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Elena Tubaro eltubaro
wannabe archivist


Roberto Taglioretti totrebor

progettosl - LEICON di Serenella Saccon Italy

Michael Borko mborko

Systemmanufaktur e.U. Vienna

Francesco Bruno FrancescoBrunoDev
Programmer at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Münster, Germany

Olivia Wilson oliviawilson2003
Dubai Based Software Engineer & digital marketing manager
Sandro Tanner sandrotanner
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Hugh Rawlinson hughrawlinson
Principal Web Developer, Developer Advocate. Contributor to @meyda.

Amsterdam, NL

Jitse De Cock jitsedc
Semantic Web & Interoperability


Cristian Díaz elkraneo
It's a reminder of a sauce that I loved once

Reality check Berlin

Oleg Lavrovsky loleg
🛠️ maintainer 🌳 wrangler ∮scener

aletsdat Köniz, Switzerland

Léa Saint-Raymond Saint-Raymond
Observatoire des humanités numériques de l'ENS-PSL


Pooya Golchian pooyagolchian
FullStack Javascript Developer | Senior/Lead Frontend Developer

Cashew Payments Dubai, United Arab Emirates

蔡豐澤 evo938jacky

Lalamove 新北市

Maya may4eto
Front-end developer

IBM Italy

MODAVIS modavis-project
Digital Organology | Acoustics | MIR GitHub for PhD-Project MODAVIS by Dominik Ukolov


Israel Aquino iaquinoc

UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

Olle Jonsson olleolleolle

Auctionet ✨ sunny Malmö in Sweden

Andriy Tymchenko silpol
I draw lines between tech & business, and build digital services for B2B. I enjoy family, walking & music in my free time. Jack of many trades, master of none.

@CodeAltos Espoo, Finland

Sofía Jiménez sofiajimglez
I'm developing dynamic front-end interfaces with Vue.js while gaining experience in back-end systems with Java and PostgreSQL. Now interested in TypeScript 🤓

Madrid (Spain)

Antonin Rouxel anrouxel
Paris 2024 Volunteer
Dan Burzo danburzo
Designer, tool maker, web platform enthusiast, amateur archivist.

@Evercoder Cluj, Romania

Mariana Ziku mziku
PhD cand, Dept. of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean


Tali Bo toyrobot

@moshchot Somewhere in the Mediterranean

Gkoran Stoilkovits maxbyz
Gkoran Stoilkovits-Visual Artist who make paintings, sculptures, byzantine icons, printmaking. Enthusiastic about coding and self-taught, amateur programmer 😊

Atelier Stoilkovits Porto Heli, GREECE


flo xpiu
mainly Python and PHP atm
Abdoul Karim DIALLO abdoulkarim20
I understand the importance of being interactive and enjoy communicating with others on a shared topic.


Jhonny Mosquera Ocampo jhonnynetworker
I develop business, social innovation, and technological systems.

Nomadengenuity LDA Portugal