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Alfred Martinez Alfred-Martinez
Software engineer with over 10 years of overall experience in Web, Desktop, Enterprise, Cloud application development.

The Tech Clan Los angeles , CA

Stefan Helmert TheTesla
My new project:


Alberto Barradas abcsds
PhD candidate at the TUGraz, Austria.

Graz, AT

AB BieberleA

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Dresden

Sergei Bastrakov sbastrakov
Tech Lead AI for a GPU cloud. Formerly computational scientist in Exascale plasma simulation

@Northern-Data-AG, previously HZDR Germany

Stephan Kuschel skuschel
Physicist, researcher.

TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany

Richard Pausch PrometheusPi
Post-Doc in theoretical plasma physics

HZDR @ComputationalRadiationPhysics Dresden, Germany