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Winston Lian lamwimham
Student Like Coding Show me the Code Dont't Talk
Fanglin fanglinchen
Ph.D. student @cmuhcii

Carnegie Mellon University United States

Kiet Kitenite
Building @onlook-dev

Onlook Cincinnati

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Publiminal publiminal
Full Stack Web Developer


DistributedApps.AI kenhuangus
ChatGPT and Web3 DistributedApps.AI


Lucas Gu lucasygu

Massless Inc. Toronto

Nikita Lozhnikov lozhn

@SemRush Amsterdam

voodoohop voodoohop

Voodoohop Berlin

Fred Oliveira fredoliveira
VP of Engineering at Capital Factory. Previously @unionvc, @gumroad, @wbs, @techcrunch.
Bhargava Chowdary Mutyala renderkid
UX Architect in the day. Design Engineer at night!

Mindtickle Pune, India

LordCasser LordCasser
Security researcher, trying to get better at Hardware and Wireless.
Tseka Luk TsekaLuk
@jou Information and Computing Science undergraduate in Reading, pursuing a dual-degree in Computer Science and Technology.

Jiangsu Ocean University

Linus A. Hovmöller Zou linushz
I dream of robots


Chris F Carroll chrisfcarroll

Warrington Software Ltd Warrington, UK

ogbozoyan ogbozoyan
Backend developer

Raiffeisen Bank

Mike DuPont jmikedupont2
Senior Full stack developer focused on p2p ml ai devops

@meta-introspector New Jersey

龙正hulz VXenomac
Master student @ Tsinghua University

@xyzlab Tsinghua University

Yujian Wang WANGyujian123

Xiangya Hospital Changsha

Ilko Kacharov kachar
CTO @ Team-GPT

@team-gpt, @camplight SF

Max trheyi Anywhere

palashchatterjee398 palashchatterjee398
Saport fainaaciel Service


GITSRC gitsrc
CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @wasmate @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs Decentralized

Tokenzin tokenizin
KENIZIN is a leading digital transformation partner, specializing in helping businesses navigate the complexities of modern technology.

Tokenizin Technology Agency Bali, Indonesia

Girish Ravi thebirdgr

ST Engineering Singapore

ohtani.takuma@HTNCode HTNCode
フリーランスWebエンジニアHTNCodeです。 お仕事のご相談・ご依頼はHPまたはDMから承ります。

HTNCode(フリーランスWebエンジニア) Osaka, Japan

Tommy Tracx ttracx
Lead AI Scientist & Developer at Gain Energy | Expert in Custom LLMs & AI-Driven Innovations for Oil & Gas

Gain.Energy Memphis, TN

fakepixels fakepixels
student of the unusual