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Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Eddie Shen eddie0509tw

University of Pennsylvania Philedelphia, PA

Jonathan Cachat, PhD cachatj
Data Scientist & GCP Data Engineer | Python | SQL | MLops

CCV Research Ohio

Goran Ivanković rangoiv

University of Zagreb - Faculty of science Zagreb

Ishan Mukherjee ishanjmukherjee
Northwestern CS '26

Chicago, IL

Anil Keshwani anilkeshwani
Working on multimodal LLMs in André Martins' group at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon

Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa Lisbon | London | Rome

Gilber A. Corrales MysticDeepAI
👨‍🔬 Machine Learning Researcher 📚 Interests: Interpretability, Causality 🎓 Background: Biomedical Engineer, AI Specialist, PhD Student

Cali, Colombia

Abdur Raheem Ali abdurraheemali
counterfactual oracle predicting subspaces of the residual stream

Independent (formerly Microsoft) London, UK