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Dijana Peras dperas

Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin

Ivan Boščić Boscic-Ivan
Student 2. godine IPS-a Fakulteta organizacije i informatike u Varaždinu. Službeni fakultetski GitHub račun.

Varaždin, Croatia

Tin Podnar tpodnar22
~ Faculty of Organization and Informatics


Mihael Nikolić mihael-nikolic
Student at Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Vocational Study of Information Technology and Business Digitalization - application development major


Marin Puškadija mpuskadij
Bachelor's Degree in IT
Rikardo Jalžabetić rikjalzabet
University of Zagreb, FOI
Frane Kružičević fkruzicev20

Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin

Snježana Križanić skrizanic

Faculty of organization and informatics, University of Zagreb Varaždin

Rosana dragonrossa
.NET Developer :) Learning something new every day,creating personal projects, C# + ASP.NET (EF) + SQL (mySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL), NodeJS and JS


David Slavik slavikdavid
1st year graduate student at Faculty of Organisation and Informatics in Varaždin. Current main interests: Frontend development & Backend development
Mislav Matoković mmatokovic

Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb, Croatia

Mihael Kožul mihakozul

University of Zagreb, FER Zagreb, Croatia