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Safariminer Safariminer
Hey! Welcome to my Github page! Developer for Nothingness Land and FairlyOutdated Games

FairlyOutdated Games Quebec, Canada

jamie young jamsyoung
coding since the 70's ☮️✌️(most all activity is private)

Warner Bros. Discovery – Atlanta, Georgia

dumas Doudie21

student France

Andreas InvaderZim85
Hello there...

EMP Germany

Corentin intrepidvaillant
@qweeko Infrastructure

@qweeko France

spooky season

United Kingdom

Ben Silverman benslv

Starling Bank United Kingdom

Resi Respati resir014
web development, gaming, and motorsports, sometimes in that order. professional starter kit creator. 🏳️‍🌈

Pinhome Indonesia

Camille GAUTHIER Lagaffe91
French developer. Interested in emulation and video game tinkering. Student at Isart Digital.
