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Antony Barja ambarja
I love geography, geocomputation and spatial data science 🤓🌎⚕️.

National University of San Marcos Lima, Peru

Yueyang Lu yueyanglu
Ph.D. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography

University of Miami Miami

Alex G Rice guidorice
Versatile software developer with a focus on earth observation, agricultural, environmental and climate applications

Colorado, USA

Fernando C. Pacheco fcarvalhopacheco

Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) Hawaii, Honolulu

Sricharan Reddy Varra srivarra
Research Software Engineer developing multiplexed single cell analysis frameworks. Dabbling in Houdini FX in my free time.

@karadavis-lab @angelolab San Francisco, CA

Thomas C. M. Martin TomCMM

Institut of Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) - University of São Paulo (USP) Sao Paulo - Brazil

Justin Lynn Reid synflyn28

Earth Resources Technology Asheville, NC

WM ⚡ waynemaranga

Iris Technical Nairobi, Kenya

Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Max Jones maxrjones
Cloud engineer | Background in oceanography and volcanology | Maintaining @GenericMappingTools and building xarray extensions

@developmentseed Durham, NC

Ray Bell raybellwaves
Principal Data Scientist at DTN

DTN Maryland

Henrik Andersson ecomodeller
Program Manager

@DHI Hørsholm

Brian Blaylock blaylockbk

Monterey, CA

Sean Miller millerss1
Meteorologist and GIS specialist with over 10 years working with spatially enabled data for applications related to climate/weather and natural hazards.

Maxar Technologies San Diego, California

Sandupal Dutta sandupal

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Krishnakumar AP krishnaap
Researcher in Meteorology.
Andrei Rusu beatfactor

@pineviewlabs @OceanStreamIO Oslo, Norway

Uilliams Paz Uilliams
Oceanógrafo (UFBA). Mestrando em Oceanografia Física (UFBA)

Salvador, Ba

Daniel Hardesty Lewis dhardestylewis
Research engineer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center

@TACC Austin, United States

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Donghoon Lee gnodnooh

University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Tongya Liu liutongya
Physical oceanography | Mesoscale eddies & Ocean circulation

SIO Hangzhou

Charlie Parr charparr
Geospatial Data Scientist. Former Snow Scholar. Soccer Maniac.

@ua-snap Fairbanks, Alaska

Amruth Kiran amruthkiran94
Senior Associate at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru.

Indian Institute for Human Settlements Bengaluru, India

Sk Muzahid muzahid120
I'm a self-taught data science enthusiast driven by a story of resilience and relentless pursuit of knowledge.


Olivier Bonte olivierbonte
Doctoral researcher @h-cel

Ghent University Ghent, Belgium

Michail Mitsakis michailmitsakis
M.Sc. Eng. - Physics & Nanotechnology | Electrochemistry | Power-to-X | Green Hydrogen | Machine Learning | Materials Optimization | Catalysis

Athens, Greece

Marco Wolsza maawoo

Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena, Germany

Daniele Nerini dnerini

@MeteoSwiss Switzerland

Francesco Zanetta frazane
PhD student at ETH Zürich, working with MeteoSwiss on post-processing with machine learning.

@MeteoSwiss @IACETH Switzerland

Floris Calkoen FlorisCalkoen
PhD candidate in coastal geomorphology (TU Delft / Deltares)

Deltares Amsterdam

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Mustafa Kemal Emil mkemalemil

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI

Christos Charmatzis
Hi, my name is Christos and I am GIS Solution Architect. My passion is designing and developing GIS solutions.

@TA-Geoforce Athens, Greece

Jack Pan jackoceancolor


Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand

Tadd Bindas taddyb
Searching for strict typing ----------------------------------------- See @taddyb33 for my contributions from NGWPC development

ERT / Penn State

Douglas Nehme douglasnehme
Oceanographer | M.Sc. in Meteorology | Hydrodynamic modeler and metocean data analyst at UFRJ's Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering (LAMCE)

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Brazil