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Dyxn CoffeeTonight
ASIC Engineer by Day, Opensource User by Night, Dreamer by Dawn

Principal Engineer Seoul, Korea

Erwan Hanis Régy erwanregy
Electronic Engineering student at the University of Southampton, learning bit by byte :)

University of Southampton United Kingdom

Pradeep Purushothaman Vadakkodathu vadakkodan
SoC/FPGA IP Design Engineer | Verilog | VHDL | SystemVerilog | C | BASH | Python | Linux | XILINX | Intel Altera | ISE | Vivado | XPS | XSG | Matlab | 5GNR

Freelancer Bengaluru

Matt Ngaw mattngaw

Pittsburgh, PA

Syed Hassan Ul haq SyedHassanUlHaq
Python | Django | HTML/CSS | Scala/CHISEL | RISC-V | Functional-Programming

Karachi, Pakistan

Maira Usman Myrausman
Python | AI | React | RISC-V | ISA | Chisel
Zhiyang Ong eda-ricercatore
A multilingual, globetrotting cultural chameleon pursuing U.N. SDGs

Design Automation Renegades In passato, vicino al Dolomiti

Himal Subedi SoCScholar
Technical University of Munich

Munich, Germany

LeoLiang LeoLiangjianbin

TianjinUniversity Tianjin,China

Philipp Wagner imphil

@fossi-foundation @IBM Augsburg, DE

Arturo Fernández arturofernandez
Currently studying Telecommunication Engineering at UPV, Valencia, Spain Hyperloop UPV Team Member MATLAB Student Ambassador

Valencia, Spain

Masanori Ogino omasanori

Japan, or anywhere else

Victor O. Costa vctrop
CpE interested in signal processing, microelectronics, computer intelligence and electrophysiology.

Centro Espacial ITA (CEI) Brazil

Juan dpmj
Así es.

Universitat Politècnica de València Entre Andalucía y València

Andreas akaeba
Electronic Designer; Script Engineer; Multilingualist

Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads. - Emmett L. "Doc" Brown

🇪🇺 European Union

Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark

Jai Mishra jai47
2nd year Btech Computer Science Student
Mrunal Waykos mkos11
I remember I was here not because the way in front of me, but the way behind me. There is no such thing as - I can't, as long as I want to.

Freelancer Pune, India

Suhel moonLight-7k

Compute Science Student Moon

I love meeting new people, exchanging ideas and spreading knowledge and positivity.

Delhi NCR

Nupoor Shetye Nupoor10
I am an open source enthusiast having started my journey through Hacktoberfest and I am always on the lookout for amazing projects to contribute to!
Aubin Detrez aubindetrez
My new GitHub Account w/ some toy projects of mine. Only the other projects I am currently contributing to are on github.
Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior security researcher, compiler/binary hacker, NFC ninja, hardware hacker with a FPGA hammer. Previously Pay Security.

Lafayette, Indiana