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Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Shaurya Jain chkp-shauryaj

Check Point Software Charlotte

Daniel abigbyte

Grand Canyon Education Phoenix, AZ

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

lvest-chkp daluxiaoyu
I am currently typing into this box...

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

Carlos Diaz cadgo

CheckPoint Software Technologies Mexico / Veracruz


@Webscale-networks Bengaluru, KA

Dor Moyal DorMoyall
My Stack is bigger than yours... ;)
Preecha preechadev
Cyber Security Consultant based in Sydney, specializes in Cloud Security, DevOps, DevSecOps technologies
ductops ductops
just another cloudy day
shonibare omofolarin omofolarin

Holuid @servicecute lagos, Nigeria



James Berriman jamesberriman
James Berriman is a Network Engineer and a Musician.


Eric Beasley mybasementcloud
Former programmer/software engineer, now Security [Channel Sales] Architect. Scripting in bash and CMD Flailing around currently in PowerShell
K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

是非黑白·No! Sep0lkit

@Git-News /dev/null

Russ Brenner russbrenner

@Fastly Melbourne, Australia

tajimahoshito tazieee
Software Engineer

Tokyo, Japna