

Coder just for fun

Growth Loops Technology Kolkata

Marek Zelinka marekzelinka
JavaScript Developer

Slovakia, πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Pureheart Moluno pmoluno
A Seasoned Dev with Expertise in | JavaScript | Python | Go | Others
Mehdi Nassim KHODJA naskio
Software Engineering and beyond


eg canering

Tampa, FL

Santiago Fernandez santif
Software Architect with 23+ years of exp. Entrepreneur. Microservices, Java, Go, Elixir, Rust, React, TS, JS, etc. In my free time, I fly gliders.


Nguyen The Phuc Hiep ng-hiep
Β‘Mucho gusto de conocerlos!

Ho Chi Minh City

Newton Develops nejidevelops
A fullstack developer with skills in React, Rails, HTML, CSS and Javascript

Microverse Nairobi

Richard Sheppard siliconmeadow

Silicon Meadow Ltd New York / Paris / Peckham

The Coder πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ’» the-coder-o
Hi there, I'm a fullstack javascript who simply loves building things. In addition to coding, I also make YouTube videos, where I focus on tech, creative vloggi

GlobalMove Uzbekistan

μ΄μ€€ν—Œ leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Michal Halas Halaskommm
SK52 0900 0000 0051 9488 6059 GIBASKBX
Akshansh Akshansh029
πŸ‘‹ Hey, I'm Akshansh! A web developer who loves crafting sleek UIs with React, Next.js, and turning caffeine into code.
Hassan Alsheikh HassanAlsheikh

Alsheikh Media United Arab Emirates

Mostafa Ahangarha ahangarha
Full-Stack Developer | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React | Software Freedom advocate
Nevil Parmar nevilparmar11
Elevate your thinking and you will levitate to greater level.


Soufiane Boursen Sboursen
Software Engineer | Ruby, Rails, Typescript, VUE JS, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL


An stupidguy176

HoChiMinh City

Cedric douyixuan
A slow walker. Dream to make a big difference one day.


Vignesh G imvignesh003
C/Java Programmer., Student @KarpagamCollegeOfEngineering

Karpagam college of engineering Coimbatore

Andrea AndreaBaccolini
UX / UI designer and Wordpress frontend developer
