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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Im-SangHyeon Ish0410
Android Engineer
THX All Grace thxallgrace
Hello! I live in Korea and love beer 🍺& flower 🌼


minsuk-jang minsuk-jang

인플루엔셜(윌라) Republic of Korea, Seoul

honggi honggi123
Android Developer

Seoul, In Korea

솜놜 somnwal
모바일 개발자 ( Main : Android / Sub : iOS )

South Korea

한준혁 wnsgur1
웅변은 은이요 침묵은 금이로다.

대구소프트웨어마이스터고등학교 대구

Yunjae-Na yunjaena
Mobile Developer

@wanteddev(Wanted Lab, Inc.)

Shin Woon Hwang ShinWoon
Android developer

Busan, South Korea

KEZ kez-lab
Android Developer

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Bettor theBettor
Bettor means 'better'(of a more excellent or effective type or quality) + '-or'(person, suffix)
정승규 jsk41755

충북대학교 Cheongju-si

yuseok oh yuseok

Infobank Corp. Seoul Republic of Korea

Bmsk YiBeomSeok
Android Developer

DeepMedi Seoul

Haeun Lee leeeha

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jihye Han jihyeh

Seoul, Korea

Covy rhkrwngud445
부산에서 개발 중입니다


Song Hyemin hyemdooly
Android Developer


수달(김수연) otter66
가랑비에 옷 젖듯이

@woowacourse South Korea

Seongrok Cho dev-loggi
Android Developer

KT AIVLE School 3rd AI / Computer Enginnering Seoul, South Korea

Hanseul Lee HS0204

Seoul, Republic of Korea

이진욱 jinukeu
Android Developer

@bhaptics Suwon, Korea