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Jessica jessbennett
Looking for my Nintendo GameCube!


Brooke Moss EarlJr53
B.S. Engineering: Robotics for Sustainability @olincollege || Pronouns: She/They

@OlinCollege Needham, MA

Will Fedder fedderw
Will Fedder is a data analyst and policy researcher whose interests lie in transportation, healthcare, and the social safety net.

Baltimore, MD

Nikolay Dyulgerov NicolayD
Elixir and Ruby on Rails developer. Dabbling into Python as well.

Hone Ltd. Sofia, Bulgaria

Garrett Sylvia grsylvia
Student at Boston University studying Mechanical Engineering. I love transit, cities, old Sony products, and anything animation related!

Boston, MA

Dennis Dang dangdennis
Computers both exceed expectations yet suck.

Manhattan, New York

Austin Chambers Austinchambers1
Interested in transportation and games


João Pereira joaodcp
Software and other stuff.
Kathy Lim kathylim
Policy Analyst, OPMI
Dario Lopes darioblopes
Computer Science student with a focus on development in Java, python, and web technologies. Also delving deeply into mathematics and cybersecurity.

Boston, MA, USA

Vansh Gupta g-vansh

Cornell University Cambridge, MA

Elizabeth Chen elizabeth-c-chen
data scientist @springandbond

Spring & Bond Boston, MA

Matt Almeida northeastprince
Rails enthusiast helping out @hackclub.


Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Samuel samlowe106
Pursuing an M.S. in Applied Mathematics at Northeastern University | Projects span webscraping, graphics, game engines, machine learning, applied math, etc.


Lucas H. McCabe lucasmccabe

@lmiconsulting Boston, MA

Jerry Ling Moelf
HEP-ex PhD student @ Harvard LPPC; @JuliaHEP

Cambridge, MA

Nick Cao NickCao

Red Hat Boston, MA

Steven Díaz Gómez estibent10
Análisis y Diseño de Sistemas.

Cetrux San José, Costa Rica

Matt Lambie mlambie
I like Brazilian jiu jitsu, coffee, Lego, comics, Xbox, endurance motorsport and cycling. Dad, husband, BJJ black belt, CTO.

@tomahawklabs Perth

Code Shoily code-shoily
python • elixir • dart

Toronto, ON

Franklin Rakotomalala aifrak
Senior Software Engineer, Mentor on the Elixir track of @exercism.

CLARK Frankfurt, Germany

Ben Damman typesend

@aliensfromthefuture Missoula, Montana

Amos Kibet amos-kibet
Full-stack software developer specialised in Elixir, Ash & Phoenix frameworks, Phoenix LiveView, Absinthe GraphQL and a little bit of JavaScript.

Nairobi, Kenya

Sander Hackey sanderhacks

Data Analyst @BPS-Transportation Boston, MA

Melody mixolydianmel
Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought. — Yip Harburg
Kento Nishi KentoNishi
Undergrad AI researcher and web developer at Harvard.

Harvard University Cambridge, MA / San Jose, CA

Martin Hassman met
Founder of and, work at

OICT Prague, Czech Republic

Davin Martin red4dj
LSRHS '21 | Boston University '26


ellis richardwesthaver
code mirror for

The Compiler Company New London