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Saeid Saadatigero saeidsaadatigero
Backend Engineer (Django & AI)
Calvin_Mazhindu cavcom2010
I am an upcoming Software engineer proficient in Python, HTML, CSS and the Django web framework. I am self taught and started coding in August 2021 at age 38.

England, United Kingdom

Dmytro Puchkov DmytroPuchkov

@django-stars Kyiv, Ukraine

Dennis Mbithi D-Mbithi
Someone with passion for technology and innovation

Nairobi, kenya

Software Engineer

OCTO Technology Casablanca

Ajmal Muhammed ajmalmohammedn
Python Enthusiast

Wisetalkies Kochi,Kerala,India

cvs0 cvs0
Full-Stack Dev, Minecraft modding enthusiast.

@LockScript-Solutions Canada

E. Gomes identidadgh

Groningen, Netherlands

Olimjon Akhmadjonov Olim4ik
Python Developer

Datamicron Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Basem Srour BasemSrour
freelance python develper - Graduated from Mansoura faculty of engineering at electronics and communication department
Bespalyi Daniil DaniilBespaly
Wordpress developer


Santiago Ortiz Ceballos santiagortiiz

Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

Nikita Mazur NikitaMazur
Front-end developer

DjangoStars Ukraine

Software Engineer #Python #Django #web #Deep Learning #Machine Learning #React.js
Dmytro Sichkar dmmeteo

@django-stars Ukraine