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Brad Howes bradhowes
I've typed more code than I can remember.

Squarepoint Capital Paris, France

Game Dev Mammad Mohammad9760
Interested in game development
spacerpunk spacerpunk
Senior Creative Technologist @ Media Monks // Sound Artist @ spacerpunk

spacerpunk Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jordan Cleigh jcleigh

@FMGSuite Des Moines, Iowa, USA

soi soi-20

Delhi, India

Jakub mediashock
Alien Windsor Ontario

Nathan Young nathanhwyoung
code lizard, computer goblin
I write code for potatoes using a potato.
WangFei maxxiewang

iSoftStone Tianjin, China

Gannon Hall gannonh
product / dev; generative AI; ex-google

San Francisco

Nick R nickjrotundo
I like to make things and look at stars.

Dallas, TX

justin higgins

Los Angeles, CA

Kyle Outlaw koutlaw
Product Design | User Experience Strategy

Razorfish New York

Artem Shar artemshar
Full-Stack / Front-End Developer
Robin Lamberti cr0ssing

Frachtwerk GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany